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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Get goggles the ESS V12 are are a good shout. Get half face mesh mask if you want to keep your teeth, neoprene is uncomfortable and sweaty and doesn't really offer much protection. BB's can shatter through mesh I have had it happen a few times but its never been worse that getting crap blown in your eyes on windy day bit of eye wash and sorted.
  2. The only Xbox one you can get with a 1TB hard drive is the COD edition all others are 500GB. There is a rumour microsoft are going to release one but its not been confirmed as far as I know.
  3. I dont see it as a risk because I would only recommend something I know is good. Shipping can be expensive just try not to buy anything too heavy or too large. I use them all the time and its saved me a fortune.
  4. Thats what the forums are for learning and getting help. We all have made mistake buys its part of it, do you a deal if I recommend something and you buy it on my say so and I am wrong I will buy it off you full price shipping and all.
  5. It was a moderator who asked so that isnt going to happen.
  6. Dont buy it its sh*te the laser doesn't work the torch isnt great and it looks bloody ugly.Get the m910 its about £3 more to buy and a better £3 you will never spend.
  7. This one could cause more arguments than the general election thread. My personal opinion is go for the xbox one. I find the control pad more comfortable especially for first person shooters. I find the Playstation pads cause my hands to ache very quickly, this might be just because my hands are getting old and worn out by my job and I find the xbox pad more ergonomic.
  8. If your on about the element m910a yeah thats a very good price. Might order one myself.
  9. Just worry about face and eye protection for now and pick the rest up later. You can chuck your spare mag in your pocket and the iron sights on the gun are fine for the mall. Just grab a cheap torch to use getting up and down the stairs I think weapon torches are a bad idea they just make you an easy target. Edit: They sell cheap forgrips for a tenner in the site shop and also torches and weapon lights.
  10. And I have pyro and double sided tape, a bit of perspex wont protect it from a homemade sticky bomb ☺(and yes its because I am jealous)
  11. You only got that because it was a gift so dont show off or brag too much, or I might load up with 0.4s and see how many times I can shoot it before it dies 😒Dont spend too much on torches and sights think of them as consumables as they quite often get shot out or smacked off something. Look at the airsoftclub website they are a Hong kong store and sell decent stuff a lot cheaper than uk stores.
  12. Thats part of the problem with airsoft people tend to forget its a game using toy guns and try to treat it like its real life. A lot of people buy it because its on tv a lot and they have heard its one of the best handguns in the world. The fact that its not real seems to escape them. I actually get quite pissed off with the whole real steel thing. People should just buy whats comfortable and looks nice to their eyes.I actually quite like the way they look and feel in the hand but would only buy one if it was a really good bargain because of the whole applesheep thing going on with them.
  13. Prommy purple bucking with shs flat nub. Get a PDI barrel from xfire wouldnt get anything tighter than a 6.05 barrel though.
  14. He hasn't posted since somebody told him to f***off.
  15. From the south as in america i.eDaddy/uncle-Mommy/auntie territory? How many toes have you got? 😃
  16. God no. At least I was joking thats a mortal insult.
  17. Or you could sell all the G&G's and buy a couple of decent guns 😉
  18. It doesnt matter how old someone is they can still be a total moron. I think it gets worse sometimes.With age comes confidence and the only thing worse than an idiot is an over confident idiot.
  19. The wont sell you a gun until you are on the Ukara register. You have a valid defence in the fact you have played a few games and you are an airsofter but the shops agreed to abide by the ukara system. They have no guarantee that you will turn up at the game you booked you could of lied to get the gun and never fufill your ukara requirements. So while its not illegal because you have a defence the shops rarely recognise this and insist on ukara or site membership and a lot of sites do the membership under the same 3 visit requirement and enter you on the ukara as part of the deal. They are just covering themselves.
  20. Yeah thats the one its the one toy I cant live without now. Makes using low caps so much better no more running out of rounds at the worst time.
  21. Have you ever looked at the x3300w its a nice bit of kit and handy if you come across a dodgy site chrono.
  22. Buy an xcortech x3300w then you always know what your gun is shooting.
  23. It 3 games in no less than 2 months. So you dont actually qualify for the Ukara register if you play 3 games in six weeks.
  24. There you go off independence and the election and onto bagpipes.
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