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Everything posted by Sacarathe

  1. It's impressive this does not create a bad atmosphere of false accusations.
  2. Did you ever find out if the tracer is fully operable without the PEQ or mosfet being nearby with the X3300?
  3. Sacarathe

    Gaming PC

    When you say it never goes to the desktop screen, does it actually do anything else unusual ? Furthermore, does it do anything differently with the hard disk drive disconnected (don't do this if there is more than one disk drive). (obviously this would not be my advice if I could access the bios myself.) Broken hard drive is more likely than "broken" OS, all hard drives break. If the hard drive is worn out, they're only £30 to replace. The OS being unlicensed is unlikely to have anything to do with anything. That you have a 2nd computer can make this all the more easier to fix, as you can read about the motherboard while at the computer. When you say you tried installing a new OS, how far did you get? Could the advice in the post above help? As for "not" doomed, you're going to toss a computer because one of the cheapest parts appears to not work?
  4. Fixed for you. Or is that just so I don't bring up railguns.
  5. So you say, but do you have eyes? (ps: edit post button)
  6. But hopefully for more reasons than just because one person suggested it?
  7. In 2011. Just because you're looking at the meaning of an acronym, does not mean everyone automagically knows too. Can a moderator move this thread to the UK law forum?
  8. Wait wait wait, now hang on a minute, are you saying that you were able to answer your own question within the last hour or two? That's generally less time than I spend trying to figure something out before I start a thread. I'd bet the same is true of most adults. The moment you post a question online you are no longer just using your own [research] time, you're exponentially using the time of others. That said, noting what Jedi_Master said above, I stand by my earlier answers (although the first reply was meant to be a humorous nudge to get you to actually ask an intelligible question without passively insulting you by asking you directly to do just that - hence the 'sneaky' emote).
  9. Yes. Tiny question: adaptor to do what? I don't think there's an adaptor to convert a non threaded barrel to threaded, there'd be no way to attach it.
  10. Having a spare £2000 does help though.
  11. So what contributes most to BB pain? Energy or mass?
  12. Sacarathe

    Gaming PC

    How you know it's broke? Please do not say "it won't turn on". Incidentally, if you do self build, after 2-3 times you have enough parts to troubleshoot for individual part failure should such an issue eventually arise (it will, if you use it long enough).
  13. You should wear contacts under those glasses just to be sure!
  14. OP your question is about two tone airsoft guns: note that the physical nature of the "gun", is entirely irrelevant, that is it's status as a Realistic Imitation Firearm or a Initiation Firearm (two tone and others). If you had a gearbox and barrel attached to a 2 by 4 with duct tape and nails which no one could mistake for a gun it'd still have to comply.
  15. Every site is different, but if it shoots at 1 joule with 0.2g BBs - which will be at 328 feet per second or 100 metres per second, you should never encounter a problem. As far as the govt is concerned, a gun with 2.5 joules of muzzle force should not be able to shoot on auto (note this is not a law). Normally here it is 350 fps with 0.2g BBs or 1.14 Joules. Note this is for the UK, in some countries the 1 joule limit for automatics (or as in japan all airsoft guns) is enforced by the govt, in others (eg america) the normal automatic power is capped at 1.5J - but again not for all sites. Are you a noobie at google too? EDIT: Well, many have the same Muzzle force limits, but you can't know in advance without checking.
  16. http://i.imgur.com/pFTHncZ.jpg http://www.airsoftct.com/electric-airsoft-gun-gearbox-guide/ Hope these help, though they're quite general.
  17. C'mon, to be fair some, fore-grips can be a bitch to remove.
  18. Define "it". EDIT (Those who don't know how to edit look closely): It = the gun, or everything.
  19. CBA to dig this up from a reputable source. Note, what happened actually has nothing to do with airsoft when you get down to it.
  20. What are you sorry for? EDIT: Ah, I see why you've said that now: you think you're correcting me. There is no need to apologise for that. However, as you're telling me something I already researched, i'll take the apology for that. Perhaps you should read the whole sentence instead of ignoring what I said about AOR1.
  21. Because sometimes upgraded guns are worth less than the stock gun when the replaced parts (if unbroken) are not present, for reasons i don't understand myself. Given the shop value of the parts, i'd consider selling the mid cap magazines separately to bring your asking price down by £25 ish or offer them as an optional extra with the rest of it. Definitely clean it yourself!
  22. I don't think that would be in his best interests at this time. OP, do you have the original hop and nozzle? http://www.landwarriorairsoft.com/airsoft-magazines-c3/mid-standard-capacity-c52/g-g-airsoft-g-g-120-mid-capacity-magazine-box-of-5-black-tan-gr16-m4-p3439 http://www.landwarriorairsoft.com/batteries-bbs-gas-chronographs-c5/chargers-c141/we-airsoft-europe-we-europe-n3-nimh-battery-charger-p3512 http://www.landwarriorairsoft.com/batteries-bbs-gas-chronographs-c5/batteries-c62/9-6v-1600mah-mini-battery-p3185 x2 http://www.landwarriorairsoft.com/airsoft-weapons-c38/electric-rifles-c45/combat-machine-cm16-carbine-dst-p1478
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