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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. Are you not thinking of the new york second- the shortest known unit of time in the universe being the time between a traffic light turning green and the cab behind you honking his horn.
  2. no, it's just a lipo charger and it's not set up for charging nimh properly, you need a dedicated nimh charger. it's one of the reasons a proper smart charger is reccommended a lot because those can charge lipo and nimh
  3. look i call it how it is, i call a spade a spade and i call a black pouch a black pouch. i'm not judging them, or calling them inferior beyond certain respects which can be empirically proven. you can call me a nazi if you like but i don't care. to quote R&M "maybe the species that communicate through the filter of your comfort are less evolved than those that just communicate"
  4. well, for the 6th time "i've got the f2000 to feed"....


    only problem is it's a little low on the ol' fps and i lack the spring to get it up to par.

  5. look, call me old fashioned fine, but saying that black is different when viewed in a military context is based on fact not prejudice, i have nothing against pouches of afro-european descent but you can't deny they stick out something shocking on the field.
  6. didn't look so much at the price, but am i the only one thinking those pouches look distinctly blacker than olive?
  7. qft i fine it amazing when working on mates guns using their tools and i'm sitting thinking "how did you even dissassemble this!? you know there are different sizes of screwdrivers right!? and how did you not round these bolts using those alan keys!?"
  8. don't you just hate when something isn't working and you're damned if you can figure out whats wrong with it....

  9. so as predicted the m4 gearbox was filled with what was at one point the spur gear.


    looks like it's going to be a new gearset time, shame i have no way to tone down the rof.

    1. Nick G
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      what motor you running on 11.1v with etu

      sure it was something a bit too quick for 11.1v


      maybe zci 22 tpa...



  10. Well, m4's dead again, gonna have to see what went on it, thinking theres gonna be a lot of metal shards in there.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Prisce


      Remind me never to lend you a gun...

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      lol, it died of being thrashed to within an inch of its life by the need to remind people they were hit.

      well, that and the ridiculous high speed it's running

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Damnit, some notcurnal investigation reveals i've lost the bolt release lever/pin.


      However the motor pinion did a right number on the rest of the internals.

  11. yeah, i did always wonder why they decided to do it the way they did rather than flip the action upside down.
  12. ooh damn that's tasty, didn't occur to me but it makes sense the way that things designed you wouldn't need to hpa via the mag (which is my biggest bugbear with most gbb hpa conversions)
  13. well, barrels are cleaned, scopes and goggles are clean, batteries are charged, mags are gassed and filled, speedloaders are topped up.


    roll on tomorrow, think i'll try and get all 3 running and just not bother re-loading between games just change gun.

  14. hmm, quiet day, must... not... tinker...

    1. Nick G

      Nick G

      Go on you know you want to 😉

  15. that moment when you think your headphones have died and realise your only alternative is your sound amplifying headphones for airsoft....

    1. Druid799


      Works for me ! 👍

  16. jesus that's an awful paintjob, just awful. takes all of 5 minutes to strip a 1911 slide like that if you have the tools and know what you're doing and it's not like the iron's are fixed, 10s with a punch would have had those out.
  17. Yeah, sounds like they might have figured you wouldnt care about aesthetics buying a 2 tone but a jammed slide is too far.
  18. i wouldn't bother sanding or stripping the paint, send it back to them and get them to do it. no excuse for shoddy workmanship even if it is just a cheap pistol.
  19. well, mg42's back together and firing fine, although i think i might need a more robust regulator for the mag as it may have slightly exploded

  20. Mg42 is back, forgot how massive that thing is, some final test fitting just to check everything lines up and some wiring and it'll be back in action!


    Its now super heavy though, the reciever is almost entirely filled with steel

  21. well ir torch arrived, works a treat, now i just need an offset mount and perhaps a killflash

    1. Prisce


      Which IR torch did you get? Struggling to find a decent one for range... I bought a cheap one that doesn’t do naff all.

    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      uniquefire something or other, was cheap but i haven't had the chance to properly try it out yet.

  22. let me know what you come up with because this annoys me too. at least until i get around to seeing if i can get this solenoid idea to work.
  23. guess that makes a bit more sense, give the bolt action guys a bit of motivation.
  24. hmmm, wonder when gate is planning on making a v6 etu....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      the one where you sharpen the cutoff lever? done that and it still doesn't like it.


      might be possible to do with microswitches but that's too much effort lol

    3. Lozart


      Have you tried this? 



    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      the f2000 runs a different cutoff lever to the p90, it's basically the same trigger unit but on the back left side of the gearbox.


      to clarify it does run on semi but jams up if you try to double tap, not so much a problem outdoors as you just give em a burst.


      ironically the ak has the opposite problem, if only i could average out my issues lol

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