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  1. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from Tackle in What Will You Be Importing Before Jan the 1st? Sorry Wa2000 Fans :   
    So I thought about it some more! Thanks for your contributions. 
    I went with sensible this time. The WA2000 in real life is semi auto. The Ares is bolt action. That's a good enough excuse not to go for it. Maybe one day someone will do a proper WA2000 (The Asahi is just too much money for something that is not amazing)
    I picked up the E&L AKM plus a good 15kg worth of bb's. I really have been smitten by my other AK's so I reckon it's the best choice! It means I can also pick up the Zenitco and maybe a KA VSS next month
  2. Sad
    Asomodai reacted to Albiscuit in What Will You Be Importing Before Jan the 1st? Sorry Wa2000 Fans :   
    The rest is bareable, some are so ugly they are nice, that thing looks like something from steampunk 
  3. Like
  4. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from John_W in The Latest Bullpup Pre-order. Its Not the Silverback Mdr.   
    This one has come out of the blue. A Keltec RDB17 made in partnership with EMG and Ares. It's a shame its not the RFB DMR which I am more of aware of. 
    I might hit up Redwolf UK and put in for a Pre-Order. 
    Basically it seems like its going to be very similar internally to my Ares Soc-AR. EFCS, I imagine its the same V6 a-like gearbox with angled motor.

  5. CoolAF
    Asomodai got a reaction from GeorgePlaysAirsoft in The Latest Bullpup Pre-order. Its Not the Silverback Mdr.   
    This one has come out of the blue. A Keltec RDB17 made in partnership with EMG and Ares. It's a shame its not the RFB DMR which I am more of aware of. 
    I might hit up Redwolf UK and put in for a Pre-Order. 
    Basically it seems like its going to be very similar internally to my Ares Soc-AR. EFCS, I imagine its the same V6 a-like gearbox with angled motor.

  6. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from Tackle in The Latest Bullpup Pre-order. Its Not the Silverback Mdr.   
    This one has come out of the blue. A Keltec RDB17 made in partnership with EMG and Ares. It's a shame its not the RFB DMR which I am more of aware of. 
    I might hit up Redwolf UK and put in for a Pre-Order. 
    Basically it seems like its going to be very similar internally to my Ares Soc-AR. EFCS, I imagine its the same V6 a-like gearbox with angled motor.

