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Everything posted by leadly

  1. @Steveocee I ran it as an AEG as Phoenix don't knock down HPA users and AEG's can run at 370! Gives me a nice advantage over most AEG's as you'd expect them to be sub 350 as per everywhere else. Now DMR's are 450fps at Phoenix. My mate ran his MTW as a DMR and had a blast! I'm tempted to try DMR next time I'm there. However being a bushman, I got a good 20+ kills within 20m. I went invisible and hit a 10 kill streak. Had the other team moaning at eachother thinking they were getting team killed!! 🤣🤣
  2. I can only assume that when used with just the pistol the drum mag could be a bit cumbersome but on my AAP SMG it's weighted just right!!
  3. Brilliant! Reloading is soooooo overrated!!
  4. I'm a fan of Hells but yes, the dust seems to be getting a worse as time goes by. There is a largish woodland area on the site as well. The woods are currently being used to breed pheasants, but the breeders lease runs out in October and he's not renewing. So once he's gone, their going to start developing that Into an airsoft site as well!!
  5. Fantastic day at Phoenix yesterday. I ran my VSR for a few games but with towering 10ft ferns everywhere, it wasn't that fun. Switched to my MTW and engaged hedge trimmer mode! My bloody flash drum mag full of 0.32's shat itself later in the day but fortunately I had 3 mags full of 0.36's to test with me in my rig. Oh my, just that little bit more range was so helpful and the consistency was spot on using the heavier BB. Will definitely be buying some more!!
  6. It's because people like the customisability and versatility of it. The amount of time and effort people put into making and sharing their own designs and products, most of the time for free is quite staggering! Plus it's a cheap £80-90 pistol that can quite easily (using readily available AA parts) be turned into essentially a DMR with full Auto capabilities. I know most people own more than one of them (me included) but you could use just the one pistol as a DMR in the morning, rebuild it into an SMG after lunch and then use it at a pistol by just whipping off (or just folding) the stock and use it as a secondary. I do understand your point totally, but why do we do any of it? Why do we mooch about in the woods or abandoned buildings shooting eachother? Because we can and because it's fun!
  7. I've read that the hop unit is quite clunky in adjustment. They bought out a O ring to fit on it so make the adjustment a little more finer. I'm sure my mates got one and he said you still have split the upper to adjust it. (Although I just lock the slide and use a small screwdriver on the original hop). Adjusting the CNC will be more difficult with the stock fitted as you'd need to remove it to take the upper off. Not first hand experience or advice so may not be 100% accurate.
  8. I used the replacement AA one that Airsoftworld stock. In sure I put a screenshot of it in an earlier post!
  9. Just bought a brown KMCS 3.0 from Empire Airsoft. Very impressive service, the suit was with DHL about 15 minutes after purchase! Should be here tomorrow!!
  10. Another thing that I've noticed is the use of tourniquets / bandages for being revived back in the game. For the immersion I guess. Again, like the dead rag, not something I'm overly bothered about using but I suppose the bandage helps signify if your on your last life. (Yes I'm aware people can still just remove it to get another life).
  11. Both looking very smart @Skara I can also vouch for the sturdyness of the folding stock @Shaydee, well worth the money!! I used my AAP SMG for the full night on friday at my local CQB site. The frame on my beloved Hi Capa cracked when i was setting it up the night before so i didnt want to risk further damage. After getting over my sulk from my scope battery dying 😁 I soldiered on and had a great night. I've got a woodland game at Phoenix coming up so the AAP SMG will stay at home. My AAP pistol will get an outing though. Then i've got Leicester Gaol in September, will probably use a mix of MTW and AAP for that.
  12. Dead rags is something that sticks out for me. Seem to be used everywhere but in the UK!!
  13. A Dye I5 mask! Go on judge me, i don't mind!! My revision bullet ANTs fell to bits and after a new CQB site opened up 15 minutes away from me, I needed a new fog free option. Tested it out on Friday night, comfortable to wear and no fogging!!
