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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. tbh this industry is so notorious for people getting ripped off i'm surprised anyone is still bothering to come up with new ideas. i did buy an og odin, because i knew i wanted one and at the time the clones hadn't hit the market yet. touch wood it's never let me down and if it ever does i'll buy another legit one because to me the performance is well worth the money. it's a tricky balance, we need this hobby to be accessible, and that does mean on price. not everyone has the luxury of boatloads of disposable income to throw at what boils down to a bunch of toys. and maybe someone who buys a cheap clone thing might well decide they like the idea enough to buy a genuine one when the clone breaks. however, silver makes a very strong point that nobody will want to innovate in an industry where they know not even patents will save them from getting ripped off left right and centre, i can only imagine how shitty it must feel to pour your heart and soul into a product only to see your business fall flat out of the gate under a wave of cheap knock off's. end of the day everyone's going to make their own choice, for their own reasons, and there's damn all chatting about it on an internet forum is going to do to it.
  2. Tbf the hammers on those taran's are notoriously weak, so a swapped hammer isnt a bad sign and i'd say inevitable even on a new gun.
  3. Its official, this is the first time since i started that all my long guns are functional.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      probably being too reliant on hpa lol.


      tbf it's probably plateauing after spending so much time tinkering with aeg's trying to push every last drop out of them, whereas my current aeg's i'm happy with "good enough".

    3. Rogerborg


      And they'll stay that way right up until chrono on site. ;)


    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      nah, the f2000 always works just fine at chrono, it's when it gets on the field with an actual target it immediately starts misfeeding.

  4. he's spent a lot of money making a gun that he wanted the problem is he's now stuck trying to get money from someone who just happens to have the same taste (or lack of taste) as he does.
  5. just a wee bit, i paid less than half that for mine......
  6. glue is your best bet, one of the more annoying features of the m4 platform is that dust cover.....
  7. ooh, imma have to get back to you on that one with pics n stuff.
  8. Gets maxx hop unit


    Fits up nice, good bit of kit


    Goes to test


    And of course its a windy day...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Lozart


      Just one? I have an original red one too...

    3. Steveocee


      If you were/are running a PDI I honestly wouldn't be considering a CJ. I would say at best it would be a sidegrade and an FPS drop.

      They are popular(ish) with the Mk23 owners (they're cheap and available) and some VSR users swear by them. The marginally wider bore helps with over volumed RIFs so helps balance things up a bit.

      They are sold on a lot of bluster about the end providing a vortex or whatever it is, there is rarely a mention that they are a brass barrel and nothing about the internal finish.

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      fair enough, i'm not so worried about voluming/fps issues as it's hpa so i can set to whatever's necessary.


      might stick to what i know then and get another pdi.

  9. so my boltgun ponderings have moved on to "hmmm, WE SVD"...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      this is part of the question, i know there's the NPAS kits, although i've heard those aren't as consistent as a dedicated nozzle, which i don't know if anyone makes them for the svd.


      seems like it could be a nice setup, i mostly play a pseudo-DMR role these days anyway.

    3. Skara


      You could still HPA it and get the best of both worlds really :)

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Dont think i'd want to hpa tap it.


      I suppose a daytona would work but they dont make one and i couldnt afford it anyway.


      It's more trading rate of fire/longevity of fire for a bit of fun whilst hopefully retaining sufficient accuracy.

  10. Zweiundvierzig.....

    1. Philby21


      The German answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything??

    2. Adolf Hamster
  11. Ffs not another reasonable human being? Where's my drama goddamnit!?
  12. i find myself starting to seriously consider getting a proper boltgun, i think i'm actually losing it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      I mean i wouldnt say no to a but of purging, but i was thinking more basr. Considering we have a flat 1j limit and i have several polarstars feels like it's just engaging hard mode for no reason.

    3. Rogerborg


      Single-barrel shotgun with a hop unit might be a giggle, although they seem to come in hotter than 1J.

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Could be, i suppose its because i'd quite like to give it a go, see what the satisfaction of that one hit is like, rather than rely on constantly having the "persuasive" power of fast follow up if they decide to get creative.

  13. i mean we wouldn't say no, bit of entertainment on a thursday morning
  14. Fair enough, i'm interested in giving it another go but ive not liked the eye releif/clarity/zero holding of the repro ones i've used thus far
  15. Its a novel way of doing it, but at least it seems to be a case of the outcome being either informative or entertaining.
  16. Well, first day with the pyramex's seems promising for no fogging, although had enough wind today i dont think my bolles would have fogged either.

    1. Rogerborg


      They are pretty good, I can almost not fog them up.

    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Yeah, they are kinda weird with the reflections though, suppose it's just something to get used to.

    3. Skara


      I'm almost tempted to give them a try tbf, although I'm not sure they'll fit my broken, bent nose :P

  17. wait, is he supplying his own evidence that you can get the gun brand new for less than his asking price?
  18. Ahh a good solid days pewing, cant beat it.

    1. AK47frizzle


      Had a group of chav kiddy rentals that never took their hits 😕

    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      We had a few rentals with accompanying shenanigans, but mostly they were all right.

  19. Well this is definately a return to form for macks at least
  20. Never heard of cyber bullying then? Not that it applies here, this thread is for highlighting overpriced sales with a big slice of banter mixed in, nobody is safe even the regulars get lampooned from time to time. Nobody's forcing you to change your price or pull your ad, and you may get lucky and someone will buy it not having looked here or on taiwangun thus not realising they could get the same gun, brand new with a warranty. Of course the way your reacting is going to draw insults, if you look folk that react sensibly will get praised for it.
  21. whilst i won't disagree that a good piece of work has value, the problem with paint jobs is you're relying on the buyer placing as much value in the particular style as you do. even a very nice paint job is worthless if the guy buying it doesn't like it.
  22. i think so, then i think someone else is meant to jump in and act as a tie breaker.
  23. no dice, you'll get the same treatment as everyone else, we're equal opportunity assholes
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