  7. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from EvilMonkee in Gun picture thread   
    I am pondering over a Gorka 1, which should be ok for Cold War if slightly implausible! I can use Gorka 1 for modern day MVD as well which is handy. 
  8. Haha
    Asomodai got a reaction from MadMole in Airsoft Competitions!   
    It's a scam until I have won something. Have entered a number of times and not won a sausage  
    As bullpup KING my name should  have been nailed on to the Ares DSR 1 
  9. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from PureSilver in Se Tour Review: Gunman: Camp Bravo (Hampshire)   
    Site Name: Gunman Airsoft: Camp Bravo
    Contact details: 07546 426 310
    Website Address: https://www.gunmanairsoft.co.uk/
    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/gunmancampbravo
    Site Address: Eversley, Hampshire, RG27 0PY
    @Albiscuit and I were down to play the new Z-Mart, when the notice came through that it would not go ahead due to new government restrictions, we booked in for Gunman Camp Bravo. (Z-Mart then re-opened and we got a refund back). We were a little disappointed not to be able to play in a Debenhams but decided to make the best of it!
    Gunman is a well established name in Airsoft that needs no introduction. This would be my third encounter of a Gunman run day. We recently went to Tuddenham and had a reasonably good experience. 
    Camp Bravo is the secondary/backup site to Alpha just around the corner. Bravo is used for regular skirmishes where Alpha is used for Film, Mil and Battlesims. Based within a large section of mixed Hampshire woodland. Part of the site also hosts laser tag for the young'uns. I haven't much online reviews of Camp Bravo as it was a last minute backup plan, so was going into this blind. 
    The woodland has a mix of very high trees and low to ground ferns, the safe zone and building area is set upon a plateau, where from a track winds down a hill into far more dense and overgrown woodland with a stream and boggy ground, followed by a heavy fern opening in the tree cover and steep slopes climbing up towards Camp Alpha. 
    Medium distance engagement is predominant here. 
    Playing Area/Natural Features: The natural features of the site are top notch. You enter onto the site with very high trees and foliage and a large clearing that is used for the safe zone, camping and village areas. There village area is onto of a plateau that plunges through a track and into a thicker lower woodland section on the North side and a more open fern section on the South side. 
    I am a huge fan of hiding in ferns as the provide excellent camouflage, you see little of it in UK woodland and there plenty here. The ground can get a little boggy in the middle of the site, but further on it climbs back up to a drier area. It was quite a large site and most of the games were close to the Safe Zone and village so I didn't get a good look everywhere, but from what I saw was very good. 
    There was a small section to the North of the safe zone used at the end of the day for CQB action, there were plenty of low and medium height barriers, it wasn't particularly unique, but we weren't expecting it from a woodland site and it was a great way to end the day. You could stay at a distance as well if you aren't inclined to get hurt and still get a few kills. 
    Safe Zone(s): The Safe zone was fairly large and could easily accommodate the COVID 19 restricted numbers. There were a number of large tents to set up in with lighting, tables and chairs. There is also a camping section right next to it which seemed nice and level. The parking area was just a few steps away. Some of the tables could have done with a clean, but otherwise nothing wrong at all!
    Shop: An on-site shop with a small selection of pistols (Raven and WE), 3-4 AEGS and a selection of Tac gear, gas and BB's. 
    Food: A large selection available, There is a breakfast menu and even beans on toast! Burgers had to be pre-ordered ahead of time. Basically a really large selection available. I couldn't comment on the quality or taste as myself and Al brought our own food this time. 
    Safety Brief: Was pretty good and explained everything quite well. Would have been better if some of the regulars would shut up behind us, struggled to hear at times. 
    Clientele: Al And I were in a tent to ourselves so we didn't mingle much. However once on the field everyone stuck together, made plans and discussed tactics. Usual discussions about gear. Most players were in their 20's. Rentals were absolutely fine.
    Feeling Good: One of those rare days where both myself and Al had a fantastic day, we could have gone for at least two more games come the end due to the adrenaline. We both performed quite well on the day and left on a good (Clean and natural) high. 
    LMG fun: The site is semi-auto only unless you are using a heavyweight LMG. In which case there is a one second burst fire rule. I brought the only LMG of the day, I had a real blast, pretty sure I got into triple figures in kills and was a real asset to the team. Ran out of bb's and battery and had to switch to the AR for the last few rounds. If you have an LMG, this is the perfect site to maximise it's advantages. 
    Game Modes: Were pretty good. The first two games didnt involve armbands and as such and were quite confusing when working out who was on what team. We didn't think it worked well, but the rest of the day was excellent. Once the teams were picked out we had a blast, the best game of the day was the fallback games. Which used the border restriction which added much to the game. 
    Value: £25 for the day was perfectly fair. 
    Chrono: A mandatory chrono was in play. Guns were NOT marked. AEGS 350FPS, DMR's 400FPS and Bolties 500FPS. Chronoed with the BB's you brought. 
    Turn around time: Was reasonable at around 15 minutes between games.
    Marshalling: Marshalling was hands off in a good way. They stepped in when required and gave advice of good areas and angles to repel the other team. They did keep checking on hit taking. 
    Hit taking: I had no huge issues with hit taking, the marshals brought it up at least twice during mission briefs, so there must have been a problem at some point. 
    Toilets: 2 Portaloos that I saw. used one at the end of the day and it was in acceptable condition. Could be worse, though could be a fair bit better. 
    Site Utilisation: I would have liked to see the denser woodland parts of the site used, they seemed very optional considering most games happened in and around the plateau, though we did have a fantastic time around that area!
    Buildings: The buildings were of reasonable quality. With gaps between them so it's not "American" Killhouse style CQB. I used them as cover and didnt actually go inside one during the day. It had the right amount of buildings in the village area in my opinion. It would be nice to see more buildings out in the undergrowth though. 
    Louder Whistle: A bit nit picky, on one game myself and Al separated and went far into the woods in a game of hunter. Neither of us heard the whistle to call the end of the game and I hid for a further 15 minutes before coming out to see what was up, only to run into my team going to the start point of the next game. Al didn't realise until two short games had started and finished! A siren or klaxon would be good! 
    Al and I thoroughly enjoyed the day. We had low expectations being the Gunman "B Site", but we came away thinking, if this was the "B" site, imagine how good the "A" site would be! It's good classic woodland that is well run and fun to play. No unique selling point just good medium distance engagement fun. I think this would be a site that new players especially would appreciate as an introduction to Airsoft and good for experienced players who want to have a bit of exercise, but low risk and not serious. 
    The site has a bit of "The Zoo" about it with the woodland sections and ferns. 
    More utilisation of the entire site would be nice. It is clear the best sections are used most though so that utilisation will probably only come if those areas are opened up and improved on. 
    In conclusion, had a great day, it was fun, low stress and would come back again. Though a Camp Alpha visit is now on the cards to see if it deserves the Alpha moniker! 
    Bullpup Watch: Only my L85. Very disappointing. 
    The map below is absolute best guess as we didn't use the whole site. 

