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Everything posted by Skara

  1. Facebook then, Instagram now. If your IG isn't full of pictures from vacations, you are a sad cunt with no social life. Sad, really fucking sad if you ask me.
  2. Facebook groups are easier for speshul people to find though. Although groups like SniperWorks or the MK23/Striker/Specna(to an extent) ones are good, a bit repetitive in questions asked but that happens in here as well (wat am bset gnu type threads). Forums all day, posts are more thought out and the moderation is much more manageable. Plus they have an additional method to filter idiots: registration. You have no idea how many people are being put off by a simple "insert email and create password" page. I have to say, FB is the main reason the major Italian forum died. Apart from the extra registration step, the answers given were more sensible than the ones I kept reading on the various groups/pages. I guess kids didn't like that.
  3. As promised. Super Macaron on the left, old Macaron on the right. The Super has a tiny ring on top of the feed lip (almost unnoticeable) which I don't think does anything. The main difference is in the contact patch: On the Super is more pronounced albeit it looks a hair smaller and it has those two flat parts that match the walls on the barrel window (the new 2021 silicone decepticon has those too), they give the whole thing a hair more stability and even pressure distribution. The Super also has this ring right in the middle that is supposed to increase the air seal between the rubber and the barrel, but makes it a smidge more difficult to install (it's really grippy). Hope it's helpful @Groot Also sorry, but haven't installed them yet in any gun. Actually the older macaron has been sent to me by mistake, I ordered a MR-Hop, but it's fine to be fair, they all seem to achieve the same exact effect (sending heavy bbs way over there with good consistency).
  4. I happen to have one of each, still in their packages I'll get some pictures for you either tonight or tomorrow morning. And no I'm not a master of anything
  5. Don't get me started on arp mags lol. They are the reason why I sold mine and went with the KA pdw
  6. I see the gearbox front part of the shell cracking like crazy with that alu cylinder head, esp on a crappy G&G box
  7. Yup, especially when the drum mag is sold at an extra -.- Would say €400/450 tops for that thing (drum included)
  8. Yup, can't go wrong with two AAPs
  9. 2021 is off to a good start! I have never been so nervous about working on a gun before! I'm currently installing the GunSmithy TDC, had to file away a small portion of the chamber for the arm to fit, drilled my outer barrel to a reasonable standard (had to remove just a smidge of material from one side to make it perfect), now it's just a matter of gluing the turret base onto the barrel. This is kinda nerve wrecking to be honest as I definitely do not want to mess it up. Any tips on doing it right without epoxying myself to the table? And just in case, how does one "unglue" it?
  10. Yup I'm probably gonna resort to a M110/120 because of the airbrake and 300mm inner, but I want to finish the thing before buying a new spring.
  11. It appears that the stock spring is 11mm OD, so I would need a 13mm one instead to ensure a somewhat snug fit (will do the can mod anyway). Need a new spring guide as well I'd say. But will replace it later on as it's plastic so not really prone to being loud if Rapax makes 1J springs, i'm buying one, I read somewhere that PDI springs are also relatively quiet too! and guess what? He doesn't make 1J springs ffs.
  12. Hope so, because skirmshop is the only place I can reliably source VSR parts from and it takes three ice ages and a quarter to get here -.- Let's talk springs for a second. I keep hearing about 7mm, 9mm and 13mm springs, is there any actual difference between those sizes apart from requiring different spring guides? (take a M100 for example)
  13. it doesn't seem compatible with TM spec cylinders (I guess the AA is TM spec) Anyway, too late, skirmshop posted the parcel already
  14. Yup that's the plan https://www.skirmshop.nl/en/maple-leaf-vsr-10-stainless-steel-upgrade-cylinder.html thinking of this one. If it's compatible with the AA cylinder I have, I'm gonna order it right now.
  15. You mean the white bit? Eggsdee just leftover tape I'm not THAT desperate new cylinder head I guess. I was going to replace it anyway as it's aluminium and I utterly shanked it when unscrewing it the first time. I'll try to source a flat one (they all have a small chamfer anyway) from a reputable manufacturer like Maple Leaf or Laylax. In the meantime I will install the TDC, shorter barrel and dick around with various methods of internal suppression
  16. Crap picture, but it should give you the idea. I think that because of the tapered design the airbrake cannot physically plug the nozzle when it's supposed to, so the piston just slams with full force against the cylinder head. @alxndrhll Here it is cylinder head, stock piston, weighted SCW from left to right. sorry for the spam but it's bugging me.
  17. The original is a ring style just like the SCW, but with a concave head (I'll upload a picture tomorrow of both pistons, but I'll do it in my T-11 thread to keep this one free from unrelated messages). Also yep, by design they seem to be quieter (huge rubber pad impacting the cylinder head rather than bare metal/small o-ring).
  18. Clear, loud piston slap. It seems like the airbrake doesn't do its job, probably because the cylinder head is tapered. I'm gonna pop SCW a message and see what he/they say.
  19. I think you're right. I just installed the SCW piston and it's noticeably louder than the stock plastic one on my T-11 😕
  20. I am honestly confused. I thought airbrakes were meant to quieten the gun, not making it noticeably louder 😕 I'm starting to think I made a terrible mistake..
  21. So, all the parts arrived. Just need to pick some 2 part epoxy to glue the TDC base That piston is an absolute work of art though ❤️
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