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Admin Panel for my mrk4 osprey vest

x3 Mrk4 mtp single ammo pouches

New PCS temperate weather Mrk2 MTP trousers

Brown, Green, Black Face Paint

Olive Shemagh

Nuprol Mesh goggles

Web tex Oliver t shirt

OliveD Under Armour Base layer

Tan fast release belt

Multicam drop leg holster

£80 all in.

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Just got back from the Airsoft Bootfair at MCG The Gaol with these goodies:




WE L3 Charger - £15 (Seller knocked off 98p as I was buying multiple things)

Airsoft Systems M4 85rd mags (5pk) - £29.99

Cap - £10

"Transformers" Vest with 2x M4 quick mag slots and triple grenade pouch - £25


Very chuffed haha

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Just bought a PBS-3 suppressor for £30 posted. Aluminium, so should be nice on my Bizon 2.

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  On 22/11/2014 at 13:08, TheGrover said:

Full mtp camo gear, including genuine osprey mk4 and genuine pouches (army surplus :D) a well spent 200 quid

Did you go for a UBAC or combat shirt ?

How much for the mk4 ?

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WE Hi-Capa Dragon 7.0 in black... considering getting the top parts sprayed red and some dragon scales done by hydro dipping... but will have to see what funds are like ;)

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  On 22/11/2014 at 14:07, Almightybeardedkial said:

Did you go for a UBAC or combat shirt ?

Just as an FYI, the CS in UBACS stands for Combat Shirt. UBACS is just something the MoD made up and the yanks carried on using the term that Crye originally coined.



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  On 19/11/2014 at 18:33, Russe11 said:

Anzac biscuits=only biscuit solid enough to use as a melee weapon :D

They were designed as a biscuit that would survive the mail from Australia to Europe during WW1 and although they taste quite nice (like a coconut hobnob), they are very tough but that just prevents you eating them all before lunchtime. I discovered before my last WW2 game that I could get them at my local Sainsbury's :)


Pfft. That crap from Sainsbury's aren't proper Anzac biscuits. They are supposed to be melt in the mouth, not concrete.

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  On 22/11/2014 at 17:15, GiantKiwi said:


Pfft. That crap from Sainsbury's aren't proper Anzac biscuits. They are supposed to be melt in the mouth, not concrete.

They are officially licensed by the RSL (Australian equivalent of the British Legion).


There are however lots of different recipes and some may be softer. These are tough but taste nice and are great as a source of energy. They also survive being bashed around in your pack during an airsoft game.

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Soreen fruit loaf FTW!

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  On 23/11/2014 at 17:34, Russe11 said:

They are officially licensed by the RSL (Australian equivalent of the British Legion).


There are however lots of different recipes and some may be softer. These are tough but taste nice and are great as a source of energy. They also survive being bashed around in your pack during an airsoft game.


Key bit of reading on that site. "We have been making these since 1999" Not proper anzac biscuits, case closed.

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Kinda annoyed. DD rail turned up today. The picture of it when listed showed one with a few scratches and the rubber rail grips on the side. Instead the one that has turned up is just the rail with quite a bit of rust on the allen key heads. From the way the paint has gone it looks like it has been near some series heat at some point as well.



I'm now even more confused if it is the mad-bull version as it is listed or not as there is no 'for airsoft' marking and the general shape of it does not quite match up to the images of the madbull rail on google.

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s-l140.jpg Molle Hydration Pouch - £13.99 posted ~ fleabay (I'm going to cut it down to fit a 1.5L bladder)

s-l140.jpg 500ml Black Liquid Latex - £9.98 posted ~ fleabay (to stain my tank crew kecks)

s-l140.jpg 10s Sound Recording Module - £1.25 ~ fleabay (distraction device)

s-l140.jpg 200rnd speedloader - £2.20 posted ~ fleabay (because you can never have too many speedloaders)

+ about a tenner's worth of capacitors, resistors, transistors, and laser modules.


Edit: and a busted Well R4 from our own dear ikarma70

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Optronics Precision Metal Tri Rail Red Dot Sight, may take a while to arrive as freepost from HK I think. Should go well aesthetically on my G5 or Evo 3



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