  10. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from PureSilver in Sw Tour Review: Swindon Airsoft's Strikeforce CQB (Gloucestershire)   
    Site Name: Swindon Airsoft's StrikeForce CQB
    Contact details: 01452 303 849
    Website Address: http://www.swindonairsoft.co.uk/default.asp
    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Strikeforce-Airsoft-retail-145953958794206/
    Site Address: Unit 39/40, Morelands Trading Estate, Bristol Road, Gloucester, GL1 5RZ
    SE Tour Reviews are now in the South West! Decided to visit some family in Bristol so went on three skirmishes in three days. 
    I attended StrikeForce on 10/09/20 on a Thursday night. Located about a 20 minute walk from Gloucester Rail station and 5 minute walk from the local cheap Travel Lodge. Existing online reviews are very polarising, some saying it is pretty awfully run, to other saying it is quite decent. There has been controversy with full auto and "burst" being used in the past. In this instance, only Single shot was used throughout the night.
    The confusingly named Swindon Airsofts Strikeforce CQB site (Based in Gloucester) is inside a trading estate. It is set in a large 1st storey warehouse above other units. It is claimed to be the largest indoor CQB arena in Europe since The Malls demise. Its practically the size of a football pitch at 52,000 sq ft. 
    This is a Large indoor CQB site, the entire site was in use for the vast majority of games. There is a split down the middle, the left hand side being tighter and darker then the right hand side, which is more open. There are a couple of areas at the back that have a second storey, but is quite limited. as this was as a late Summer evening game, whilst somewhat light at the beginning, it turned very dark after the second game.
    Playing Area: This is a very large playing area, which has some variety in terms of how close range you can get. As described before, the left hand side is more American Killhouse style, where the right is more open. The construction is mostly plywood based and has some attention paid to the angles needed for engagement. It caters for the less sadist CQB player who cant stand ultra close CQB. 
    Marshals: The Marshals were very professional and very friendly. They knew I was new to the site and kept checking up on me to make sure I was having a good time. Really cant fault them.
    Safe Zone(s): There was a main safe zone which is based next to the shop counter, which spans the length of the warehouse. There were tables and soft furnishings throughout which looked quite comfortable. I was in the auxiliary Safe Zone which you had to go through part of the playing area to get to, where there plastic seats and low tables. Plenty of room for all. 
    Shop: Swindon Airsoft run their own shop here, some good priced E&L AK's raised an eyebrow. Very good shop for a site. All the BB's, Gas and accessories you need. 
    Safety Brief: Excellent. Covered everything in a not-too-long a time. Clientele were a little bit talky, but were shut down to make sure they listened.
    Game Modes: Were pretty good. The Ammo tin collection game was pretty good, especially when I picked up a decoy bucket by accident thinking it was an objective! The last game of the night which was a small flag raising game was a real hoot due to the low numbers left. 
    Turn around time: I definitely got my moneys worth. Being the first of three skirmishes in three days, I wanted to take it relatively easy the first night. I didn't get a chance to! No sooner had I reloaded and we were back out again!
    Hit taking: Like with all CQB it can be a mixed bag... But taking that into account, I felt that the hit taking here was excellent throughout the night. Very little grumbling between players, on what grumbling there was, was down to the typical 50:50 chances. 
    Clientele: A mixed clientele age of the very young to just under my age. All very friendly, their for a good time and urging each other on. 
    Parking: I didn't use the parking area, however there is some hard standing parking behind the warehouse. Also a large supermarket area over the road.
    Value: I didn't feel short changed at £20 for 3 hours of decent CQB play. I probably wouldn't pay £35 for the full day though. 
    Chrono: A mandatory chrono was in play. 340 FPS for any rifle regardless of what it is. None of the guns were tagged however. 
    Food: Was not included in the fee, I only saw a large selection of cans etc, rather then hot food, though there are multiple takeaways on Bristol Road that you can go to. 
    As usual, I will preface my conclusion stating I am not a fan of CQB. Especially ultra tight CQB.
    I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Strikeforce. It's well run, varied, clientele were great. No real grumbles all night long and I was looked after very well by the organisers. I will go out on limb and say this is the best bit of CQB I have played since The Mall shut down. Obviously it is very far from where I live, but if I am going through the area on a Thursday night again I will definitely hit it up! (And stay til' Sunday so I can go to HMP Vendetta!)
    It could do with a few more props inside, but I do like the open nature of the right hand side, so it is a compromise. Its a big arena that gets very dark. On the booking form is states you MUST bring a torch. Of course a Tracer unit would be a good pickup as well.
    I took quite a few welts at close range, but smiling broadly at the end of the night. 
    Bullpup Watch: Just the Tavor and my unused PDRC. 

