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Everything posted by Skara

  1. The AAPs against the TM G17? Roughly the same performance, 55/60 metres on 0.3s with a good degree of consistency. Mind you, I have replaced the hop rubbers on all 3 guns (running 50/60° ML decepticons). Stock none could reliably lift 0.3s (you'd get 1 in 5/6 shots properly hopped and the rest was diving down at about 20/25 metres). Efficiency wise, they're similar, they go through the full magazine with enough gas left to go through almost a second one (haven't really tested, I top up gas anyway when reloading). I run the glock on TM and AA mags because it light strikes on WEs (in summer), I run the AAPs on WE and AW mags (it sounds stupid to run "inverted" mags but I found the AA mags to not be as efficient as the WE ones) Nifty little guns for the price, if it's your first GBB I'd go TM though, as plug&play as it gets for everything airsoft really and there are tons of upgrades available as they are the benchmark when it comes to airsoft guns (all the gearboxes are TM clones, all the GBBs are TM clones, all the VSRs are TM clones, you get the idea )
  2. Go check airsoft sniper videos from 5 to 10 years ago, before the gameplay style kicked off with Novritsch/Caferacing (they were effectively the first to strap a camcorder to their guns). Zero gameplay, zero cheat calling, everything was either kit related, teching, tactics or building an effective camouflage. You know, the useful information people should be looking for. And even the early gameplay videos, still from Nov (until he released the ssg24) and CR, just the slightest hint of storytelling, not much in the way of hitmarkers, just raw gameplay with minimal editing. The fucking Golden Age of airsoft sniping.
  3. They are supposed to be the least biased ones, but there is always the hardcore fanboy who can't admit the flaws in his idol's product
  4. Thing is. It's NOT a copy, it's the same product, made by the same russian tailor using the same materials (albeit different print, KMCS in something, Stalker in M05), only the tag has a different name printed on it Everything, starting from the fact that they steal our oxygen
  5. Both parties messed up to be fair. Skirm shouldn't have accepted a 50/50 split in the first place, since they were the ones doing all the heavy lifting, and KM should've signed some sort of NDA with the manufacturer AND skirmshop. Now, Stalker/Skirmshop aren't new to ripping designs off. Their Kraken SRS chamber is a 1:1 carbon copy of the MAXX, their barrels are ridiculously similar to EdGi dual bores and I believe the Panthera tensioners are a ripoff of either skeee's or someone else's.
  6. Considering the current state of both Italian and UK airsoft, I would totally expect this title from KM lol
  7. Never needed one apart from when I'm sniping. I just carry one to shoot people in the ass between games.
  8. Not a proper zucc thing, but this is the kind of moderation you get on one specific facebook group. A guy posted a shitty scope cam video admitting he was very new to airsoft and was asking for suggestions, I suggested him to not bother with videos but to just enjoy the game. This is the result, apparently I was bullying him lol
  9. Was literally going to say the same Inb4 the whole text was "I'd FUCK TRUMP's daughter" or something
  10. There are more rock hard phallic shaped objects in my gun than in pornhub or something 😂
  11. Well to be fair it's not something I'd recommend. Overtightening the screw can lead to stripping threads and generally unnecessary stress on the magazine itself. It also won't work with pinned magazines (mk23 ones for example). Better to take the mag apart and apply silicone grease/oil to the seal (square o-ring) and valve rings. Do it right, do it once. And it takes 5 minutes. There are other, more invasive, permanent fixes like sealing the base shut with silicone but they are a last resort kind of operation. To try when the only alternative left is to bin the whole mag.
  12. Either will do then. What you're after is a mosfet with Active Braking and Precocking. I personally own a Perun and it's a good semi-budget alternative to the Titan, don't have enough experience with Asters to do a comparison though. Leaning towards the Perun because it has two sensor boards and doesn't rely too much on stickers like the Aster does.
  13. Pavol just sent me this picture Fucking humongous airbrake to match the ML cylinder head should be here in 10 days or so
  14. Just the average VFC POS, but this time it's a pain to put together/disassemble (a teammate has one, it NEVER worked properly, not even fresh out of the box)
  15. If it has blowback I don't think it's a Cyma. Also to my knowledge, Cyma doesn't make metal MP5s. G&G makes blowblack MP5s and they are shit. If I'm right and the thing is G&G, the blowback is pneumatic, not mechanical: this means that there is a small port in the cylinder where some of the air is pushed into a small chamber on top of the gearbox, that chamber has a small piston (spring loaded I believe) that gets pushed backwards by the incoming air, cycling the fake bolt. Maybe when reassembling you (or the twat) didn't align the hole in the cylinder with the useless blowback thing. If you would be kind enough to send us pictures of the gearbox, we can confirm/deny my theory. I'd return it or sell as broken and use those monies to fund a better gun. Doesn't have to be fancy, a Cyma (a real Cyma, not a G&G POS) would suffice
  16. Wouldn't go with G&Gs. Old technology when it comes to gearbox shells, bushings material and hop units, even the newer rotary ones have zero airseal. I'd take a look at the Specna Core range. Internally they are nothing special (shit ferrite motors and bad air seal, same as G&G btw) but they are a great base to build onto. 8mm STEEL (yes G&G, steel, not brass, you mongs) bushings, QD gearbox, decent rotary hop unit and an okay 6.03 brass (again G&G, decent brass, not shit tinfoil, fucking wankers) barrel. Zero proprietary parts which is a super big plus and a price tag that is VERY affordable. Okay the polymer doesn't feel as nice as the G&G one, but that's it.
  17. It's Ares, so it's probably going to be filled to the brim with proprietary parts made of cheese.
  18. Since the first lockdown I have bought: Specna C02 + parts E&L 74u + parts Specna C08 + parts AAP-01 x2 + parts King Arms PDW + parts Action Army T-11 + parts Two decent load bearing systems (sso smersh, TT 2 piece mav + harness) + one cheapy Emerson POS to use for my sniper kit. a fuckton of spare parts and probably the entire European stock of Maple Leaf rubbers and Omega tensioners. For a total of over €2000. It's far from over though, if the ssx303 is decent I feel obliged to buy that one too.
  19. Tfw you crack a gearbox open to short stroke and you notice that your tech shimmed it too fucking tight.

