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Everything posted by Airsoft-Ed

  1. AK's up for sale in the classifieds =[

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Monty
    3. Airsoft-Ed


      I'm hoping so Marcus haha.

      I just need the money and I don't feel particularly attached to it, usually my love for a gun comes from it being a total pig and me having to tame it with upgrades and mods, but the AK has always just been a goody two shoes, it's never needed me to do anything, it's never been a pain in the arse, it's just worked perfectly right out of the box, and that's boring lol.

    4. JamesAirsofterAgent
  2. Was expecting some sort of goofy selfie wearing a totally decked out FAST helmet or Gucci eye-pro or something lol Instead I am pleasantly surprised.
  3. Yup, kinda have to agree with Esoterick on that one.
  4. It's rare anyone is above 350 because all the other sites around the area have a lower limit. I think it's 350 with a max variance of 5%, which is 17.5, so they just call it 18, hence 368. I've never really noticed much of a difference playing there compared to anywhere else tbh.
  5. That's not standardised, my local site operators run a woodland site and a CQB site with the same fps limits; 368fps for full auto and sidearms, 500fps for both DMRs and bolt actions. Everywhere else I've played has been 350 for CQB, never actually encountered a 1j limit anywhere before. I've also heard from some people that there are sites that allow bolt actions up to 550fps. But the basic point I was making is that fps restrictions aren't standardised.
  6. Welcome to the forums Nice introductory post, helps get the cogs turning right off the bat and there are no stupid questions, I like you already haha. First and foremost, UKARA is just for buying guns from retailers, it isn't a legal requirement, there's nothing written in law about it, and when carrying out private sales it isn't required (though some people will still ask for it). There are countless - Literally, I'd rather shoot myself than try and count them - topics in the law section that will include everything you'd ever want to know about the legal side of things. I imagine your Classic Army rifle is more or less the same internally as their newer iterations, there haven't been a lot of hugely technological advances in terms of bog standard version 2 gearbox tech, the gun ought to be perfectly fine running 7.4v LiPos, just steer clear of 11.1s unless you've inspected the internals and made sure they can take it. MOSFETs are generally advised for the sake of the trigger contacts when using 11.1s too. If your gun works though, there's no reason not to field it. When looking for a shiny new pewpew it helps us narrow it down if you give us a budget and some search parameters, style of gun, intended use (CQB/woodland/etc). G&G are generally the go-to manufacturer, if G&G make something that suits your requirements, it will likely be the most cost effective option with regard to cost for performance in relation to the other options on the market. G&G are epic. As for finding sites, have a look on Google for the Airbana airsoft map, Facebook can be a good resource too, or you could ask the players at the two sites you mentioned, they're bound to play in numerous other sites around the same area. There'll probably be someone on here who lives in your area who will know about other local sites too. I think I've covered everything... If you need any help navigating the forums then drop one of the mods a PM, we're all listed here: Meet the mods.
  7. Yeah, they're the last two surviving examples in the world.
  8. Couldn't agree more about Destiny, just looks like Halo 50, or whatever the hell number it's got to now... The Division and the new Rainbow Six are hot topics though, keeping an eye on them like a hawk. Slightly worried that The Division might be a massive flop like that more recent release... The hacker thing, can never remember what it's called... Think the main guy's called Aiden... Everyone thought that was going to be awesome as well, and for some reason I thought they were both on similar plains of gaming. The gameplay reveal for RB6 looked a little too... I hesitate to say shit, and I know they purposefully turn god mode on to avoid dying for the sake of showing off the features... But it just didn't look like a human was playing it. Looked pretty though, and there were a lot of cool features, I just hope it all gets ironed flat and stream lined a bit, as it looked a bit disappointing from the footage.
  9. Why was this posted in this section? Lol I saw them fly over when I was at the NAE.
  10. You can try to diversify and approach the industry from multiple angles, I'm slowly but surely growing my YouTube channel to the point where it's profitable. I'm no where near there yet, but I'm fairly convinced that it will at least start to pay for itself sooner or later and the bigger the channel gets, the faster it picks up. Come 50k subs it ought to be fairly easy money, and that will come with its own rewards and opportunities. Getting noticed by shops, advertising deals, free kit to review etc etc. You can also charge people for tech services, and it's not impossible to make money by buying damaged guns, fixing them up and selling them on for a profit, you just need to get good at picking the right items to go for. There's a market for custom guns built to order as well, if you've got the skills to make guns that don't exist in airsoft out of guns that do... *Rubs fingers together* I know I'd pay a lot for a GBB SVU-AS
  11. Lol seriously? I thought the whole point of those blue framed pistols was for them to be sold as IFs.
  12. Generally you need about 4 BBs inside the hop tube for the top one to reach the hop chamber in order to be fed into the gun. Those 4 BBs are just free floating, and you lose them once you remove the magazine. When the mag is in, the mag spring acts on them, unless the mag and hop unit's feed tube are out of alignment. It's the air nozzle moving back and forth via the gears acting on the tappet plate that physically pushes the BBs forward into the hop unit. So feed issues are either your mags, the position of your mags, the position of your gearbox and hop unit's feed tube, or the nozzle/tappet plate/sector gear - all 3 of which work together to move the nozzle back and forth. Or indeed, a combination of those things.
  13. Out of those options, I think the TM MP7 would be the best introduction to gas primaries, 'cos it's more akin to a pistol than a rifle and it's very, very gas efficient and reliable, never heard of one needing new parts. Just don't drop the mags... Though by the same token, I feel that part of what it means to own a gas rifle, is being forced to learn exactly how it works, knowing it inside out, and having the confidence and the knowledge to fix it yourself, and gain satisfaction from doing so, and I think WE offer that the best. Incredibly good performance, but some parts in certain areas are lacking, so you need to keep tabs on them, mod them a bit DIY style and sort of nurse them along, with a steady supply of spare bits and bobs - to me, that's what it means to own a gas rifle. They're so simplistic that once an issue is diagnosed, that's the hard part done with, and I love that.
  14. Due to my unparalleled skint-itude at the moment, I'm thinking of setting myself up as a tech. First 3 jobs will be free to help me build a reputation, so if you need anything doing, send me a PM and we'll see if I can sort anything out for you. No wiring related issues however, currently without a soldering iron.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jay83