  11. Like
    Asomodai reacted to HuttArmouries in Octagon Airsoft Customer Service   
    So a few weeks ago I ordered a tercel type 89 rifle from octagon. It arrived after a week or so but upon arrival I found that the stock was broken and the handguard was snapped. I emailed octagon with photos of the problems and my order number and now a week later I have a brand new stock and handguard no questions asked or extra payments requested. I highly recommend them based on this customer service and they stock some of the harder to find guns out there so they are really worth a look. 

  12. Haha
    Asomodai got a reaction from Tackle in Airsoft Competitions!   
    It's a scam until I have won something. Have entered a number of times and not won a sausage  
    As bullpup KING my name should  have been nailed on to the Ares DSR 1 
  13. Haha
    Asomodai got a reaction from Rogerborg in Airsoft Competitions!   
    It's a scam until I have won something. Have entered a number of times and not won a sausage  
    As bullpup KING my name should  have been nailed on to the Ares DSR 1 
  14. CoolAF
    Asomodai got a reaction from Iceni in Keeping Battery's Alive   
    Buy a proper smart charger. 
    When you have finished your skirmish, once you get home, put all your lipos on storage charge.
    I have used the same lipos for 3 years with no issues.
  15. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from Rogerborg in Keeping Battery's Alive   
    Buy a proper smart charger. 
    When you have finished your skirmish, once you get home, put all your lipos on storage charge.
    I have used the same lipos for 3 years with no issues.
  16. CoolAF
    Asomodai got a reaction from Skara in Gun picture thread   
    Got my new E&L AKS74U through the post. 
    It's just as solid as the E&L 74N I got through last month. The stock is especially wobble free. Gunfire downgraded it a tad too much, but shouldn't be too much of a problem. Goes to my tech on Friday to be given the once over, the usual replacement barrel and bucking as I dont rate any stock ones.

  17. CoolAF
    Asomodai got a reaction from Adolf Hamster in Gun picture thread   
    Got my new E&L AKS74U through the post. 
    It's just as solid as the E&L 74N I got through last month. The stock is especially wobble free. Gunfire downgraded it a tad too much, but shouldn't be too much of a problem. Goes to my tech on Friday to be given the once over, the usual replacement barrel and bucking as I dont rate any stock ones.

