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What guns are needed?

Guest Polyscript

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Just now, Polyscript said:

In the beginning I was polite but once everyone felt it was fine being rude and facetious I didn't think I needed to carry on being polite. 

I just mentioned that i wanted to open a site and I wasn't specific in terms of the type of gun I was looking for so I just got people being passive aggressive, why should I have carried on being polite. Multiple times I asked for people to "please advise on what guns the experienced people would recommend" but I was still met with sarcastic and impolite comments, so i stopped being polite. 

Your not gonna open a site, your a dreamer who's too stupid to think & research before opening your mouth. 

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Guest Polyscript
1 minute ago, Tackle said:

Your not gonna open a site, your a dreamer who's too stupid to think & research before opening your mouth. 

Well I was trying to do some research by asking experienced airsoft players but some of you have been pricks

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25 minutes ago, Polyscript said:

You're just a keyboard warrior, if you were actually in front of me your jaw would get rocked

So me responding makes me immature, but you responding means you're still mature- again, hypocrisy much?

Ok, so you are thick, as well as being immature.

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11 minutes ago, Polyscript said:

Well I was trying to do some research by asking experienced airsoft players but some of you have been pricks

Read the room you have been acting like a tool. You haven't been doing your research you have been asking to spoon fed. if you had done any research you wouldn't have asked the question you asked. either actually listen to the good advice you have been given or just go away. 

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Guest Polyscript
2 minutes ago, BigStew said:

Read the room you have been acting like a tool. You haven't been doing your research you have been asking to spoon fed. if you had done any research you wouldn't have asked the question you asked. either actually listen to the good advice you have been given or just go away. 

see how am i supposed to reply with kindness when pricks like you write like this?


3 minutes ago, Colin Allen said:

Ok, so you are thick, as well as being immature.

thick because im responding and not letting myself get bullied by you lot?

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Guest Polyscript
1 minute ago, BigStew said:

Ok so not going to listen, fine just go away airsoft doesn't need people like you.

actually I have listened i've been looking at other parts of the forum and some people have broken down types of guns within various budget ranges. I don't need to go anywhere, you don't speak for the whole community, cheers though lad

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9 minutes ago, Polyscript said:

actually I have listened i've been looking at other parts of the forum and some people have broken down types of guns within various budget ranges. I don't need to go anywhere, you don't speak for the whole community, cheers though lad


I'll read the thread later for amusement,  but having read your first few posts.....


What pews to buy is the last question you ask.  You're setting up a business ffs.  Location, facilties, insurance,  staff, marketing....  all of which are probably easiesr to answer than what budget toy is least susceptible to kids, morons, and moronic kids, plus the few beginners that will eventually buy their own and become the l33t like us.  Innit. 


I've only been doing this a few years, but jeepers talk about going in arse about face.  Let alone acting like a total douche canoe with zero sense of humour and skin as thick as McDonald's rice pudding.


If you're planning on running an Airsoft site, you'll have to deal with far worse than you've got here especially if ex military types rock up or the local fuzz decide they want to vent their workday stresses (yes I've played on sites like this).


To touch on what pew....M4, chunky stock battery housing, quick change spring and abrand that has readily available spares, short barrel, iron sights.



Now if you don't mind.... I have several pages of hilarity to read.

Edited by Dan Robinson
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Guest Polyscript
2 minutes ago, Dan Robinson said:


I'll read the thread later for amusement,  but having read your first few posts.....


What pews to buy is the last question you ask.  You're setting up a business ffs.  Location, facilties, insurance,  staff, marketing....  all of which are probably easiesr to answer than what budget toy is least susceptible to kids, morons, and moronic kids, plus the few beginners that will eventually buy their own and become the l33t like us.  Innit. 


I've only been doing this a few years, but jeepers talk about going in arse about face.  Let alone acting like a total douche canoe with zero sense of humour and skin as thick as McDonald's rice pudding.


If you're planning on running an Airsoft site, you'll have to deal with far worse than you've got here especially if ex military types rock up or the local fuzz decide they want to vent their workday stresses (yes I've played on sites like this).


To touch on what pew....M4, chunky stock battery housing, quick change spring and abrand that has readily available spares, short barrel, iron sights.



Now if you don't mind.... I have several pages of hilarity to read.


Hey Dan,


I was wanting to open one but not before I do tons of research. Stupidly I wasn't specific enough on the type of gun but I did mention pistol.


I was wanting to look for some decent pistols to get for some basic target shooting in the garden maybe a little in the house and get a feel for it. The opening site would have been something well in the future, I just made a mistake of mentioning it on here as thats all that most people have focused on. The business was a way in the distance thought which probably shouldnt have been mentioned. 


However, thank you for your response, i'll go check that one out and check reviews.

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Guest Polyscript
Just now, BigAl said:

Dude the the fact that you with 19 posts to your name now, are arguing with people with thousands of posts to their name shows that they are exactly the people you should be listening to.  The fact you have asked about pistols shows how very little you now about the sport and haven't a clue about how to build and run a sight.


However I would like to thank you for creating this thread and giving me and i'm sure most of the members here one of the best laughs we have had in ages.

You're right, I asked about pistols but how about guide the absolute noob instead of bashing him? Maybe direct me to a guide, sure I can look for one, but who knows if I would find a good one so I asked the "pros". Why would I ask if I wasn't going to listen? Only the replies weren't constructive. 

8 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

If you dropped into a hairdressing forum and said "I want to open a hairdressing shop, what's the best haircut?  PS, I have never cut hair before." what response would you expect?


Now, if you'd said "What's the best way to get into airsoft?" you'd have been love-bombed with advice about which sites to play at and which to avoid, what to expect, and people offering to meet up and show you the ropes or let you try out various types of gun.


