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Everything posted by Sacarathe

  1. Cost puts me off. Five hours of travel to reading is cheaper. Probably does not help them being on the same day as the mall, even at that distance.
  2. Pay on the day? I've never used them before. I think this is a good idea.
  3. It's not the same when the person was acting in a professional capacity, especially if the comments are not negative.
  4. Human Male is a good choice; for Nationality and Training, I can't be sure.
  5. I find a hand on the shoulder and a finger in the back works okay. but it depends how the site handles surrendering, some are "must take" and some are "try and avoid if you can".
  6. Where do you guys get the .209 SG primers? I've noticed a disconnect between the gun community and the airsoft community. Gun places wont post them, in person trading only, and airsoft vendors appear happy to post to UKARA holders. No good buying a BFG if I cant load it for under 30p, prefer 5p though.
  7. EDIT: I was so sure it was £65, but that was the other one.
  8. Have to say, I'd have bought the orange one if it was in stock, I'd never seen a BFG I liked until I saw that.
  9. 2x Pistol, 1x 3xM4, 1xAccessories, Drop, 1x3 m4 kangaroo, pouches in AOR2.
  10. Thanks, appreciate the reply. The reason for my question, was that I wouldn't spend much on a loaner, but I wouldn't loan an expensive p90. If I buy any p90 now, it will be for me and I'll wait until I'm good and ready to buy a TM P90 for myself in a few years. Except, for the reasons above, I still think they're a little pricey. A shame the Magpul PDR-C has no locking semi.
  11. Buy whichever you think will most positively* affect your game play - and then buy the other one later. EDIT: *Both psychologically and actually.
  12. What was the final weight of the system without the hose, tank or regulator?
  13. Thanks, that really settles it, if they can't fire reliably there's not much point. I left it out of the original question, but I was only asking in reference to tracer rounds.
  14. Where did you read about a licence? The UKARA retailer scheme appears to operate like a licence, however adults cannot be refused membership afaik thus it's not really even close to a licence. You do not legally need anything to use your airsoft gun for airsoft purposes, just don't show it in a public place.
  15. Aye, you don't have to prove anything if you don't have to prove anything, especially to a courier service. UPS holds up all evike packages for example, but that does not mean you have to provide "proof" (of eligibility to import something the package 'might' contain) when it's asked for. This probably isn't helpful, but if customs is not involved do not let a courier bully you.
  16. Anyone know where combat south's woodland rules can be found? Their site makes a point to state their urban games are 1J. Can't find the airsoft site thread.
  17. Which harm code did you actually get from Airsoftmegastore? https://www.gov.uk/trade-tariff/chapters/93
  18. I bought some coloured ones to put in the end of a magazine, 10 coloured followed by 100-130 regular.
  19. Been hoping someone serious would post this thread for a while. To clarify, that's only if you pay the site owner, or make a profit? Someone has to pay the insurance/lawyers? If no money passes to the land owner, the organiser makes no profit, or money to make it happen is raised collectively (spent by a single person), is that crossing the line? If a 'person' organised this set up with the owner, insurance, police, council, etc, can people play airsoft at the site when the 'person' which organised the permissions is not present and did not give permission? If unauthorised people play airsoft at the site, are they covered by each of the groups that need to give consent, or would that be trespass. Is the presence of non players required for insurance, to supervise the players or protect the public.
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