  18. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from Rogerborg in Stop Me From Buying an Ssr15!   
    One of those Double Eagles on TG probably fits the bill. Flat trigger and an option for binary trigger if you so desire. If the handguard isnt skeleton enough then you can easily buy something with the money saved. 
  19. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from djben9 in Met Police Don't Seem to Know What a Two Tone Is.   
    To back up Al's comments. My wife is a Secondary school teacher for a state school in one of the richest boroughs in London, I used to work there and it's in fact where we met. It is based in the middle of one of the few council estates left in the borough that hasn't been bulldozed for private housing. My wife has had to put hand in pocket to give kids food often. When it is the holidays they still get over 50 kids in to school every day to have a free lunch or else they go without. Roughly half are single parent families. The other half are kids with both parents working but still cant afford to feed their children because of crippling private rents and bills. This shouldn't happen in a country that is one of the top 10 richest in the world. When I worked there we had the ambulance call out twice one term due to a kid collapsing due to malnutrition. 
    The majority of parents are good parents who don't have any other place to turn. Poverty doesn't necessarily turn you into a criminal. But it sure as hell makes it more likely through necessity. 
    Sadly for the past few years schools and teachers have been plastering over the cracks of our society failing our children to no reward and no end in sight. 
  20. Like
    Asomodai reacted to Cr0-Magnon in The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread   
    I was at Tactical Warfare Airsoft in Croydon on Saturday. I'd been feeling burnt out with airsoft but wanted to force myself to go, so wasn't expecting much. Surprisingly I had an excellent day. 12C, so chilly at first but perfect for running around. They have limited the number of players to 60 (peak days they used to get 150+) who have pre-booked and that seemed the perfect number. I think @Asomodai did a review noting high numbers leading to a lot of spraying and praying and not much in the way of tactics. With 60 there were enough to have a decent number of targets but still being able to pick your shots and move forward without facing a constant hail of BB's. Also the first time using my FDE Scorpion Evo and it performed excellently, especially once I'd dialled in my red dot. My only gripe, was the same one I always have with airsoft, the lunch break is too long. I'd be fine with half an hour to chow down and get back out there but they always seem to stretch 1hr 30 - 2hrs and not only do I get bored but my muscles cooldown and seize up too much!
    Still I stayed for the second half and again everything went well until my gun seemingly jammed. It was only half an hour or so before the end, so called it a day. Got the cleaning rod out when I got home but there didn't seem to be anything blocking the barrel. A peak up the magwell revealed a spring around the nozzle and I quickly realised where the one from my bottle of BB's had ended-up (I had noticed it missing earlier in the day but couldn't be arsed to do anything about it). It must have been poured in to my hi-cap mag and fed through! Fortunately I was able to do a basic disassembly and it doesn't seem to have done any damage.  
    Long story short, I'm back in the game baby!

  21. CoolAF
    Asomodai got a reaction from GeorgePlaysAirsoft in Airsoft Plantations New Site. the Tower'   
    Just noticed that AP have opened a new site (Or rather borrowed it from Delta Force Paintball). Its just around the corner from AP.
    The Halloween game will be held there for the inaugural game day. 
    Looks fairly interesting to play. They plan to run it one Saturday and one Sunday a month. 
  22. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from ak2m4 in Removing a Motor Casing?   
    Sure! At a guess it's from the SHS/Rocket OEM.
    Whether it's a true Sam-Co motor is anyones guess. 
  23. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from Spartan873 in Removing a Motor Casing?   
    My Tech freind says to uncrimp the endbell from the casing and probably remove the pinion gear as well. 
    If you just want to buy a new motor, AliExpress are doing some Samarium Cobalt motors for £30+ that look interesting which may do the job. My buddy will buy your knackered Sam motor for the same price
  24. CoolAF
    Asomodai got a reaction from Cr0-Magnon in Wat Em Best Tournament Gnu? Yes All My Titles Are Going to Be That Stupid)   
    Gunfire have them for 80 odd quid!
  25. Thanks
    Asomodai got a reaction from Cr0-Magnon in Ukara Maintenance   
    You just need to play once a year after the UKARA is issued to you. (At least with my registered site) Contact them and say you played at roughly such and such date and they "Should" Renew it for you. 
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