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Everything posted by leadly

  1. I just wear my fitbit but like has been mentioned before, I wear it face in to help avoid projectile damage.
  2. I do quite like the holster, however it took me a bit of getting used to as the release lever works the opposite way to the DTD one I use for my MK23!
  3. ***Instantly message Kyle and reserves a slide*** 😂😂😂😂 I'll definitely get a 3D printed one as well, because I'll probably get another 4.3!
  4. That's lovely and really isn't helping matter!! Do you reckon that printed slide would cope with an occasional HPA battering? The more I look the more I think a metal.slide might make more sense. Here's a question. I know you almost have a Hi Capa for every day of the week @Steveocee, but is it common for people to build up different slides for different use? LIke a light weight option for skirmishing and a metal slide with all the gubbins for HPA powered CQB?
  5. See, that didn't take long 😂
  6. Names Nicco is worth watching on YouTube. He has an army background and seems to have a lot of experience in CQB. I like the guy but I'm sure someone will be along soon enough to bash him. He's obviously not the only person on YouTube you could watch but from watching his videos I've learnt about pieing corners and swapping from high to low when engaging them baddies. Probably simple stuff but it feels more 2nd nature now I'm actively trying to do it more! I think camp Sparta run training days but I haven't got a clue what that entails and as has been said already, not much point if your rolling solo!
  7. So the damage, crudely hidden under some gorilla tape for now. I was just chucking a few rounds down the garden when ping, I hear something hit the floor. Look down to see my front sight on the deck and a chunk of my slide missing. This probably has something to do with me not know a great deal about hi capa building but and throwing a Waldo recoil spring in. 130% and a plastic slide probably wasn't going to last very long! I've since taken the Waldo spring out and put the stock TM one back in with a few soft short stroke rubbers. I've left the waldo nozzle spring in at the moment. This is 150% I believe. Future plans? I've been waiting very patiently for the Makeit3D printed slide to come out. I know @Steveocee was fortunate enough to test these out! So there will be no bring colours. All black, as close to original looking as possible for that sleeper build! I know the thread protector kind of spoils that a bit but it was a sacrifice I was willing to make for bright shiney green balls!! Build 1 Makeit3D slide AIP 120% Recoil Spring A few waldo short stroke buffers AIP aluminum recoil spring rod AIP aluminum spring guide plug DP or COW COW C01 blowback housing Waldo loading nozzle (150%) Build 2 Guarder Aluminum OPS slide (Essentially a metal copy of the original plastic one) Waldo 130% Recoil Spring A few waldo short stroke buffers AIP aluminum recoil spring rod AIP aluminum spring guide plug Guarder light weight nozzle housing (Apparently the best fit for the slide) Waldo loading nozzle (150%) The above aren't set in stone and any advice is greatly welcomed and appreciated. The pistol comes out as a secondary to my MTW at places like Anzio and Gaol at the moment, but has and will be used as a HPA powered primary at CQB sites like Hells and probably at Gaol when I next go in December. When used on HPA I tried to limit the FPS to 300fps on 0.2's. Also plan to fit my HPA adapter with a Nine ball gas router and was considering a high flow valve as well to help up the FPS but hopefully lower the required PSI........or will I need more PSI to supply the extra air being used? Hopefully it all makes sense. Looking to order a few bits from Rainbow8, I've seen a few bits in the UK here and there but not much. Any thoughts on which build would be better suited to occasional HPA use? Thank you, good night, much love!
  8. Yeah........I fully intended on using my AAP SMG at the Gaol, but my love affair with my MTW continues!!
  9. So a little run down of whats inside and out: Nine ball 6.00 112.5mm / 5" Inner barrel Maple Leaf 50 bucking Standard Tokyo Marui Hop unit Airsoft Masterpiece Hop Wheel Airsoft Masterpiece Hop Arm Maple Leaf I key Removed due to over hopping 0.25's with no hop applied. Will probably try again now the bucking has worn in. Makeit3D Tornado fixed threaded outer barrel Cow Cow thread adapter / protector So the above list was purchased with a two things in mind. Firstly to allow the use of a tracer, hence the threaded outer barrel and secondly to up the FPS slightly. The reason behind wanting an FPS boost was to lower the required PSI to achieve 300fps with my HPA MP5 mag adapter from Primary Airsoft. The additional hop parts were purely because they were cheap and I was taking it to bits anyway. Unfortunately, after some heavy use at Hells CQB site, the stock loading nozzle broke. I think this was partly down to me not making sure i cleared the gun correctly before removing and inserting mags. So a drive out in my classic mini to see Kyle at Hi Capa Hub, I resisted the urge to steal his lovely sausage dog and came home with a CL Project Designs reinforced loading nozzle. I assume they're good because @Steveocee was jealous I had one! This is where I probably should have stopped, but I didn't..... I'll leave it here for now as I need to get some pictures for the next twist, or should I say break! 😭
  10. Hello everyone. I thought I'd chuck together a build thread for my 4.3. Partly in the hope that it'll help someone else but mostly to make @Steveocee's life easier and stop me from pestering him with questions on Instagram! 😂 "It's been fiddled with" would mostly describe the current state of my 4.3. Absolutely stock from the box it was perfect and lovely! Just look at it! However, a CQB site, very local to me opened up and the need for a tracer took over. So to do this I had to get hold of a threaded outer barrel, which offered me the option (I took it) to chuck in a slightly longer 5.1 barrel, new hop rubber, hop wheel, hop arm and I key. To cut a long story short the loading nozzle snapped after not a very long time stock so an upgraded nozzle was sourced. Also ended up with a Waldo return spring, short stroke buffers and nozzle spring. I'll leave it here for now, but it's a start and I've got the tea to cook. Later I will add what issues I've had, how brilliant it is, oh and how it's a bit broken at the moment 😂 A few bits planned to make it less broke and more bettererer! Thanks for reading as always!!
