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A moments silence for the passing of an MB02 rif.


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Ladies and gentlemen, 

A moments peace for the passing of an MB02 rif. 

It came to me damaged and after a small recovery period and some surgery, managed to sustain itself well. 

With the addition of parts, it came back to life and its greatest achievement was registering 408fps.

Unfortunately the second set of sears gave up and mullered the piston, rendering it a wall hanger and ending any interest in "bolt actions" in our household.

It carried a donor card and its barrel has been donated to be used in several pistols.

A dim light extinguished. 



Now, wheres my Aug.... :) 

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The show must go on.

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The brave warrior fought strongly till the end.. may it's harvested parts live to fight again.

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10 hours ago, SeanM said:

The brave warrior fought strongly till the end.. may it's harvested parts live to fight again.


The screws in my Well MB-02 were the most useful parts, and sadly half of them fell out.


These guns are the exemplar of why there's no such thing as a cheap bolt action, at least beyond the first few starry eyed game where it just needs one more thing, then it just needs one more thing, then it just ne- aww, the sears have stripped, or the stopper has wallered out.


Fortunately I stopped before I'd thrown too much money at mine, skipped the uPgRaDe path, and went straight to a TAC-41.


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1 minute ago, Duff Beer said:


Nicely put.Yep I would agree. Not in so many words but yeah...😉



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17 hours ago, Shamal said:

Nicely put.Yep I would agree. Not in so many words but yeah...😉





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Lol. I did think that. Three hands are better than two. 😂😂😂

The inner barrel ends at the end of the stock (G spec mb03) so I'm going to cut the rest off. 

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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