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Everything posted by Sacarathe

  1. Last time I made a transfer was over 3 years ago (when I had no use for a mobile), I had totally not recalled that this was an issue. Its quite annoying, but it was not something I would have foreseen
  2. There was nothing I could do, you don't use paypal, and my bank needs to contact me at my permanent address in order to make a bank transfer.
  3. Well I was going with "do you think they would mind" not "do you think they would mind if asked".
  4. Wonder if they'd mind us harvesting the Identify Your Rifle page. Just in case they disappear of course.
  5. Every site i've researched in the past said that under 18's are not [legally] responsible enough not to use full face (or full seal with half mask), have you checked your skirmish sites?
  6. Yeah, blame social media for that. lol.
  7. Check out the airsoft site map in the airsoft map thread.
  8. Viewing rights clearly. Welcome!
  9. Someone didn't read the 2nd post
  10. http://www.taiwangun.com/en/gas-pistol-magazines/green-gas-magazine-for-we-g17-g18-g34-g35-we-2?from=listing&campaign-id=14 Should be around £17.5 when they come in, hopefully i'll be able to afford 3 by then.
  11. Haha, I originally wrote 18-30, but editted as I thought I would be criticised for being too inclusive. I used irresponsible incorrectly, I should have said adolescent. Quite a few actually. But for the purposes of the crime its rarely a detail distinguished from use of a real firearm. You can commit armed robbery just by saying you have a gun.
  12. Not an objection, but you will never overturn this restriction. If anything the irresponsible should be charged more - same for anyone between 18 and 21.
  13. If you don't mind a two stage trigger (theoretically awful i'd imagine), theres the MAGPUL PDR-C you might like the 'look' of. Takes M4 magazines, a few bullpups do.
  14. I couldn't find it either, had to use google >.<
  15. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/16634-the-share-a-bargain-thread/
  16. Utter rubbish. I just did it. But I refrain for now from stealing. The sticky post clearly states reviews to be posted here.
  17. The link does not work for me. Perhaps this is related to another ongoing thread? http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/29010-hoplophobes-sink-to-new-lows/
  18. I tried reporting him previously for that. No dice, but its bloody lame. Stealing our ad revenue. Half a mind to quote it back here.
  19. Used a month ago, would definitely use again.
  20. Could you buy a spare selector plate to swap out? When it comes down to it, making an auto capable airsoft gun that permanently "won't/cannot be made to" fire in auto is next to impossible because anything you change can be replaced. I'd like to see a modified to semi only AEG that cannot be restored to auto with replacement parts.
  21. You're like the one person I don't feel the need to 'win' a discourse with. :) But thanks for agreeing with my interpretation of that little TM picture.

    1. proffrink


      Hah, thanks. Also, this is a weird system. Isn't this like a PM but not a PM?

    2. Sacarathe


      Its like a "your friend's wall". If you're into that sort of thing.

    3. proffrink


      Sounds horrendous.

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