    Nonetheless it pulls 30+ rps 😮

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      SHS gears are chunkier than KitKat Chunky

      or Yorkie bars - there is next little shim room

      (on bushings especially), bearings maybe a smidge more




      now if chunky Yorkie "not for girls" bar ad offends anybody

      then i would like to apologise...




      nah - fuck it, get over it ya triggered tarts 

    3. Skara


      Yes it's a honey badger, don't have it anymore though, I sold it a few months ago @Shamal

    4. Skara


      @Sitting Duck

      Yeah they are chonky gears and they're running on bushings :)

  20. @Albiscuitand someone else whose name I have forgot, the sniper rig base arrived, tonight I will take one/two pictures
  21. Either way, with my setup a heavy piston is not needed other than chrono cheating purposes M100 spring went in yesterday, it clocks at 0.94J on 0.2s and 1.25J on 0.4s, with an intermediate 1.15J on 0.3s. Better, I guess, still running hot for my limit but I'm not gonna do anything until the new airbrake is installed. For a brief moment, though, I accidentally got the current airbrake to work: During testing the gun suddenly became whisper quiet (not quite mk23 levels, but surely inaudible over 5 metres), at first I thought something in my internal suppression had moved out of position and was blocking the barrel, but BBs were flying straight and at a consistent velocity (eyeballed). Chrono readings were just 0.1J below the "loud" results, so I started to take the gun apart. Noticed some PTFE coming out of the nozzle, that's when I realized the airbrake jacket I made with PTFE and heat shrink had come off the airbrake and got stuck in the cylinder head, making the stock 4mm airbrake perfectly functional I have removed it now, but fuck me sideways it was dead quiet!!!!! Still have to test the sound from the target's perspective but if everything goes according to plan, I'll end up with a 0.99J gun that is stupid quiet without having to cut the spring at that point I can call the build done from a mechanical point of view and start working on camouflaging it (without ruining the pristine looks with spray paint or other shit).
  22. Yeah some call it natural point of aim or something. Not that it matters much in airsoft anyway, but it's nice to learn a bit more about the human mechanics in shooting. I think one method involves your index finger, basically wherever you're pointing at with your finger, the bullet's gonna go. Can't remember where I read about it though.
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