TL;DR Are all V3 gun's tigger pull and reset distances distinctly larger than V2 guns? (question not applied to bullpups)
I've noticed over the last few days that, the trigger pull and reset on semi fire with my new MP5K is very different to the V2 guns ive tried, and I was wondering if V3 guns are all distinguished from V2 in this manner, if this a consistent across all V3 guns?
Its clearly that the pivot point is further from the point of contact with the users finger.
I found that I was not able to easily repeatedly discharge the gun on semi, but more importantly the exertion was much higher too, furthermore I had repeated miscycles.
Of course with practice it will get better, but it felt like a distinct disadvantage over a typical V2 trigger mechanism. I had hoped that V3 would be functionally the same as V2.
Obviously play style is a big element of why this might be a problem, unless attempting greater than 2rd/s, it's not going to be a great problem, but such a large trigger pull also affects stability if trying to fire quick on semi. I'm quite an amateur player, i've only just managed to get my cheek welds sorted, so hopefully i'll be firing less shots per hit, but still, it feels like a blanket disadvantage.
OR MAYBE, its just that my trigger finger is a wimp.