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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. last i checked it the setting was greyed out, looking now can't even find it.
  2. Noticed the same thing with status update replies
  3. anything specific on budget?
  4. the maple leaf macarons with omega nub are pretty much the same effect as an R-hop without the pain in the ass setup. flat hop is a good option for a budget but tbh if you're ok spending the money then the ml will be quicker and easier to deal with.
  5. If there is then it's not stated which parts are valuable enough to ask that pricetag.
  6. When it comes to ak's the general methodology is "if it doesnt fit, i'll make it fit"
  7. could be a local thing, maybe poland (or the area of poland tg is at) has covid worse and they're having to operate reduced staff?
  8. absolutely i'm approaching it from the opposite angle of having run hpa's with literal hair triggers (as in tap the back of the gun and it goes off hair triggers) i just no longer have the motivation to try and push an aeg box to do the same. if the gun goes pew when you pull the trigger and shoots consistently in a straight enough line then it has utility, everything beyond that is more just fun/bragging rights/the sense of technical acheivement.
  9. you know its true though tbf it's good to get this stuff out and said, a lot of the little details can often be missed. like filing down the trigger i've only done once to make a mis-matched mp5 trigger and trolley compatible, never thought to do it on other guns.
  10. it might take some filing but you should be able to get them to fit. the lower will be the tricky one, the upper bolts to the lower and should sit mostly free of the gas tube.
  11. nothing wrong with trying to do things differently. imo the svd in general is an under-appreciated platform in airsoft.
  12. one of these days someone is gonna have to sift through duck's backlog of posts and stitch together the true complete guide on how to gearbox
  13. Well there's your problem Seems counterintuitive but for the v3 box at least ab alone (without precocking) has a nasty habit of causing lockups by stopping too soon. Try turning ab off/ using a nanoasr and that should help.
  14. Welcome As has been said places will be closed atm and its likely the indoor places will be closed longer than the outdoor ones. The normal reccommendation is to find somewhere local, rent a gun and go have fun. You dont need any equipment although when playing outdoors good boots and warm clothes you dont mind getting wet and muddy are a good shout, camo is useful but not essential by any means. If you decide its for you then you can think about getting yourself ukara registered and start bankrupting yourself on shiny kit, there is the 2-tone option if your impatient but your risking wasting money if you then decide airsoft isnt for you.
  15. is it just me or does it read like they want you to have attended 3 different sites? because whilst i'm pretty well known with at least 2 sites (one of which i dont play at any more) i'd have to actively go out and play a third..... tbh this just seems like another ukaralike setup, tbh i'd rather see the actual ukara system getting used a bit more and being a bit better organised. for a start ukara seems to be the only defence people unfamiliar with airsoft are going to stand a chance of being aware of (for example ups) so any other system is going to need that same recognition before it becomes remotely useful.
  16. after several years, finally had to replace a part on the odin

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Zarrin


      Yeah you're probably right, it is quite a 'load bearing' part, especially at the point at which the clutch essentially disengages when the magazine is full. Having said that, in this design you probably want these replaceable weak points to be able to break, so that you can easily and functionally replace them when need be.

      Been thinking about purchasing a 3d printer actually, not really looked into it in much detail or know where to start and at what kinda price point. 

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      tbf that is what the slipper clutch is for, reckon i had mine just set too tight.


      tbh my experience with the home 3d printers is especially the pla stuff isn't the greatest, but then i'm looking at it compared to the proper industrial grade stuff.


    4. Zarrin


      Right, so my brother works at a place which used to be the UKs biggest rapid prototyping / industrial scale 3d printing labs...  technically not anymore as they have been taken over by Siemens, so I guess their German now 😅.
      They can print with powders of pretty much any material you want, both metals and polymers. Big massive rapid prototypers half the size of rooms. So yeah anything I suggest to him, he throws some elitist shade at :lol:

  17. you can only delete your account once you've reached 10k posts....
  18. well we tried the betelgeuse way, didnt seem to work so maybe we need to do the biggie smalls way
  19. Thought tou had to be looking in a mirror when you said his name for that to work?
  20. It wouldnt be the worst assumption to hope the cyma svd and svu use the same nozzle length. You can mod them yourself although you really want to be using a proper lathe to do it properly, i've done it with the polarstar jack nozzle bit theres no reason you couldnt do an f2 nozzle (the f2 being the platform i'd reccommend for a dmr build) Maybe wolverine does something similar, just cant say for certain as my experience is all polarstar stuff but my intuition thinks its a similar story.
  21. Nozzle length is the big problem methinks. Not sure what the box style is on the cyma, last svd aeg i worked on was i think a king arms and was 100% weird internally. Most manufacturers will offer some range of nozzles, but this may be limited. Best option is to figure out what the closest equivalent is and going from there. I'm not too familiar with the wolverine stuff but i know polarstar will make you a custom nozzle for the f2 if you need it, add the universal trigger board wired into the stock contacts and should be able to make something of it.
  22. To play devil's advocate to your devils advocate (does that make it a double or anti devil?) The ad has been up for a fair while, it doesnt take 15 hours to take a couple of snaps on a mobile and upload them. I'm not saying the gun he's selling is actually in bad condition or anything, i'm saying thats the reasonable and safe assumption people are going to quickly draw from that ad not having proper pics. Which for a £550 price tag is gonna be more risk than most are gonna accept.
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