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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. screw your pussy laser beams, give me a shotgun that shoots EXPLOSIONS!!!! [/mrtorgue]
  2. Can confirm that was exactly my intention, compare apples to apples and all that. i know which i'd buy, although not currently in the market for an sr25.
  3. So £600 for an aeg with 4 mags Or £500 for an hpa with 9 mags, scope and bipod I mean i'm really not sure which is the better investment?
  4. hmmmmmm me likey. i do want one of the 1/4x switchables. although methinks the e&l deserves a kobra first.
  5. Really? From what i've heard that should be closer to 450, more if your using heavier ammo
  6. Careful with that, pushes the fps a fair bit above what most would consider sensible.
  7. there comes a point in a man's life when he thinks "i need a kobra"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      @proffrink they eat the souls of rentals.


      @EvilMonkee no, because i'll be buying it :P

    3. EvilMonkee


      Not even for a fellow Ulsterman?  Shame...


      Obviously if they have more than 1...


    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      well, maybe if there's spares.....

  8. I currently have a hand-cut zci in there but i have a 75mm pdi on order, should be around the right length. Never used a crazy jet.
  9. Hmm, not the sear worn out then. I've had mine about a year now so i guess you must have got unlucky, any chance of a warrenty return?
  10. Hmm, not had that one, maybe you got unlucky i do know we's reputation is being a bit hit and miss. How old is it?
  11. only with overfilling, i have 3 and there's no way to distinguish between them when firing. try emptying it and filling it when it's completely drained.
  12. the balystik takes up to 1000psi input (which is the output for most standard paintball type tanks, like the tippman) and can output anywhere between about 20-200 psi. http://www.highpressureairsoft.co.uk/store/p73/Tank%2C_Line_and_Regulator_Package.html that kit should do, although i can't say if the fittings they're using are the same as your tapp mag, although they look pretty similar.
  13. the balystik goes on a standard tank, and takes a standard airline. the slp regs require a special tank but can take a standard airline, and the specific airlines are for the likes of tippmans that take the output direct from the bottle.
  14. the balystik reg you're referring to can do very low pressures, i use mine regularly in the 75-85 psi range and have used it previously as low as 30. slp referrs to the input side of the regulator, the output is normally adjustable over a pretty wide range.
  15. Orders 5000 geoffs .43's, gets 5000 .48's


    I feel really cheated here......




    1. Prisce


      So your the bastard who stole all the .48s... get him lads!


      Joking aside, you can probably sell them straight on for more if your that way inclined.

    2. Rogerborg
    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Screw selling then on, these are my "so it's come to this" stash.


      Also come at me, i got 5000 .48's and a polarstar :P

  16. Np, its an easy mistake to make, nearly missed it myself. Having met one of the nbb ones in the flesh its £44 for a reason lol.
  17. looks like the version wolf is selling has blowback, the version on taiwangun is NBB
  18. Ahh the sound of a polarstar, let me play you the music of my people......

    1. ImTriggerHappy


      Pfft pfft pfft hisssssssssssss "shit my lines leaking"  hisssssss mwahmwah (faint sobbing noise)


      Ahh the anthem of HPA wankers worldwide.

    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Lol, no such luck here, she's working just fine. Need to check out the hop make sure she's shooting straight.

  19. don't you just love ordering springs that aren't what they say they are, indeed not even close....

    1. Rogerborg


      Can you show us on the fps/Joules chart where the bad vendor touched you?

    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      They were meant to be m100's so give or take a bit 1j, they were closer to m130/m140's.


      Shame as the whole point of buying them was to have some springs i knew were in the right ballpark rather than my current batch which are all in the 0.5j range.


      All i can say is i'm glad i chrono'd it before giving it back to me mate, not sure he'd be best pleased at being told he cant play.

  20. did you really have the continue the meme about people complaining about people complaining? where does it end?
  21. not the price per-say but that description is pure gold.
  22. nah i'm just gonna return them and try again, might just buy g&g because at least those'll work. my asg's fit lovely but they's a bit battle worn now.
  23. yeah you say that, neither nuprol or g&p midcaps fit......
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