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Everything posted by Steveocee

  1. Indoor or Outdoor? Indoor I've never had a problem with, I've never had a problem indoors and I'm friendly enough that they'd "politely ask me not to" before they blanket banned it. Outdoor I know they can be a pit pernickity about, they usually ask if anyone has objections to anyone recording and even the slightest mutter they prefer you not to.
  2. Looks light it jus needs some mini spade terminals to connect however the only setup I've personally seen and handled built like that was a G&G one where it also went through an ETU, however you don't have a data cable for the ETU to trigger so probably just some wiring converter to go from those mini spades up to deans or mini tamiya.
  3. There are a lot of sites locally. Phoenix as mentioned (although I find it ok), Skirmish Mansfield, Division22, Hells (dust is meh, depends who and if anyone is dragging their feet), Skirmish CQB at Kirkby, Skirmish Lutterworth (short drive). Anzio, Matlock Combat Games. **New site opening at Dale Abbey on the road from Spondon to West Hallam - Killzone Airsoft** that opens Sept 4th. Nice little local group though if you want in on some airsoft banter and kit p0rn https://chat.whatsapp.com/JvQYD3HK9vRDbptDmc2SYc
  4. This is utter madness. It's 50:50 so you should probably respect that whilst your child is with their other parent, that parent has control over they think your son should or should not be looking at or watching. If you had banned or preferenced against something, I'm fairly sure you'd be extremely unimpressed if your Ex was trying to negate your rules and undermine you. Sorry if this is a harsh truth but you're coming across as a real ass by doing this and trying to hide it behind "your sons interests". This feels nothing more than trying to 1up your Ex.
  5. Thoughts on fitment of Guarder frames
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Steveocee


      First time there, didn't really know what to expect to be honest. Was ok once I moved onto M4 but day was a little marred by the gamesmanship.

    3. Stratton Oakmont

      Stratton Oakmont

      I’d give Stormforce a try, better for sniping. There are Rhododendron bushes as at the fob but better spaced out and due to the lie of the land you can look down on some from a vantage point. Lots more open play, they play a morning and an afternoon game with multiple in game objectives.

      Honestly, I’ve been to both and I only go to Stormforce these days.


    4. THE FNG

      THE FNG

      Have to agree on playmanship; I've been about 4 or 5 times and everytime theres been some really questionable hit taking & rule bending. 

  6. Apparently all HPA users are cheating little gits who chrono low then crank up the PSI's. I just don't understand it. I always chrono on site chrono with my shooting weight so that I know I'm under and then stick site BB's in to make them happy. My indoor pistols I build them so that they hit about 1J with a .25 at 80psi so I can set and forget. It's aged attitudes doing this.
  7. Overly complicated solution to this. Site employs a chrono zip tie system with varying colours: 0.2 - Blue 0.25 - Red 0.3 - Green If it has a tag, it's passed. When random spot checked, gun is re-chrono'd with correct weight, hey presto. Player can use limit they are tested to or lighter. For those about to argue the player could be using a heavier BB. Shoot a couple of BB's through with players own mag and then a few of the colour weighted tags. If the results are similar then player is honest about weight, if results of site BB are higher then player is lying about weight. That to be honest would be right up Anzio's street as they like to heavily convolute the already convoluted and it'd give him 10 more mins of safety brief.
  8. Certainly was. What's crazy is the first time I played there, I had a VSR GSPEC and it did 499/500/500 and they let me through fine, tagged it and didn't mention anything. A tear later took my SRS and it went through at 465 and the guy told me I'm only just acceptable..... I kind of "like" that they're wise enough to use a heavier BB to account for some creep but going heavier than the person is using is stupid.
  9. I'd have been shocked if it was any other site. Anzio are notorious for this. A friend of mine went to chrono with his MTW, turned all the way down, using 25's, was running about 300-305, marshall dried his teeth when chrono'ing and said he can play but if he gets pulled in game for random chrono then it's "his risk" - So it was under but still a chance of it not? Great site for buildings, cover, layout. Crap site for marshalls.
  10. TM's are generally about 280 due to law where they are manufactured but they come with magic TM dust that makes them perform like nothing else. Yours does sound a bit low however if an m100 took it to 310 then an m110 would probably get it very close to 350 HOWEVER 350 is the max limit, not a target. Try not to get too wound up in numbers, it's not a race to get as close to 350 as you can. Most of my stuff I run at 1J (328 with a 0.2) and I play HPA so could easily push up. If the rest of the gun is working well and you have your hop set well then it'll go about as far, as fast with as much range. 350 to 310 is the difference between hitting your target at range on either then knee or the shin.
  11. I know Luke.
















    (Disclaimer - I don't know Luke).

    1. Rogerborg


      I'm Luke's best mate.












      (Don't tell Luke that he's not my best mate)

    2. ryzen4k


      3 guys are Luke's best mate.

    3. Lozart


      I'm Luke and so's my wife!

  12. WE's aren't really compatible with TM parts (on hi capa's) due to differences in the slides. Have you tried purging the mag though? If you're getting weird behaviour I'd try that if you haven't already. If it's dumping gas, it means the knocker is sticking forwards so full strip, clean, lube is needed. Possibly the release valve is gummed up? Again, strip, clean, lube.
  13. Amazing day yesterday at Midlands Airsoft Fair. Didn't spend the earth but got some bits I wanted.

    1. Rogerborg


      Out of interest, was there any attempt by the venue or organiser to police the selling of RIFs?


      I ask because I'm seeing that cosplay and similar fanwank conventions are now requiring vendors of anything remotely toy weapon related to not sell face-to-face on site, but to ship the item later.


      I know that makes absolutely hee-haw sense, but it's the sort of idiocy that seems increasingly popular among people who don't understand the consequences of creating a duty of care where one didn't previously exist.  And in our case, every sale of a RIF is a criminal offence.

    2. Steveocee


      A couple of the stalls said that they would check UKARA before selling a RIF.


      Some of the bigger ones didn't, I think it's an almost fair assumption that to go to an airsoft fair, pay £5 for entry to wander round and purchase then you are "most likely" an airsofter.


      The one which made me smile was one of the players stalls (selling second hand stuff) stating it would check UKARA as I didn't even think that was possible any more.


      I can say though that I went knowing my UKARA had expired but still came away with a new RIF.

  14. Going over some H2 updates this week.
  15. Amsterdam. You won't be alone for long if you have a wallet.
  16. If it's the JAG version then a GSB, AM, Edge or similar slide probably won't fit very well. THe JAG ones are 5.4" and the nice ones (apart from the super expensive full build kit) are 5.1 sized so they fit on normal capas. The JAG's are also a slither wider in the slide as well meaning it's difficult to move between the two. If you compare the price of an alu GSB etc slide as well, they're about £80 plus postage (£90 total?) to the UK you'd likely be better sourcing another JAG or AA R601 as for the small amount extra you get a whole load of spare parts as well.
  17. I'll use the Jubilee as an excuse as everyone else is doing. Earlier today than normal but enjoy.
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