  14. Good stuff, I put that on my watch list this morning! Will watch it tonight while engaging night shift mode!! Which means I'll fall asleep watching it as I'm CWB'ing at 6pm!
  15. 😂😂 The first two points will surely contradict each other. Joule creep IS the reason why you shouldn't chrono on 0.2's. They never offered or told me to fill my mags with 0.2's when I chrono'd the first time or when I was spot chrono'd on that same day.
  16. Very true. I know I've not played at a lot of sites but I have only ever had my reg cable tied once.
  17. I've only been to Anzio twice but won't be going back for a while. Jamie who runs the place, acts like a power mad war lord. To paraphrase him "It's upto you to make sure your gun is site legal before you turn up, chrono at the start of the day isn't mandatory but we'll do random checks throughout the day and if caught running hot, your out of here" So in theory I could rock up with my MTW, turn the reg right up, cause some damage to some poor soul and unless I get grassed up or random checked, not get caught. The first time I went, I got asked for 1 random chrono but wasn't asked what weight I was using, just fired into it and the lad just wondered off. My 2nd visit I didn't chrono at all. Set my reg the night before and took my chrono with me. Tested it in the game area before the brief. The mission briefing is the worst. He briefs the first and second game objective together after the quite lengthy safety brief and then picks on a random person to see if they were paying attention. You can see him get a chub on if someone gets it wrong!! Its quite a big site with lots of similar looking buildings so knowing that I've got to get a bomb from "D3 to the pub" on my first time there isn't really going to sink in. Plus then you've got to remember the mission after as well. I did ask a marshall what was happening now and they clearly didn't know, just said erm well everyone's going that way so I'd suggest following them!! Ah rant over. Anyway, I'm a KM fan boy so feel free to disregard everything I've just said. As a group we've agreed to go back one more time and just play one long day of room clearing. I'll ditch my KMCS suit and equip my Dye mask! Ensuring the dirty looks stay consistent from my previous visits 😂😂
  18. I can highly recommend the Waldon short stroke kit and the nozzle return spring! I kept the stock barrel but upgraded the rubber on my AAP SMG to a Decepticon 50. Stuck an Autobot 50 in my woodland one. Atleast i think it was a 50.....
  19. leadly


    HPA the bad boy then you can tune the FPS to suit your liking!! I've tapped my drum mag for that exact reason!!
  20. Well I my love affair with my Hi Capa was short lived!! Played Friday night with my AAP SMG and wow, loved it! The new trigger has made follow up shots a lot quicker, especially with the uprated springs and short stroking. Ran it with my HPA tapped drum mag. I did use my Hi Capa after a few games, until they turned all the lights out for a "night game" and the AAP SMG had to come out as I'd slapped a torch on it!
  21. It's the way forward! When I got my HPA kit my mates were like "neah, never going to HPA my stuff, the lines too obstructive" fast forward a few months and it's "oh what kit did you buy?" 🤣 Main reason being my mates SMC runs stupid hot and he can never use it. Managed to bag some white gas and decent weather to use it once at Anzio and that's it. Unfortunately though, all the regulators are out of stock and most of the tanks.
  22. Tonight's job, should I get chance, is to HPA tap my drum mag and get that set up for around 300fps. Already managed to get my tracer to fit inside my KAC QD supressor so I'll be good to go. Plans are first few games with the AAP SMG then finish the day with the Hi Capa.
  23. ITS ALIVE, ITS ALIVE, ITS ALIVE!!!!! Turns out it wasn't firing at all, the hammer spring leg had slipped out of place and one of the others wasn't located correctly. All a learning curve that I quite enjoyed, but don't wish to have to repeat anytime soon! https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ4ad5FjD-F/?utm_medium=copy_link Here's a quick video of if firing and a rough set up of the trigger tension I've set. Loctite pending. Also chucked in some Waldo Customs bits. Snappy boy recoil spring and buffers (still get lock back) Lil snap nozzle spring Then some lovingly applied Waldo gun lube! Will test it out on the 9th at Hells CQB!
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