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Everything posted by Airsoft-Ed

  1. Just from reading the posts on here I think it sounds pretty cool. A physical and mental challenge, but combined with airsoft! Is there actually a better sounding thing at all? I love playing Battlefield PR and having to throw smoke grenades to cross roads, preparing for every eventuality etc etc. I think it sounds really exciting, at least there you won't get idiotic, cheat calling, 5 year old brats and if you do, you can watch them fail, that's probably about as satisfying as giving them that punch in the face you always wanted to.
  2. +1 Totally agree. Also, I might refer to myself similarly if you don't mind. We'll put it on the census next time around!
  3. Well I'm glad that this thread exists because I just had a good hard lol reading all of it, especially Finius' first post and it's making me feel better about life. Still, what's making me angry is that despite having nearly 200 views, my post in the 'guns for sale' section STILL hasn't had ANY direct replies! Someone buy my damn gun so I can buy an gas L85/AW.338 D:
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