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Everything posted by ziontrain

  1. I use one of these - 4 mags on the rig, one in the gun
  2. Is there anywhere in the UK with TM Hicapas in stock?

    1. strykerles







  3. Visionking short dot arrived this morning - looking forward to getting it mounted later.
  4. Anyone know a decent tech in Norfolk/East Anglia? Thinking of upgrading my old CA MP5 rather than shelling out for a fancy new SMG.

    1. Chopper92


      Sean at the combat action games shop, Dixon Centre , Norwich. Is very good , id always recommend him. 


    2. DestrO


      Can vouch for what Chopper said. Sean is great, especially with Evos

    3. Tactical Pith Helmet

      Tactical Pith Helmet

      Sean is good.  Theatre 1 near Bury are very good too:  [email protected]

  5. Anyone got any experience with the Ares APC9K? tempted to pick one up.

    1. Skara


      Being Ares, you are essentially overpaying to get the worst friday night job gun you can ever imagine.

      That is, if you get a good one.


      If not, well, you've bought an ugly wallhanger.


    2. ziCk_


      There's a guy on prefired that I buy lots of stuff from (he basically chews through all SMGs on the market and changes guns like gloves - got newest ICS MP5 CES-P, PDW9 and just a week ago VFC MP7 AEG gen2 from him) - he sold his APC-9K just to buy it again 3 months later because he liked it THAT much. 

  6. I fancy a softshell jacket for the colder months - what's the latest gucci kit out there?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ziontrain


      I was looking at the Pentagon Artaxes - the woodland one looks nice and retro but the price puts me off :(

    3. Skara


      Because it is actually NOT a soft shell.

      It's more like a hybrid between a traditional soft shell and a full on waterproof hard shell.

      Hence the higher price point.

    4. SgtTalbert


      I own the Pentagon also in Grey. Had it 5 years. Really really good. Kept me dry and warm in both Airsoft wars and general day to day. It's expensive but based on my experience it's worth it. 

  7. Only got shot in the face once on Saturday, will teach me to forget my facepro though

  8. Cheapo red-dot and protector from Amazon - thought I'd see how I get on before spending £££ on a fancy optic
  9. Am I being special needs or does the edit button not work?

    1. ziontrain


      Looks like it's an issue with Chrome, seems to be cooperating if I use Edge but then that's just unpleasant...

  10. Whyyy is my keymod so wobbly

    1. ak2m4


      video and / or pics ?

  11. Have decided, following my return to airsoft on Saturday, that I need some sort of optic for my rifle. Any suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Musica


      Vision king was what I was going to suggest if he wanted more than 1x. Please be aware you will probably be stung for VAT/Duty/royal mail fee making this closer to 90 from my calculations. Kill flash shouldn't be unrated as a small amount of protection from bb impact. 



      There is one in the classifieds right now I think if it takes anyone's fancy. 

    3. Sawyer


      Forgot about that. Can't wait to be stung with import duty... 😂

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      For up close and personal i'd stick with an open red dot style, the "1x" on those scopes isnt ideal for cqb. it'll do in a pinch but it's real purpose is to be good enough close combat and ranged combat but at the sacrifice of not being perfect at either.


      If you do some range work then absolutely its a solid choice that i'd heartily reccommend, but for exclusively close and personal a dot is better.

  12. First game in ten years, let's go!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. StayOnTarget


      Hope the PewPew goes well 👍

    3. Skara


      Make sure to not call a single hit ;)

  13. Any recommendations for cheap rifle cases/bags? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ziontrain


      I've got a big old Eastpak wheelie case, which I was surprised my gnu was too big for :c

    3. Musica


      how long yours gun?

    4. Lozart
  14. Managed to order the wrong chest rig in my excitement to buy things, what a wally!

  15. Krytac CRB, PTS mags, batteries, charger, goggles, chest rig. I'm back in the game! Pics to follow on arrival.
  16. New kit ordered, looking forward to getting back out there and flinging balls around!

    1. wil1hit


      nice just starting myself what you orderd ?


    2. ziontrain


      Krytac CRB and many accessories

  17. UKARA renewal came through, time to buy new gnus!

  18. https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/ares-m45-s-class-ar-pistol-stabilizing-brace-edition-by874 Scuffed but otherwise fine? Missing sights too but otherwise why would you not?
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