  11. Welcome to the forum and the sport! I'm in Derby, plenty of sites 40 ish minutes away. Anzio like you've found Matlock Combat Games Wolfgang Division 22 Skirmish Notts and Leicester Phoenix Hell's (CQB) Leicester Gaol Probably a few I've missed! I'm assuming you've booked your second game at Anzio?
  12. Today's job was to install my Airtac TDC. Fairly simple to do, kit is nicely made and even supplied a drill bit. Ran out of time to test it as I had the school run to do but I'll do some testing and some photos tonight!
  13. The 300 bar dive tank is the correct tank to fill your "gun tank" with. I've currently got a 3litre one but will be upgrading to a 7litre tomorrow as too many of my mates run HPA now and I run 3, but could use upto 5 of mine with HPA now.
  14. Is this skirmishable out of the box or are power down shells required? I ask because bit looks fantastic and I think I need it!!
  15. I really enjoy ditching my primary and whipping a pistol out. Like mentioned already, it's site dependant. I've seen a few guys at Anzio and Leicester Gaol dominate with a Hi Capa. I'm thinking of extending my pistol collection. I very nearly bought the 4" Dan wesson revolver (prefer the 2.5" but couldn't find one in the right colour) but bottled it last minute for fear of never using it and the fact I need a new slide for my 4.3 Hi Capa!
  16. I can't see their being any issues dude. I run a mix of both and haven't found their to be any negatives apart from the added weight if the mag itself. When I use my AAP pistol as my back up sniper "oh shit" gun, I'll just take out 1 extended mag with me for convenience. Just remember to keep the gas topped up!
  17. Hello, I'd try using it standard before you start changing anything mate!
  18. Just had a measure and my red dot comes with a 1" riser as standard so fingers crossed I can get away with it! Update: Had a play last night and 1" riser that came with the red dot feels about right. The cheek rest does push on the Dye mask a little but I'm not having to exert excessive force to aim down the site. Obviously I cleared every room downstairs last night, multiple tests were carried out just to make sure!
  19. Coincidentally, I've got a game coming up at Leicester Gaol that's going to require me to ditch my short dot sight and and pop a red dot onto my MTW. As I'll not be running my usual bush man outfit with @heroshark goggles i'll be using my Dye mask, so I'm hoping my Amazon red dot sits high enough! I might have a play tonight while I'm waiting for the takeaway man to turn up!
  20. Just ordered a TDC kit from Airtac. Hopefully that will arrive and I can get it fitted before I goto Leicester Gaol later this month. As we all know the hop is a ball bag to adjust with a stock and rail attached!
  21. I've messed about with Adobe Premier Pro for a few hours a few months ago, I reckon, with the free time I get, it'll take a few months to put anything together! Do you run yours off a power bank or just change battery? Cheers
  22. Oooooh is that the Run cam scope cam 2? You happy with it? I've been debating getting one for months and months now!
  23. I've done some more buying recently! I bought the AA handguard from @Lexypic and a nice shiney under grip from Amazon. Oh and a printed scope protector from Stay Fresh Shoe / Project Airsoft. So I now have this: My mate has printed me a charging handle but it's in a white / marble effect. So I'll fit that to get me by until I can get a red one.... Which leads me onto my next topic! AirsoftEire do actually have the red charging handle AND the AA 200mm barrel that I want to fit in it. The postage and import fees are about £20. I'm tempted to deploy the rule of "F#@k it" and just order from them. I wanted to run the 200mm so I can reduce the PSI that I use on my HPA tapped drum mag. But, does anyone think it might up the FPS too much and make it unusable with a green gas filled mag? It's whopping out 310FPS on 0.2's at the moment. Hop is set for 0.25's to just about make it across the longest part of my local CQB site, which is 40m maybe?
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