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Everything posted by Airsoft-Ed

  1. Will you be able to just walk about with guns at a cosplay convention in Ireland? I've never been to one, but I'd have thought that kind of stuff would be... Difficult, at best.
  2. If I had one, I'd use propane, as per all my other gas guns.
  3. If you buy the Fusion Engine from France and everything else from the UK, then that'll be the cheapest way to work it. You're looking at about £700 absolute bare minimum though. I have 7 mates with P*s, none of them have spent less than that, even Joe who put it in a Combat Machine as a "fuck you" to all the people who say they're bad lol.
  4. It was actually weirdly refreshing...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. SimonQuigley


      They're not man boobs, its power!

    3. AK47frizzle


      Powerful man boobs!

    4. Airsoft-Ed


      Yeah, mighty man tits.

  5. 2000 people would mean they've made £170,000 from entry fees alone, that's immense. I wonder how much of that they need to actually run the event. They'll probably make that much again at least from everyone who goes as well, buying a new gun, some spare parts, some accessories, ammo/gas, repairs, or even food and drink. Mental money, wish I could host a gigantic annual airsoft event lol.
  6. Been nominated for the ALS ice bucket challenge. Hating Maple Leaf Tactical quite a lot right now lol.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. AK47frizzle


      Well maybe it's different with you but with people i know, they're just being arseholes by nominating everyone to do it, and then doing themselves again. They're just doing to show off and trying to be "hard". Arseholes.


    3. Airsoft-Ed


      I think the circle I've been caught up in are doing it to try and help promote each other as airsoft personalities, so it's kind of kind to nominate someone because it's saying, "Go check out this person".


      But at the same time, I kinda have to throw ice over my head... =/

    4. JamesAirsofterAgent
  7. Been nominated for the ALS ice bucket challenge.

  8. I did say that I'd fix it up before selling it, if you'd actually read what I said...
  9. Thinking of selling my AK to get a GBB M4, then I plan to run both the M4 and the SCAR into the ground, batter them basically, use them right until they can no longer be used. Then fix up the SCAR with my spare parts, and sell it. Then either use the money to upgrade the M4 with steel parts, or sell the M4 as well, with half my mags, and get the GHK. But I'm not sure going all gas is a good idea.
  10. I honestly know nothing about backpacks/rucksacks. I've been wanting one myself for ages, but I've no idea what features to look for or anything. There have got to be people on here who know more about gear than me, my knowledge is exceptionally limited.
  11. I have no issue with buying cheap kit, I think there's a lot of difference between cheap guns, and cheap gear. Cheap guns can definitely be huge, steaming piles of wank. But cheap kit... It just holds your mags... So long as it doesn't unstitch itself by magic, who the hell cares? I have a Viper rig that cost me £35, had it for 4 years and you wouldn't even know it'd been used. Keep it cheap and cheerful where you can if you're not trying to copy a specific look, I doubt playing airsoft is going to be a hardcore enough activity to cause cheaper gear to combust or anything.
  12. Nay, the issue ones only come in MTP. There'll likely be some tan ones made by other companies though, but I don't know much about them. My geardo knowledge extends as far as British issue stuff, and not much beyond lol.
  13. Could stick a bid in for this: ​http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/British-Army-Issued-MTP-Molle-Belt-Battle-Belt-And-Yoke-Worn-With-OSPREY-Large-/121411448263?pt=UK_Collectables_Militaria_LE&hash=item1c44afadc7
  14. That'd do the job fine I'd have thought, looks like it might actually have more molle real estate than the issued one does. That excess strappage looks to be more excess strap for monstrously fat people than a yoke though.
  15. Hmm, there's a chance it could be spelt "yolk" not sure if I'm just having a blond moment. The belts are sold with them fairly often, you shouldn't need to buy one as an additional thing, I got one with mine anyway. GTFO though, eggs are fucking amazing.
  16. It doesn't attach the loops on trousers, it's not really that sort of belt. You can get a yoke though, or a harness, kinda like old style braces to hold it up so it doesn't fall down. Mentioned it in my first post. I can heartily recommend the WE Glock 17
  17. It does fasten in the middle at the front, yeah. But nothing's really behind you, for me is sort of sits on my hips, the only thing behind me is my dump pouch, but that's where I'd always have it anyway. It's pretty handy having everything around your waist, and having to turn for things shouldn't really put you off, just get easily accessible pouches with open tops or simple lids, velcro or pop studs or something. The only real downside for me is that with gas mags being as heavy as they are, it actually gets quite hard to run if I'm carrying all of them at once, and it puts a lot more weight on one side than the other. Oh and, with it being a belt, being shot in CQB stings like a mofo... I generally wear the PC still for CQB lol.
  18. Look on ebay for British Army battle belts. Belt rigs are the way forward imo, I can fit 8 rifle mags, a holster & pistol, 2 pistol mags, a grenade and dump pouch on mine. Or swap all the rifle mags for pistol mags and carry 16 of them... I counted :3 They're generally about £30 + pouches. Might be able to get some with pouches included though. Also, make sure you get one with a yoke, there's no way I'd be able to stop mine falling down without it.
  19. I have mine in a Level 3 Serpa, mounted on a duty loop, which sits on my molle belt. Keeps it around the hip area, but the duty loop drops it down enough to not interfere with my chest rig. I've used the drop leg Serpa platforms before as well, and I was skeptical at first because I fookin' hate fabric drop leg holsters, all the ones I've tried have flapped about like mad and done nothing short of piss me off. But the Serpa drop legs are so solid it's more like it's anchored to your skin with nails, rather than just wrapped around by straps. I just didn't like how it knocked against my boots when getting low to the ground.
  20. My first ever airsoft gun I got when I was about 7, it was a spring copy of some weird Sig design that looked a bit like a Walther PPK or a Makarov. It was so easy to cock that I thought it was broken, and it was so shit that I was never sure it even worked lol. It used to fire less than a foot and BBs could literally come out of the barrel at 90° So I tend to discount it... I got a spring P228 when I was about 13, it was actually pretty good tbh, cost about £30, ejection port opened and everything. I ended up with 4 or 5 spring pistols along the same line, including an M9, a Desert Eagle, a S&W M1911 type thing, and a USP that actually had a slide lock feature lol. Still got the Desert Eagle lol, still works. It's actually not that bad either. Also had a spring Uzi, which I also still have, and I had a spring M16, which was just crap in every sense of the word. The first airsoft gun that I would actually consider an airsoft gun - because when I got all the ones mentioned above, I didn't know what airsoft was, I just bought the guns because they were guns - was a WE M16A3 GBBR, one of the old closed bolt ones. My first ever post on this forum was actually asking about gas rifles, they're why I got into airsoft lol. Found some videos on YouTube, decided I needed one in my life, played airsoft as my means to get one, got one, realised airsoft was awesome in the process, and here I am. Incidentally, I recommend no one ever buying a GBBR as their first gun...
  21. My dream MP5 set up would be this, as a gas one, because fuck yo shitty battery space!
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