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Yet another tech story - EX_MACHINA


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Dissapoiting to have to write this as it was all fine in the beginning. Sent my RIF for a upgrade in 03/20 and came back all nice. I did not get to use it due to COVID and in 05/21 I've accidently snapped the wiring cables so I sold the gearbox as I did not want to mess with it after it was done so nicely (not sure why I did not get replacement cables and sent it to him) and got a new one. Got in touched with George about what happened and said that I want this new gearbox to be upgraded and the whole rifle assembled. This was again all done nicely however unfortunately on the way back to me (95% certain that due to handling by ParcelFroce) despite the really secure packaging by George the polymer uppper (G&G CM16) got snapped. George suggested that either I or he can source a new receiver and he will assemble the rifle again for me for free. We inited a claim with PF but nothing came out of it. He managed to find one and we bought it however it was lost by the courier so we got a refund from the seller and I then sourced one myself which then I posted to him.


By this time it was 01/22 and from there it went downhill. He claimed that he was not satifised with the job he has done on the new gearbox previously therefore he will redo it to meet his standards and then all types of delays and issues started to appear like covid complication, injuries, family issues, gun not shooting consistently. Last reply from him was 01/23 that my gun is top 5 priority. I've sent my latest reply 2 weeks ago that if he can't do it then just post all the stuff back to me but nothing since.

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Assuming this is the tech's website - it says "Will return Summer 2023." Hopefully it really is just a case of a tech having life issues and getting themselves sorted out before returning to work, and not a scam.


Can't believe you sold a whole working gearbox for the sake of some wiring though. :blink:

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Umm...ok. Some baffling decisions made from both sides methinks.


I'm guessing you are referring to www.exmachina.uk / @EX_MACHINA?


Well, he's had no social media posts since Nov-22. Time to cut your losses and move on - I would wager he won't be back. 


Given timescales, I doubt you'll be getting any money back you may have paid him either. 


A harsh lesson learnt. 

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41 minutes ago, Majestyk said:

I've accidently snapped the wiring cables so I sold the gearbox as I did not want to mess with it after it was done so nicely

What? Why?

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You could pay him a visit and recover your toy.  Regardless of anything happening in his life, he is/was running a business and has your property.

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Yep, is he close enough to visit ?, failing that where is he based ?, maybe another forum member can pop by & politely request their return. 

What I would recommend you do first is to drop him a message via letter, sent special delivery to ensure signature, stating you would like all your items returned, ideally with any outstanding repairs completed, list all your contact info & explain failure to do so will result in a visit by yourself or an associate, & that this matter may be escalated to a small claims case against him. 

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44 minutes ago, Tackle said:

explain failure to do so will result in a visit by yourself or an associate,

While this is good advice be very careful with how you word it. If it could be seen as a threat it may work against you 

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1 hour ago, Tackle said:

failure to do so will result in a visit by yourself or an associate

Yeah me and Mr Tackle will pay a little visit. Well mainly Mr Tackle on account of me dodgy backbone innit.😂😂

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1 hour ago, Cannonfodder said:

While this is good advice be very careful with how you word it. If it could be seen as a threat it may work against you 

Obviously, I would never advocate threats of violence etc, unless its Stephen Glennie lol, but by the same token he needs to believe your serious & nor prepared to just walk away without your gats or their monetary value. 

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Oh I know you weren't suggesting that the op makes threats, just that they be careful not to appear to be making them. I'm sure we've all seen instances of the written word being misunderstood

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13 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

Sorry to hear that.


While I appreciate the detailed and generally reasonably TOS, this is a red flag:



Use of battery that exceeds 11.1v or 3500mAh or 50c Maximum Discharge."


Yeah, no.


TSGs. Wow. Stating terms for something that probably ten techs in the world have a working version of.

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8 hours ago, Leo Greer said:

TSGs. Wow. Stating terms for something that probably ten techs in the world have a working version of.


It is commendably detailed, and actually sensible - I'm just very surprised to see that they're applying magical thinking to the electrics.

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13 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


It is commendably detailed, and actually sensible - I'm just very surprised to see that they're applying magical thinking to the electrics.

I was wondering how mAh is relevant. Last time I looked mAh is a measure of how long the battery will last not power output.

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6 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

I was wondering how mAh is relevant. Last time I looked mAh is a measure of how long the battery will last not power output.


mAh multiplied by the C rating gives the maximum continuous current the pack can provide - It directly relates to the power output. 



15c X 1300 mAh = 19.5A (continuous)

25c X 1300 mAh = 32.5A (continuous)

10c X 3000 mAh = 30.0A (continuous)


A lower C rating is often used to 'throttle' the power to the motor - hence 15c recommendations from some manufacturers/techs/retailers. However, 15C on, say,  a 3000mAh pack will allow the motor to draw up to 45A which could be enough to nuke the gun at some point.









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Krytac has been known to recommend underpowered packs due to overspin on 11.1v in some parts of the world, rather than fixing the issue.

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6 minutes ago, Leo Greer said:

Krytac has been known to recommend underpowered packs due to overspin on 11.1v in some parts of the world, rather than fixing the issue.

So instead of fixing the rifle, you kill the batteries instead.




EDIT: you as in KryKrack

Edited by Skara
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1 hour ago, Speedbird_666 said:

A lower C rating is often used to 'throttle' the power to the motor


Oh, I know that it's a common bodge, but it's the wrong bodge (unless your intent is to sacrifice batteries rather than fitting a more appropriate motor /  gearing / spring). I'm literally shakening to see a tech suggest it.

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  • 1 month later...
9 minutes ago, Majestyk said:

Shortly after after I posted this, the tech was made aware of this and got in touch with me here. He explained as to what has caused him to go quiet and promised to sort my rifle out ASAP. I got it delivered today, finished as wanted and most importantly - working. It's unfortunate that I had to end up posting this here but lessons learned on both sides.


Hopefully he can sort out his current issues as I'm satisfied with his work on the rifle itself and his service/approach before any issues mentioned here was great.


Great news  - thanks for the update.


Fair play to the tech I suppose - if you are a one-man band, you are only one significant life event away from (inadvertently) wrecking your business and pissing off your customers.

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