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Everything posted by Skara

  1. SSG at that RPS on full teeth? Dayum son, that's impressive but expect some fireworks soon inside the gearbox. I'd seriously look at shortening the barrel, it's not just a matter of volume but also the amount of air behind each bb, Luke @negative airsoft did a video using his own physics a while ago in which explains why super high ROF builds need short barrels. Or use a 7.4, 23 RPS is okay and you'll have better performance than 95% of the AEGs on the field while putting less stress on the mechanical parts Still, I would recommend knocking off a couple of teeth from the sector gear, so in case you are dead set on 11.1 memes you don't risk stripping everything.
  2. Best thing you can do to your Amoeba is to throw the bullshit proprietary gearbox away and get a proper STANDARD v2 box in. It'll open up a whole new universe of upgrade opportunities. The 416 is VFC OEM'd which is a brand known for orgasm inducing externals but really subpar mechanical parts, especially for what you pay for. Let me ask you a question: do you like the AM008 ergonomics? Because if so, you already know the answer to your last question
  3. https://www.tasmaniantiger.info/en/product/tt-essential-pack-mkii-backpack-9l/ Just found this, it seems to fit the bill for my needs and if it doesn't, I guess I found a new daypack (as if I didn't have 300 packs already) It's right on the upper end on my budget although I found it on Amazon for €40 posted (about 20 to 25 € cheaper than elsewhere), so it's cheap enough to not really cry when spraying it. what do you guys think?
  4. To all the people who have the guts to call themselves "snipers".... If you can't cope with 1J guns, then you've picked the wrong role. Range is actually at the very bottom in a sniper's priority list. With that being said, the group is ran by the hunteering guys, who are KM but dumber. Basically a huge marketing operation for Lee Wade's girlfriend so that she can sell the god awful leaves she makes, also the super useless quest of hitting a 3x3m tarp at 120m while arcing the gun so much it basically becomes a fucking artillery piece. All this while autistically screaming "pushing the limit of airsoft sniping" all over the place. And obviously trying to bash KM and his crowd of equally brain damaged chairsofters.. I thought the Italian airsoft community was bad but you guys are outstanding 😂😂 Meanwhile there is third, less known sniper community, Sniperworks, who are actively trying to improve the sniper game by giving away actual useful information and doing live streams where theydiscuss all things tactics/teching/camouflage with those who are good at them.
  5. Until someone fires up a bright ass torch in your room
  6. But is it worth gaining a chromosome in the process? I mean, the whole drama around KM is just a reminder that his fan base behaves like those "omg impossibru level" mobile game ads. And his EnEmYs too apparently, because the guy who shared the personal information (address, phone number) has just won a free lawsuit should something happen (you know, the same 5IQ person who "casually" strolls by Cumstain's house and does something stupid)..
  7. I really hoped this flaming dumpster would not infect AF-UK, but I was obviously wrong.
  8. 25 on a 11.1 with presumably stock gears is a lot. I mean, my M4s run 13:1s and SHS HT motors (which aren't exactly high torque, they're in between a proper HT and a HS motor) pull 27/30 RPS on 11.1s, so I suspect that the EG1000 isn't torquey at all but just fast. Also it has ferrite magnets which are noticeably "weaker" than rare earth ones. Keep in mind that SP springs are rated in ms/0.25s so the SP100 is equivalent to a M110 which might be too much for the motor to handle. I guess the grip gets pretty warm even after a short burst, so the motor is doing a job it's not supposed to. OR you might have messed up the shimming somehow.
  9. Any decent surplus store?

    (Preferably in Europe but UK is fine too)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GenuineGerman




      Seem to have some stock but haven't bought from them in a while so not sure how they are doing with shipping etc

    3. GAMBLE


      Hi @Skara! 👋

      I can name a few in the UK, that I have used so far and did some Great deals, depending on what you look for? 🤔👍

      Last night was looking abroad at surplus gear, cheap.... but shipping prices, have hit hard for the UK! 😮👎

      Buy abroad be prepared.... 💷


    4. Skara


      It's about this thread, I need a small 5/10l backpack that holds a 3L bladder and is cheap enough to not feel bad when spraying and gluing/tying all sorts of crap onto

  10. Shit, for a good 4 minutes I thought I could get a guarder MAP for €25 posted... But the seller had already sold it and forgot to update the ad 😭😭
  11. /thread. Lost faith in G&Gs, Ares guns are overpriced junk (yes even if they cost £10), WE is.....well, WE.. If you can't find a CA then I'd go specna, at least we know it's not filled to the brim with proprietary shit.
  12. Need some information first. What brand? Have you done the usual cylinder air seal test? Are you 100% sure it's a nozzle to rubber issue? Air seal wise, please don't PTFE any o-ring, please use proper silicone-based lubricants. Do it right, do it once. If you want a cost effective way to improve your hop, just install a gunsmithy TDC (buy the one with the hop arm). No real need to buy the AA chamber. Also, if it's a stock gun I suspect it still has a 45° trigger and piston. They may be fine for 1J guns, but once you up the power you'll wear the sears crazy fast, to the point they won't engage anymore and slam fire. I suggest investing in a 90° set, either Springer Custom or one of the other Zero Trigger offerings (airsoftpro being the cheapest one methinks, SCW or Laylax if you want the swag)
  13. Feeling's mutual btw, I was looking at some UK based items on eBay, now it's cheaper to enslave a town in Asia and get them to actually make me the item -.- 'cking brexit really.
  14. TFW a guy PMs you for a handguard, sends you his address but "forgets" to ask for paypal email :D


    Yup, nice try mate ;)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cr0-Magnon


      See, he was just disorganised - you cynic!

