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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. they're for people who dont want to conserve ammo with such trifles as taking careful aimed shots, or waste time with such annoyances as reloading
  2. surely if an architect's work involves momentum he's probably goofed somewhere i think what you're meaning though is moment of inertia, which would be the technical term describing why sticking a really heavy weight on the end of a long gun is a great workout
  3. for simple contact protection work i'm a fan of the nanoasr, same wiring as a warfet if you ever feel you want some more functionality. doesn't do battery cutoff but then i tend to be pretty on point with keeping batteries changes.
  4. i'll trade you a mostly working well mb-01 and a creme egg? mostly working, think there's something wrong with the hop, simple fix just don't have the time at the minute. on a serious note, going on your new pricing the standard 60% retail works out about 213EUR
  5. yep had one such fella last sunday really typified it, i wasn't playing but saw him getting annoyed at a fella "not calling his hits" meanwhile i'm stood about 15m between him and his target and he wasn't even making it to me...... whilst i realise it wouldn't be fair to stereotype as not all indoor players are like this, but it does seem a fair proportion of them these days are playing outdoors thanks to covid and have never got the hang of tracking just how far their gnu's can actually shoot.
  6. generally these folks can be seen about 20m behind the line yeeting .2's with their hop turned off.
  7. Yeah its just the very tip sits on the slide catch to hold it down. Thank god it doesnt go walkies as long as you leave the trigger unit in.
  8. Yeah it'd definately work better on an aksu but i'm kinda worried it'd bend the barrel on the jg However this just means i have an excuse to get another e&l
  9. Centre of gravity is the term you're after. Problem is that can has about 4mm thick steel in places, so its super heavy. Probably will run her as standard unless i'm for a night game with the tracer on, an e&l ak isnt exactly a featherweight before you start hanging heavy things on it
  10. Yep, lovely looking suppressor but man you do notice all that weight up there.....
  11. of the not particularly long list of reasons to run a longer inner barrel, this is right at the top. although trying to explain to people that barrel length means nothing when you're holding a dragonuv is a bit awkward
  12. agreed, if there's one thing i dislike in this hobby it's the ones who won't cut the new guys some slack. i remember having to explain to a kid that his cyma ak was a perfectly good gat and he didn't need to go dropping loads of money on another gun just because it was 2 tone. lets face it as long as you play honestly and fairly does it matter how long you've been at it or how shiny your toys are? now that's not a bad idea. i did donate some kit to a mate who's just starting out, figured it'd get him over that hill of thinking he needs to buy more stuff to be effective.
  13. Its not the worst, i'd take it over a 1911 with its 3 fingered spring of never being in the right damn place.
  14. The aksu says hi, from the other side of the field.....
  15. Its cool, like i say mines currently in bits anyway, trying to get a proper blued finish to it.
  16. I'll try and grab a pic later. The spring is nested in the left side of the trigger unit, it shouldnt fall out unless you remove the whole thing. One end sits on the slide lock holds it down, so i'm assuming if its slipped off then the catch is jumping up when firing.
  17. Its a mix, i still tend to carry a fair amount (refusing to use hicaps ever will do that for you) but its things like not putting that flashlight on the gun unless you need it, not carrying things like bayonets, speedloaders and spare bags of ammo if you can last the round with the mags you have. Even camo, sure i still wear it but the focus is more on comfort and freedom of movement than being a walking hedge. Of course the downside is ending up with boxes full of bits and bobs that are perfectly fine but you dont use/dont fit your style and arent worth the hassle of selling
  18. Me gun is in bits currently getting a refinish, but i'm meaning where the spring hooks over the tab here:
  19. Ironically the longer i've been playing the less complicated my loadouts have got. You make a very good point about the stigma though.
  20. The one that holds the slide release down, has a habit of slipping off the wee tab on the slide release.
  21. The little spring hasnt popped off has it? It loves to do that
  22. It sounds like someone's looking for an excuse to buy a pp19.... Or an mp5, if you think of it as a g3 pcc...... Or a p90, if you think of it as an f2000 pcc..... Fuck it whichever one you go for buy me one too
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