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  1. Haha
    John_W reacted to SSPKali in guinness world record longest airsoft shot   
    As someone who tried to get them to come and certify a world record I can confirm this is not the case, they generally tell you that yours is too silly (really?! Have you seen some of the stuff they certify?) and then threaten legal action if you call it a "world record" with out them verifying it (even if you never mention the G word) 
    Last email to them was pretty much summed up as "Go away in small, jerky movements'
  2. Haha
    John_W reacted to EvilMonkee in Scammers or Spammers ? Maybe Both 🤔   
    Get it right, your PC wasnt 'hacked' you clicked on something you shouldn't have.  😜
  3. Haha
    John_W got a reaction from Skullchewer in guinness world record longest airsoft shot   
    I hear Kicking Mustang beat the record. Guiness disputes it but his scope cam clearly shows the hit.
  4. Haha
    John_W got a reaction from Tommikka in guinness world record longest airsoft shot   
    I hear Kicking Mustang beat the record. Guiness disputes it but his scope cam clearly shows the hit.
  5. Haha
    John_W got a reaction from SSPKali in guinness world record longest airsoft shot   
    I hear Kicking Mustang beat the record. Guiness disputes it but his scope cam clearly shows the hit.
  6. Haha
    John_W reacted to Jacob Wright in GHK Glock 17 confirmed   
    You mean expensive guns don’t make me good at Airsoft ☹️
  7. Haha
    John_W reacted to Albiscuit in guinness world record longest airsoft shot   
    Is that all? People are always talking about shooting further than that and the opposition not taking the hit in the safe zone..... oh wait!...
  8. Haha
    John_W reacted to Rogerborg in Most disappointing RIF purchase   
    CYMA CM.123 AEP.
    I mean... it works, as advertised.  BBs come out at a very consistent 0.37J or so, but it's thiccer than a Brazilian bum implant convention, more front heavy than the Boob Job Con next door, and the trigger feels about as rubbery as the off-cuts left in the shared dumpsters afterwards.
    I was going somewhere with this, but I got kind of lost in the analogy.
  9. Haha
    John_W reacted to Cannonfodder in Memes to chill the f#ck out   
    Things started to turn a bit dark for Pooh Bear when Disney hired the writers of Breaking Bad
  10. Haha
    John_W reacted to Johnyboy1976 in Tell Us a Gag. Please!   
  11. Haha
    John_W reacted to Shamal in Tell Us a Gag. Please!   
    My wife said to me last night that she had a bag of used clothes to give to the charity shop and can I take them up there for her.
    I said just throw them in bin it's easier.
    She said there were thousands of poor starving people in the world that would benefit from having them.
    Stupidly I said that anyone who can get into your clothes certainly ain't starving!!
    And that's why I can't make this Sundays game and why I'll possibly be walking with a limp! 🤕
  12. Haha
    John_W reacted to Johnyboy1976 in Memes to chill the f#ck out   
  13. Haha
    John_W reacted to Cannonfodder in Tell Us a Gag. Please!   
    Apparently this goes against faceache community standards 
  14. Haha
    John_W reacted to Tactical Pith Helmet in Tell Us a Gag. Please!   
    Apparently, North Korea now has a missile that can hit New York. Frightening stuff.  
    If it can make it there, it can make it anywhere.
  15. Like
    John_W reacted to Cannonfodder in Possible answer to the Afghan army question .   
    Better trigger discipline than most airsofters 
  16. Like
    John_W reacted to Cannonfodder in Helmet Cam For Personal Use, Does It Make Me A Nobber?   
    I thought one of the unwritten rules of parenting is that you must embarrass your kids at every opportunity possible
  17. Haha
    John_W reacted to Brophy in Helmet Cam For Personal Use, Does It Make Me A Nobber?   
    I tried a cam once, but on a shoulder mount, it was crap, however it did manage to capture me doing quite an loud and aggressive fart to which a nearby team member turned around and was like "WTF was that?!"
    I'm in the same boat, I don't plan on uploading it anywhere or starting a youtube channel, just to capture some memories, so will probably try a head mount next time, I just don't fancy wearing a helmet 😂
  18. Like
    John_W reacted to Stratton Oakmont in Helmet Cam For Personal Use, Does It Make Me A Nobber?   
    What’s the point? 
    In most cases the footage will be 1+ hour of your life you’ll never get back watching it.
    name a decent YouTube channel and you will see an iceberg of ten minutes footage that has had hours of crappy footage edited out plus hours of time making a story out of it. Unless you really want to waste your life learning a niche skill that provides zero income for the time limit/money you put into it then why bother.
    aside from a very few (yes and I include kicking mustang as love or hate the videos are well scripted/edited whatever) all the rest are not worth wasting your life viewing.
    if you were 15 at least you would have your parents patting you on the back for your new skill. 
    I liken it to filming a concert, you are missing the moment poorly filming something others are experiencing  to obtain footage that no one will ever want to watch.
    Or maybe you are the next Stanley Kubrick and I await your first YouTube masterpiece.
    Cynical comments aside, you won’t be considered a nob for having cameras on your toy gats in answer to your question.
  19. Like
    John_W reacted to Rogerborg in Helmet Cam For Personal Use, Does It Make Me A Nobber?   
    That, really. There are enough cameras out there that it won't attract much attention now.
    I filmed a few games, but the thrill of scraping through hours of footage to find the few seconds of actual interest quickly wore thin.  The other cardinal sin is posting "OMG CHEETAR!" videos, unless you've already provided the footage to the site and given them time to respond.
    Oh, and you will need a lens protector.  BBs always seek out an unprotected lens, no matter how small it is.
  20. Haha
    John_W reacted to Cannonfodder in Helmet Cam For Personal Use, Does It Make Me A Nobber?   
    For personal use no. What would make you a nob would be acting like you think you're the next Stanley Kubrick and starting a shitty youtube channel, then spamming social media begging for likes and subscribers 
  21. Like
    John_W reacted to LzChase in Umarex SW29 Cerakoted   
    Thought I'd give it a try. The gun is cerakoted in Midnight Blue with some details in Tungsten, then clear coated with cerakote high gloss clear. It's been used as a movie prop so it has some wear on it. Cerakoting by iKote Sweden

  22. Haha
    John_W reacted to Cannonfodder in Something smells and it’s not my socks !   
    Pretty much my thoughts too. 
    "only used for testing in the garden, honest" 
  23. Haha
    John_W reacted to Druid799 in “Exfog antifog system” anyone tried it?   
    At that price I’d expect an asylum seeker trotting along next to me gently mopping my brow with a damp cloth ! 
     Freely admit I sweat like a pig in a synagogue and I wear inserts in my glasses as well , so after yrs of trying all and sundry ways to solve the conundrum that is fogging I’ve settled on revision anti fog wipes , and in between each game give my glasses a ‘top up’ wipe . 
    Yes I do still get a bit of fogging if I go static mid exertion BUT it’s never loosing vision bad AND as soon as I start moving again it clears immediately .
  24. Haha
    John_W reacted to Druid799 in Tm Mp5 NGRS on Horizon?   
    Talk about half full half empty , I bet if you won the lottery you’d complain if it wasn’t a rollover ! 😳🤣🤣🤣🤣

  25. Like
    John_W reacted to Daza in Tm Mp5 NGRS on Horizon?   
    just delivered ordered yesterday  
    airsoft direct    first time i orderd from them they had 2 listed  without preorder

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