    3. Skara


      Well at some point I just asked him: "aren't you forgetting anything mate?"

    4. Cr0-Magnon
  15. True, but the pack itself is huge 😮 It's at least 30 to 40 litres, whereas I need 5/10 at most (bulkiest items are a 3L water bladder and a can of gas). Also my current Decathlon pack has a built in rifle "pocket", if I even need to I can use that one instead.
  16. I thought about buying a second one (in green) and use the one I already have (in that weird pattern), but I was wondering what other offerings were out there! Ehm, wrong bag I'm not looking for something to carry my rifle in Tried looking for one but the cheapest I could find was €120 or something, a bit out of my league for something that'll get trashed to shit This looks interesting! What size bladder? does it comfortably hold a huge ass Source 3L one? Can't be used standalone
  17. Herro bois, I'm on the hunt for a new backpack with the following requests/features/limitations: needs to carry a 3L bladder (I have a Source WXP 3L bladder, I'm getting a 2L one too but it's for my other packs); just a tiny bit of molle space, preferably on the sides, for a radio pouch and a foldable dump pouch; doesn't need to be fancy, it'll be covered in spray paint and cotton/haloscreen/loops for vegetation; decent padded shoulder straps, they'll have to bear the weight of a mk23, sternum strap is welcome but not a necessity as I have a couple of spares; overall capacity isn't important, apart from a bladder, a gas bottle and a radio it'll have to carry just a spare eyepro set and my car keys; preferably cheap I already have what I consider to be a pretty fine backpack for the task, but it's also super comfortable for daily hikes and I'd like to keep it for that purpose. I'd like to avoid "airsoft" stuff as most of the times it's super flimsy stuff and you're overpaying to begin with, surplus would be better as it's much stronger and can be bought for dirt cheap, so fuck off with any Viper/TMC/Emerson POS, I'm not paying €50+ for something that's worth less than half. Any suggestions?
  18. Upload to YouTube and make it not listed Because you have just burned all your direct upload space 😂 Also use imgur for pictures
  19. Jeez I've been thinking about getting one, but I heard that the gas capacity isn't enough to dump the full mag. Also that thing screams HPA TAP all over the place
  20. If I'm not mistaken that thing is HPA ready from the box. Interesting...............
  21. I feel the urge to buy a Primary/Tapp glock adapter now I'm just messing with you mate You make a point, but between having a hose and fighting temperamental mags, I'd go hose all day Not saying that every GBB mag is shit, but HPA has a clear advantage over gas/co2: it's constant pressure output, no matter any external factor With that being said, I'm still a fan of function over form and I still think that HPA tapped pistols are among the best things you can have in tight CQB fields
  22. Definitely acceptable. Why you wouldn't want the best tool for the job is beyond me.
  23. This. I can understand the need of a portable charger for 48h games in locations that don't have access to electricity, but for the remaining 99.99% of the occasions a spare battery is enough. In 12 years of airsofting I have never needed to change batteries mid game other than switching to a backup gun that required its own dedicated ones because of space (AM-013 and its little tiny ass battery compartment). Okay maybe once or twice when the only batteries available were NiMhs and I couldn't afford a LiPo + charger (they were rather expensive back then), nonetheless I always charge 2x the voltage I need (7.4s for my ak and 933 due to the lack of battery space, 11.1 for my wanker guns) + one of the other voltage (so it's either 2x7.4+1x11.1 or 2x11.1+1x7.4) so I'm covered for every situation.
  24. KSC but they are filled to the brim with proprietary parts (interchangeable with KWA as they are the same company but that's it). Action Army really hit the nail on the head with the AAP. Cheap base that can be customized via a suite of accessories. I plan to turn my black one into a full on carbine whenever AA releases the m-lok rail they showed a while ago.
  25. The fanboys will still buy them, even though the stalker ones have that super sweet M05 pattern ❤️ But anyway, I found this manufacturer that makes leaf suits, they are bloody similar to the KMCS, the mesh is the same, the pattern appears to be the same. The main difference is in the leaf strips, on these suits they're arranged vertically, whereas on the KMCS/Stalker they're horizontal. Not that it matters much since the average KMCS user will cover them up in 4.5 tons of plastic foliage because fuck understanding positive/negative space interactions in nature Oh, and just realized they're a quarter of the KMCS price lmao
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