Airsoft is actually a very friendly hobby full of mostly decent people who are keen to help other players out.  Give it a try first, find out what it's really like at its best and its worst, and then you'll be in a position to ask cogent questions if you still want to try running a site.



You're right I may have not asked the right question, I would have however just expected people to be like "I think you're focusing on the wrong thing" or "you're not asking the right question"; instead many just seemed angry that I asked a question and resulted in being facetious, not everyone though, others were somewhat helpful.

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8 hours ago, DanBow said:

Sounds like you've never played airsoft but want to open a site? Doesn't sound like the right way of doing it. Go and play a few games first, and ask other players what they think, then you'll answer a lot of your questions.


The above was the first reply, told you everything you needed to know.  Stop arguing little boy.

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OK, the constructive answer is: forget about buying anything. Find a local site, rent a gun - which will be a generic electric carbine like an M4 or G36 - and actually play.  While you're there, ask about what guns, eye and face protection other people are using, and see if you can cadge a go with some other long guns and a gas pistol.  If you enjoy yourself, stick with it and do it a few more times.  Renting a few times will be cheaper than losing the money on some two-tone that you buy on an adrenaline high that quickly wears off - the classifieds here are full of regret purchases like that.


If you're still enjoying the hobby after at least 3 games and 8 weeks at the same site, then you'll be in a position to buy non-two tones, and will have a far better idea of what questions to ask to get something that's likely to suit what you now know to be your preferred play style.


Opening your own site is something to think about years down the line.

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22 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

Airsoft is actually a very friendly hobby full of mostly decent people who are keen to help other players out.  Give it a try first


I'll second that.  I had huge misconceptions before agreeing to taking my son out for his birthday.   Got bored watching in the morning and now I'm an unhealthy amount of ££ in the hole after taking part in the afternoon. I  have no quarms about rocking up to a random field on my own and have always felt welcome.   Even when I've gone to a shitty location (very rare) I've still had a good day if only for the banter and camaraderie. 


YOU have to bear in mind the audience of your question and the way it was worded.  As a Gas engineer (fancy plumber) we have secret forums and when someone breaches the inner sanctum with a post equivalent to yours, they either sink quickly....or take the replies constructively and thrive.  It is part of the filtering process.   


Well at least it is to us Gen X'ers and before.


If you're a millennial or above.   Welcome to our world.   We don't give a fuck.



Now ....  welcome to the fray.  Enjoy the hobby for what it is.  If you can make a successful business out of it...Fantastic,  the more sites the better.



Hence the comments of go to some and see how they do it.  You haven't said where you are, but of you're close to London, Spec Ops, Skirmish High Wycombe,  AWA, Reformer are all decent sites.  As I've said is a recent post.  Decent facilties make a difference... tea. Coffee, decent lunch,  clean toilets, free/available drinking water are, IMHO, essential. 

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26 minutes ago, Dan Robinson said:


 an unhealthy amount of ££ in the hole

i think that sums up most airsofters

*looks nervously at my armoury*

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New to airsoft, want some basics, failed searching for a beginners guide, then try here:




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@Polyscript You have to understand that our hobby is hated by many people including some in authority and even government.

Not wanting to sound like some of the gun nuts across the pond, but we are wary of anyone who might bring bad publicity to the ownership of replica firearms.

Past incidents have already brought tighter controls and anything new would bring us closer to an outright ban like in Australia.





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I'd honestly say a bloody nose from the ridicule and strong responses is a small price to pay compared to setting up a business without a scooby of running one or of airsoft and running it into the ground with you eating extra value baked beans for the next 6 years.


You really should heed the advice to learn to walk before you can run.


Getting airsoft guns isn't that difficult so when you're setting up a business using them, they should be much lower on your list of worries. Without checking your particulars are in order first as Dan R said, it's utterly pointless in thinking of what guns to buy to rent out for a business.


As others have said, you really should get out there and find if airsoft is for you or not. You've asked for experienced players' advice and you've been given it. Safety risks aside of playing in your house or garden, that isn't going to prepare you for playing at a site any more than Doom, GoldenEye 007 or Half Life prepared me for when I first played airsoft many years ago.


Like EDcase pointed out, this hobby has a lot of naysayers and opponents. The UKARA defence to buy RIFs is a compromise the government made to allow realistic play in the hobby since it is good exercise and dare I say it, a good boost to a lot of people's wellbeing. The harshness of many of the responses you've received is out of them caring more for protecting the hobby than protecting your feelings. Hell, a new site I played had some objections from local residents complaining about potential noise from the site with imitation firearms playing, showing their complete ignorance that it's most unlikely that they'd hear much from 5 miles away. Someone with little appreciation for safety and possibly legal implications of playing with airsoft guns in their house or garden doesn't sound like someone fit to operate a site safely.


I don't think Rogerborg could have put it better. Getting out on and gaining practical experience with airsoft is invaluable but setting up your own business is something you should put on the back burner for years until you can sort things out operationally first.

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5 hours ago, Dan Robinson said:

far worse than you've got here especially if ex military types rock up

I resent that lol.

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3 hours ago, The_Roach said:

I resent that lol.

Don't take it the wrong way....  I was considering the OP's apparent thin skin and some of the banter I've enjoyed both in and out of airsoft. 


 Particularly a stag do where there was only two of us who hadn't served.    That was a punishing but fucking hilarious two days. 🤣 

Edited by Dan Robinson
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11 hours ago, Tackle said:

LOL, big man, now I really do want you to open a site, so I can come down & politely kick the shit out of you😜

Watch the knee mate,watch the knee!


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