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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. wow, that is a new level.... even the scratches match up, it's definitely the gun you sold, externally at least. doesn't even specify what make/model the scope is (or for that matter, if the scope is included) to remotely justify the price increase.... i'm not normally one to post on sales ads when they come up but i'm mighty tempted to link your ad as a PSA.
  2. Sometimes good to have examples of how to do it properly, to contextualise the lunacy ofc
  3. I smells a roobit..... Edit: roobit gone edit edit: to get back to the spirit of the thread: Strange brigade think left4dead done by the mummy franchise and you're not too far off. very arcadey shoot through hoards of the undead kind of deal for 1-4 players co-op. the narration is incredibly cheesy, but to the point it's somewhat amusing and whilst the plot is shallow, short (although not quite cod short) and predictable, the actual gameplay is surprisingly fun. be warned however to be incredibly triggered by the guns, for example what looks like a mosin nagant being a 10-shot semiauto because reasons. my general rule of thumb is "is it worth it at steam sale price?" and the answer is yes.
  4. Really!? I hope your joking because otherwise imma feel cheated.....
  5. Joule creep isnt real, it can't hurt you... Oh wait.....
  6. You could try a different spring, something longer with a bit more compression at rest. Otherwise precocking will effectively prevent the "boioioioing" after firing.
  7. Lots of good tips out there already. The thing i'd say is to assume the worst internally and buy based on externals. Many pews can look and even shoot somewhat decently but have some serious gremlins under the hood that even an honest seller might not know about if they arent the type to work on their own pews. This is especially the case for anything with "upgrades". Dont beleive any claims like "shoots like a laser" etc, not because the seller is necessarily stating a false beleif, but how do you know their definition/expectations of a good shooter matches your own? I'm not saying that every secondhand pew is a wreck, indeed i have bought some fantastic pews from these forums, but if you're prepared for the worst (eg budgeting for a proper tech overhaul, or parts if you like tinkering yourself) then anything better will be a bonus. As has been mentioned above use goods+services when paying, an honest seller shouldnt have any issues with this, if they kick up insisting on freinds+family or bank transfer then walk away, there's always another pew.
  8. Seen a fella do that before, never reloaded just yeeted the gun into a dump pouch and drew another
  9. hmm, might need to get in on that. mans has a spider repeller in literally every room in the house but still i get the big ass bastards (i'm talking 2.5+ inchers ) showing up every now and then. get a cat they said, it'll keep the spiders down they said, aye right, furry fecker knows i hate spiders and keeps them alive just to torture me.......
  10. sounds like the dot just can't handle the repeated battering it's getting on a pistol slide. not sure i'd expect any non RS optic to survive even the lower tier punishment our toys can dish out.
  11. well afaik frangible ammunition is the most effective at energy transfer, so maybe nuprol bb's?
  12. nah, the flavour just ain't right. afaik the only use of melons as bb targets was redwolf showing off one of the airsoft miniguns. i assume that showing off obscene rates of fire is their only real utility in airsoft.
  13. i do not like melons. can't exactly explain why, just don't like 'em you mean it's worth paying a bit more to get a quality product rather than just buying any old crap that's cheap?
  14. not gonna lie, strawberries for the win, cherries are just too damn sour. although in juice form nothing beats the mango, if you disagree then your wrong and i will 1v1 you irl......
  15. to be fair, this thread hasn't been derailed yet, so if anything it's due a little diversion *runs*
  16. Ahh, my bad, im terrible at keeping track of names/post content
  17. Where did the tooth go? Dont want it rattling around in there..... If its a clean enough break it could be ok, short stroking a gun by intentionally grinding off teeth is a well established practice for getting a little more snappiness out of the box (and allow a higher rof before you get pme issues). Only issue is if its a long enough barrel that you need the full stroke for volume (~450mm ish) Reduced power is a by product of less compression, so you do usually need to run a stronger spring to compensate, which is where you can get issues same as running a stronger spring for higher power. I'd say at the very least strip, clean, file down any remnants of the tooth and make sure there's no other damage (eg to piston).
  18. at the risk of suggesting something that has probably already been through your mind, but what about changing up your pace and style of play? something like taking up sniper/dmr work with a more relaxed pace. don't get involved in attacking but instead focus on stealth and defending? someone with the patience to sit in a bush and hold a flank or hang around the back lines plinking into the fray from afar is still a valuable team contribution, indeed many times have i been foiled by someone parked in a hedge sitting there like a sentient landmine.
  19. Thats the same way the ronin is laid out isnt it? Worth a shot although connectors might be tricky to stuff in the grip. You could run the wires all the way to the top, my old jg was setup like that to deans straight into the mosfet. You can get away with it on an ak with the removable motor cage
  20. i thought there was some kind of limit put on the classifieds after we got hit by a boatload of spambots?
  21. yes it will, although not by much. easily correctable with some shims between the piston head and piston body. the mushroom head is slightly thicker than a non-mushroom which is why the ootb aoe is pretty decent.
  22. Adolf Hamster

    HOP UP

    The r-hop blocks? Yes they work well with the likes of the maple leaf series (same idea as the omega nub but more solid construction) Wouldnt be so useful for a standard bucking though.
  23. same, only in tube form. cut a slot in the end of the tube you can stuff the chrono in so it holds it nice.
  24. tbf, 23rps on 7.4 sounds just dandy? especially with the pickup speed for semi spamming shenanigans. but then i've long given up speed chasing on aeg's in a world where hpa exists.
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