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IWA 2023 - New releases


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Do more than 7 people actually want that?  Honest question, as with anything niche it's amazing for that small group who do and I'm made up for those, but I do find it surprising from a business standpoint.  VFC must be selling plenty of ARs.

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It's certainly a different choice. At the moment you can get airsoft versions of Makarovs, Tokarevs and a Grach as well.

The odd thing is that Raptor/TWI are releasing a Stechkin this year too. So there will be a choice in 2023 for one after that particular pistol.




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22 hours ago, TheFull9 said:

Do more than 7 people actually want that?  Honest question, as with anything niche it's amazing for that small group who do and I'm made up for those, but I do find it surprising from a business standpoint.  VFC must be selling plenty of ARs.


It's possibly driven by people using them in Escape from Tarkov

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59 minutes ago, Jaylordofwaargh said:

In other news


wonder if its a new design or just a rebodied NS2 system.

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44 minutes ago, BigStew said:

wonder if its a new design or just a rebodied NS2 system.

Let's be honest, this will not have had the most thorough R&D phase, most likely marketing had the biggest budget


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On 05/03/2023 at 13:16, DerDer said:

It's certainly a different choice. At the moment you can get airsoft versions of Makarovs, Tokarevs and a Grach as well.

The odd thing is that Raptor/TWI are releasing a Stechkin this year too. So there will be a choice in 2023 for one after that particular pistol.





If it's anything like their Grach, expect them to re-release it 3 times each time "fixing" the faults of the previous. I've given up with them fixing the grach at this point...

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3 hours ago, JinxDuh said:


If it's anything like their Grach, expect them to re-release it 3 times each time "fixing" the faults of the previous. I've given up with them fixing the grach at this point...

Yeah it was a complete horror show. Remember there was a thread on Arnies with a chap that was going through the various problems. That particular individual was one who has made his own replicas from scratch. God help the average airsofter trying to get one running.



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That VMP looks like an Uzi from wish.com and as for the Stechkin, it's VFC so I'd be more surprised if it wasn't an overpriced wall hanger. Is there anything new from companies which don't have a rep for producing crap?

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Shamal mentioned this (on the wrong thread) but it's definitely interesting...

A really innovative set of internals.   It seems it's already on sale for ~$450 so it won't be cheap but it has enough features to make it a potential "Am Bestest Gnu" at the mid-to-upper price range



Edit: Apologies - although I searched I didn't spot the thread from last year about this.

There aren't many users reviews of this yet.  One of them is just gameplay but the owner says in the comments he's going to change a bunch of the internals, including the motor which apparently has a poor reputation.


Edited by RostokMcSpoons
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On 09/03/2023 at 09:23, RostokMcSpoons said:

Shamal mentioned this (on the wrong thread) but it's definitely interesting...

A really innovative set of internals.   It seems it's already on sale for ~$450 so it won't be cheap.....

.....the owner says in the comments he's going to change a bunch of the internals, including the motor which apparently has a poor reputation.


+1 for getting a Cyma Platinum, ZCI hop / ML rubber and throw in a Warhead motor - all for less than this stock!

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On 08/03/2023 at 15:18, Jaylordofwaargh said:

Let's be honest, this will not have had the most thorough R&D phase, most likely marketing had the biggest budget



KWA did all the hard work, they just allegedly toughened it up internally and redesigned the body.  I kind of like it, not sure why, I normally go accurate replicas with correct trades.

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I like it, its got a kinda cyberpunk vibe to it...... Im just not convinced by Vorsk. Especially on a gas SMG where tolerances and QC are important........


That said I have both a TMP and an MP9 so Ill prpbs end up picking one up assuming they've fixed the eating return springs and disconnector iissues the KWA original had.

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2 hours ago, hunter511 said:

I like it, its got a kinda cyberpunk vibe to it...... Im just not convinced by Vorsk. Especially on a gas SMG where tolerances and QC are important......



Wrong thread, methinks!

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4 hours ago, TheFull9 said:

Nope he's talking about the gas SMG a few posts up from your last one.

You're right, apologies it was me in the wrong thread 😅

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3 hours ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

You're right, apologies it was me in the wrong thread 😅


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