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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. You dont fit a h nub for flat hop you use a flat nub like shs or firefly with a shaved bucking.I use a h nub with a shaved bucking but dont know what you would call it. It gives good results but is a pain to set right and destroys the bucking fast.
  2. At last "clap clap clap" By playing and seeing what others are using it will give you an idea what to look for based on how you want to play. Enjoy your first game.
  3. You just did ☺ Remember when it all seems too much fall back on sarcasm or blatant piss taking it soothes the soul.
  4. Bright pink with little yellow smiley daisies.
  5. I would say thats how you insulted him. Its a very sarcastic and confrontational post. Your question was not clear so the response was understandable. As a new player who is going to rely on advice from others from time to time its maybe an idea to be a bit less disrespectful to the experienced airsofters otherwise you might find people are less prone to help you. Remember nobody has to give up their free time to help anybody on here they are just trying to be decent.
  6. Taking it into your local shop and get a quote for fixing then make your mind up from there. If its more than you want to pay sell it as a broken gun for repair, someone will buy it and fix it.
  7. Yeah baa! Good call on the JG probably the best cheap starter gun at the moment. Quite liking nuprol bbs.
  8. That was sarcasm right?Difficult to tell with some airsofters lately. Its getting a bit Kardashians go airsofting sometimes.
  9. No he is, my trusting nature means I sometimes miss the obvious signs of deviancy. So thanks for the heads up kurtz.
  10. How did I miss that!I said before there was something funny about him. Might have to join the high cap heroes on the concourse, bit worried about the dark lonely places now. 😕
  11. Its a shame you are. Only a few people seem up for it and not enough to make it worth the effort. Shame really it would of been a laugh.
  12. Is it sods law that you always pick up an injury right before you play.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ImTriggerHappy


      Nope I am not worried I am on the opposite side which is the safest place to be him being a yank an all.

      Not worried about Tippman users it the person who only needs one shot that worries me not the spray and pray users

    3. Colonel Kurtz

      Colonel Kurtz

      I haven't seen a HPA gun last a full day functioning properly at The Mall yet, just wait til after lunch when he's down to using a pistol :)

    4. SeniorSpaz87



      I'm not sure how Duck got the idea that I had even seen a Tippmann, much less convinced someone to let me use theirs... o_o but who needs Tippmanns... Because... ^^^

  13. Thats why I use a Viper tac vest still got plenty of carry space but its mainly mesh so you feel hits better. Never understood why some people wear so much protection especially the hard shell stuff.
  14. You must have a very rare one then. You must have a bigger back garden than me mine would bring cqb to a whole new level.
  15. Try this one http://www.amazon.co.uk/CVLIFE-1x22x33-Reticle-Dovetail-Mounts/dp/B0089IQ44G
  16. Not going to beat around the bush its crap. Airsoft is not a cheap sport either buy second hand or be prepared to pay £150ish to get started. Dont look at any site with BB in the title. Try Zero One, Firesupport or any of the big airsoft shops. That thing probably wouldnt even last a day you could probably do better using a McDonald's straw as a blowgun.
  17. Ics Mp5's are better are better than all the brands you mentioned, but your right on all other points.I think its just brand familiarity everyone says get a G&G so people do and then they tell the next one and so on. Nothing wrong with G&G's but they aren't the only good starter brand.
  18. Should take your TM high cycle with that weird body kit on it to a milsim. Sure some walt would bitch about it. If its your Transform 4 thats gathering dust sell it.
  19. This is a big part of the argument. I think the people who are sticking up for the players who dont push tend to play woodland where it doesnt cause such a big issue. At a site like the mall where people camp on the concourse or at the end of a corridor it can make for a really frustrating day for those who actually want to move around a play. I always push and try to encourage people to join in but dont believe in getting all shouty. I know it would piss me off and ruin my day if some idiot yelled at me so I wouldn't do it to anyone else.I think it boils down to this if you want to sit around shooting at the enemy buy a dmr and go play woodland. If you play cqb actually play cqb it makes for a more enjoyable day for you and everyone around you.
  20. Guarder M2000 plenty of room can carry all your gun kit and then just a cheap backpack for other crap. Dont spend too much on gear spend it on your gun. All the gucci gear is pointless if your gun shoots like crap.
  21. Its not the new players though its always the ones who have all the Gucci gear and think they are AIRSOFT SPECIAL FORCES.They should already know what it feels like.
  22. I never barge my way to the front I just shout grenade and watch everybody get out the way. Its way less effort.
  23. Dont know about that I am always pushing and on the attack and seem to get shot to bits. Maybe they got it right and the rest of us are the cannon fodder.
  24. Unfortunately he has a point they've paid so its their choice what they do with their day. We are all different.
  25. Thats only going to happen if you show it to me in the safe zone.
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