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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. if we're making a dictatorship can i be the new wernher von Braun? i wanna get paid to blow **** up!
  2. indeed, tbh i kinda miss it, livened up the place, got some action going.
  3. what gun? i'd noticed the same issue on my hicapa until the tech at my local pointed out it's intentionally designed so the gas vents out, you fill the mag until you get liquid propane spewing out then you know it's properly full, the 40 mike does the same thing (and indeed specifically states so in the manual). supposedly tm are the main ones for doing it, although i wouldn't be surprised if we started doing it before long.
  4. well, just camo netted the vsr, this is almost certainly going to end badly....

  5. sight looks like a kobra, couldn't comment on brand though, picture on google seems to suggest it's a copy not original.
  6. There had better be sufficient wood to account for this crime sir, if i see a plastic handguard.....
  7. i suspect much like russian tank drivers, you just dont get one if your hands are too big. or they just dont care probably the latter, it's russia after all.
  8. ^nice, just wait until later on in life "this mg42 doesnt fit in the back of my car" *buys 4x4*
  9. well, vsr has gone from working to not working, think the sear is worn just past the edge of holding properly.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      well it is if like me you can't leave well enough alone, the moment a gun looks like it'll work for longer than a few weeks i'm like "needz moar rof" or "needz moar accuracy"

    3. Duff


      Well I spent around £100 getting an ex Thundermaul JG M4 up n running only to find it was way too hot. I have a spring to downgrade it but I'm dreading splitting another JG gearbox, because when the Sig packed in after half a day from my attempt to degunk the gear box of that JG earwax they use and is now in pieces with a jammed trigger. 


      Good job I bought the 417 🤣

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      oh god *flashbacks of working on the jg aksu*


      some designs are better than others, the mg and the f2000 are absolute dreams to work on, the mg splits into 2 bits and is easy removed, and the f2000 is all modular so you just strip to get the bits you need.


      as far as i'm concerned quick release mainsprings and trigger retention screws should be mandatory.

  10. well, i done fixed the vsr for the most part, might need a new mag for feeding proper and a scope mount, but after that it's just tweaking and pewing.

  11. i assumed you're meant to run a seperate mic, throat mic or handheld etc
  12. most of the ones i've seen (including the ones i own) have a standard 3.5mm headphone jack for an audio input, so i'm assuming it shouldnt be too hard to get a radio cable the amplifying ones are awesome, you can hear EVERYTHING except grenades.
  13. Well, have me a boneyard vsr now, to fix or not to fix and jump straight into "upgrades" that is the question?

    1. Prisce


      Depends if you want to keep it. And which VSR. If your keeping it, upgrades. If not, fix and sell on.

    2. GemsHD


      ^^ What he said, did you acquire said Boneyard today?

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Yep, i've worked on it previously and i know it's been pseudo deactivated and what it needs.

  14. Have you tested the asg grenade? I've seen them around but not heard much about how well they work
  15. Urgh, big days airsofting tomorrow and i'm not hopeful i'll be well enough to play. Damn you biology!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GemsHD


      Every cloud hasa a silver lining 😂

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Well i've heard theres going to be enough tag rounds to make even the americans say "hang on a minute" turning up, plus ofc i'm surely not the only nutter who's bringing a 40 mike

    4. GemsHD


      Hopefully I can get a shot of the 40 Mike going off

  16. Hmm, should i paint the f2000 olive?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Iceni


      Have a look at the plastic soldier company war spray range. They have a US tank green and it's lovely. I have an M4 sprayed up with it if you want to see it.


    3. AshOnSnow


      No. F2000 always looks best black. Just like a Scar H always looks best tan.


      I think the only colour change one could get away with in an F2000 is white if you’re playing in the snow like last years Christmas games.

  17. proud owner of 2 new 40 mikes, go ahead, lay the hate on me :P

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      sadly i suspect there's not just going to be me running about with 40 mikes, i've also heard there's enough tag rounds to equip the us army going as well :P

    3. GemsHD


      Oh lawrd, this will be an interesting day of airsoft

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      it's gonna be madness if they don't open up more area, first time i went there was about 100 folk and i've heard sunday's more likely to be around 200.

  18. anyone know how standardised m4/16 outer barrels are? i'm considering popping an m16 length barrel on my king arms reciever but need to know how specific i should be searching.
  19. so the mg might be getting a little "upgrade" to turn it into something as scary in airsoft as the real one is on the battlefield.....

    1. Jedi_Master


      Better off with a Land Rover than a MG (especially the chinaman built ones)



    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      oh no that's the next project, get a turret ring mount and an old landy :D

  20. Are you not thinking of the new york second- the shortest known unit of time in the universe being the time between a traffic light turning green and the cab behind you honking his horn.
  21. no, it's just a lipo charger and it's not set up for charging nimh properly, you need a dedicated nimh charger. it's one of the reasons a proper smart charger is reccommended a lot because those can charge lipo and nimh
  22. look i call it how it is, i call a spade a spade and i call a black pouch a black pouch. i'm not judging them, or calling them inferior beyond certain respects which can be empirically proven. you can call me a nazi if you like but i don't care. to quote R&M "maybe the species that communicate through the filter of your comfort are less evolved than those that just communicate"
  23. well, for the 6th time "i've got the f2000 to feed"....


    only problem is it's a little low on the ol' fps and i lack the spring to get it up to par.

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