      Sounds good i need a tech to recommend to people, where are ya based?

    3. Airsoft-Ed


      I'm in Doncaster, and the work will all be filmed for my Tech Tuesdays video series (Y)

    4. b1n0gHo5t


      Haha well thats cool could do with a Mech tech and well gun needs some loving

  15. Linking a light to your trigger is probably the worst idea ever. What if you want to shoot someone without alerting the whole world to where you are?
  16. You can use circa 100 shots per game day? How the f...? I can make a bag of 2000 shots last me 3 game days, but half that lasting 3 times as long, how?
  17. I think it looks totally shite, not gonna lie. The prospect of people buying a PS4 exclusively for it is beyond ridiculous.
  18. I find some sort of dot sight is always nice to have, much easier and faster to sight in than iron sights and you can still see them in the dark. Similarly a torch of some description can always be handy, even in the day I've used mine to blind snipers before, and they can help you track your shots when you can't otherwise see them. Are they needed to play the game? No, definitely not, but they make it easier in select situations and if you ever get the opportunity to play a night game, then you'll already have your gun suited up for it.
  19. Yup, £7.20 a bottle from Go Outdoors once you pay a fiver for the discount card. I don't know how it lasts so much longer either, but I just get a shit load more out of it. I think it's because as you fill mags up there comes a point where the gas pressure in the bottle is no longer high enough to fill up a rifle mag. The bigger bottles take a longer to reach this point because they hold a higher gas volume. So the bigger the bottle, the better, because you can fill from it for longer. With the airsoft green gas cans it takes no time at all before there's not enough pressure in the bottle to fully fill a gas mag anymore.
  20. Lots. There were even a few genuine babies in the campsite, how's that for under 16? Lol.
  21. Thinking of selling my AK... Any takers?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. DX115FALCON


      f*ck you too Flex :P

    3. team flex

      team flex

      ^^ mate I like yours but you haven't uploaded in agggeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees

    4. DX115FALCON
  22. I use Colemans in my GBBRs, the 465g bottles last me about 1.3 or so game days. If I buy green gas on site it's about a tenner a bottle and I need about 3 bottles to last me a day. £30 vs £7.20? You really think propane isn't worth it? Propane just seems to go further.
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