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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. Given what folk do in "semi only" environments i dont think encouraging high rof is a good idea. Yes it has some application but it tends to be mostly used for the purposes of "punishing the cheetarz" which isnt what we should be encouraging. Tbh if we're gonna be encouraging a culture of any kind it should be the simplest fundamentals of good honest play.
  2. Generally get away with dual 800's or a single 1100
  3. You do make a good point that there's a lot of work yet to be done in getting the existing boxes running nicely. V2 motor cage would be nice, and why havent we made qd springs mandatory already?
  4. Afaik there is a version of the brushless system with a dedicated channel for rotation, certainly something viable to replace the optical versions in things like the titan. Cost i cant see as being the big barrier given how much folk will drop on their pews. Maybe theres a technical reason it hasnt caught on, but then we're dealing with a hobby where nimh is still current tech despite being old hat for over a decade in the rest of the world. Also liking the look of those gears, its not something i've ever put any study into but i'm reaching the point where gear whine is my number 1 hate.
  5. In fairness the aeg design is basically an air compressor, we just dont think of it as such because it does all its work in a single power stroke. One thing popped into my head there that should definately be viable is brushless dc motors, they've been a thing in rc for years and it feels like the design might be pretty well suited to the stop/start use airsoft requires.
  6. i did have a think about using a hi-low system combined with a recoilless style case. think m203 meets carl gustav, but instead of reducing recoil the lost gases are used to power effectively a more robust variant of a gbb mechanism. of course its a legal and technical nightmare you could never do outside of america but a fun concept to think about. another great idea, although as you say the extra complexity really is what kills it. funny i joined this forum with grand dreams of a linear motor/electromagnet replacing the motor/gear setup for an aeg, similar to the mythical BO design but using a spring for the power stroke (to eliminate field programmable fps changes and the inevitable issues therein) what i learned is i don't have remotely near the electrical knowledge to make it happen, i'm still not sure it's even viable. the problem is whilst yes there are plenty of folks willing to drop megabucks on their toy pew pews to get fancy rumble packs or send just more plastic balls further and faster, the vast majority seems to be the cheap and cheerful raiders/cyma's/jg's of this world. i must admit there are a few replica's i'd like to see either being more common or simply being made at all, like the sks or the an94 (even guns like the fal are so much rarer than they deserve to be)
  7. i'd love a gkh or tm dragonuv, but they don't exist.....
  8. active brake mosfet on a support gun, for all the good that's gonna do..... only thing i can see bumping the price up is the elcan, but it's not specified if it's real or not.
  9. havent used them myself but a few mates have ordered plenty of hpa bits from them and not heard any issues.
  10. If its a hot summers day, your running it in black gas and you split it over 2 magazines
  11. gotta be the lct. it's not that it was a bad gun per-se, just that it very much failed completely to live up to the expectations i had based on their reputation (or at least their reputation as i understood it) and especially considering the price of them now. that or every co2 pistol i've come across, if there's a knack to getting them to last more than a few games without the mag deciding it wants a complete rebuild before it'll hold gas again then i'd like to hear it, all the usual tricks of a bit of silicon, leave the cartridge in, take the cartridge out etc didn't do anything. edit: forgot, or possibly blanked from my memory: the WE luger, couldn't make it through a full mag and had if i'm being generous no hop unit and if i'm not an anti-hop unit.
  12. if you know your stuff you can be wearing plain olive and dissappear the moment you walk into a bush. i wouldn't beleive it if i hadn't seen (or more correctly not) seen it happen....
  13. me dad always said keeping up to date with your union dues would pay itself back some day
  14. this was more the ".2's honest guv" kind of thing. although i do agree in-game chrono'ing is something i've yet to see happen. i do take your point though, it's very much a contextual thing.
  15. people may say i'm dramatizing but it weighs about as much as a small motorcycle i mean i never expected a steel pbs4 to be light but the walls of the can are 4mm thick in places.....
  16. It bothers me when its been done to willfully cause unnessecary pain, either by close range auto fire to somewhere like the face or by someone running a hot gun. The site i started at had a pretty bad culture at the time either by ignorance or apathy with the regulars running some rather spicy hardware, and it almost put me off the hobby entirely the amount of stinging you'd get from them up close. Eventually i switched site and was like "holy shit this hobby can be fun and not painful"
  17. Approximately 3 tons of pbs4 shaped steel goodness with a tracer unit inside:
  18. From my perspective its a combo of my phone having a shit camera and not knowing how the hell you rotate photos when uploading them, for some reason even if the orientation is normal itll flip when uploaded. Of course if someone asked me for more or better pics i'm happy to oblige as far as possible.
  19. Its unfortunate that this aspect of our hobby is the one that gets the limelight. Drama gets the views though. Guess the problem is that good honest gameplay whilst its fun to be part of isnt going to be massively interesting to watch.
  20. For a race gun you want it lightweight, easy handled with a crisp single action trigger pull and a snappy lightweight slide. Therefore you should definately use a colt 25.....
  21. Sounds like your over discharging them? Better to swap out earlier rather than later. Whilst you *can* dodge the low voltage bullet by being concientious of stopping the moment the gun starts to sound sluggish, its no alternative to having a proper cutoff in a mosfet. If i were you whatever battery you're using either get a larger capacity or get a second battery to swap over at lunch. And getting a better charger like this: https://www.modelsport.co.uk/skyrc-s65-ac-charger-65w/rc-car-products/438918 Other shops are available
  22. Adolf Hamster


    Its simple, if joe bloggs sees it from a distance and thinks "thats a gun" then its an rif. For example the aps uar is a rif despite not being based on any real world platform because outside of us gun nerds it looks like a gun.
  23. Thats a weird one. Sig slide and frame with a 1911 safety.... Only reference i can find is the american market versions of the 220 series had a manual safety but cant find a pic of that. Anyway back on topic, when firing does the bb exit the barrel with any kind of authority? Some pics of the mag and the underside of the slide might help as well.
  24. well, there goes any hope i had of selling anything on here
  25. i'm with duck on this. the reason to put anything inside a cylinder is to adjust the aoe (hear's luke ree-ing in the background). a spring heavy enough to arrest the piston is also going to play merry hell with engagement and you can kiss goodbye to your piston if you want to eliminate the "pop" of firing then you're better of looking at a longer barreled build and using conventional silent type piston heads. of course there's a limit to how far you can go with an aeg if your goal is silence, and you may be better off considering other options like hpa or a nbb pistol (mk23 being the obvious candidate) personally, i'd rather an aeg have quiet gearing than reduced pop, even with the ultimate silence offered by an hpa you're still going to lose your position to folk respawning who know where you are.
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