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Beginner sling sorrows...


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Hey folks, I've been having issues with setting up my rifle sling and was wondering if anyone here had any similar struggles/suggestions. Basically, I have a plate carrier rig to hold most of my stuff while I play and because I wanna look tacticool innit. I bought myself a single point bungee sling without doing very much research, basically because to my noobsight they all looked pretty much the same anyway. I bought this sling (https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/emersongear-single-point-bungee-sling?fv=17974) because it was a decent price and I heard emerson was a decent brand.

However the sling is quite short/tight and I'm finding it a bit uncomfortable/restricting, especially when paired with my plate carrier. Also it sits pretty much right on top of the front panel of my rig, rubbing against my mags and just generally getting in the way.

I have tried running the sling through the shoulder loops of the rig and clipping it to the back panel molle loops of the rig with a carabiner, because that's what I saw people advising online. However the this makes the sling feel even shorter and feels like its sitting awkwardly against my front panel. Routing the sling through the shoulder straps has a nasty side effect of dragging the rig around as I manipulate the rifle which feels awkward and cumbersome, and also makes shouldering the rifle more difficult as the sling tugs on the shoulder straps in an annoying fashion.


I wanna know what, if anything, I can do to make the sling more comfy/practical, or if I should just keep this pos as a spare and try a different setup like a two point (although I think my rifle might not have the QD mounts to use a two point properly.)

Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated!


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Do you have a picture of it on? Where on the gun is the sling attached to?


It sounds to me like the sling you have is too short for what you want but it may be how you're wearing it. If you're right handed, try putting it on over your right shoulder and under your left arm. That should help position the gun off to one side so it doesn't rub in the centre of your plate carrier. 


Have a watch of this 



You may decide that actually a two point sling or a convertible 2 to 1 point sling might be better.

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Can vouch for the WarPoet. Good vid and helped me sort out my rifle slings on all my regular rifles; my AK is so easy to sling and use now. I way prefer two-point slings to one-point, but I do mostly have long guns because I like my snipers and DMRs and single point slings on those are... um... yeah.

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I've been using this for the last few games:




Can be positioned more or less where you want it on the MOLLE.  I bit uncomfortable with the M7, but my dinky Specna is just right.  But then I often detach it when actively pewing.

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“However the sling is quite short/tight and I'm finding it a bit uncomfortable/restricting, especially when paired with my plate carrier. Also it sits pretty much right on top of the front panel of my rig, rubbing against my mags and just generally getting in the way.”


Pretty much how a single point sling works when worn over armour plus front mounted mags.


Single points are literally just a weapon retention device. With a secondary benefit of causing the weapon to hit you in the nuts as a reminder to secure it properly. 👍


They we’re originally  developed for short duration CQB and often less kit was front and centre back then. Especially the Chalker type slings.


Anyway get a three point. Does everything…… 😱😱😱

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As a point it should generally go over your dominant side shoulder and under the offside arm. I always feel the sling should be fairly snug especially when aiming, taking out as much slack as you can so it doesn't restrict movement as much and has less chance to groin slap. as others have mentioned its common that using this type of sling means it'll rub against other kit on your chest.

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Option to make do with what you have? Use some paracord through the ring on your sling to add the desire amount of length to get it comfortable.


Option if you want something a bit nicer (Emerson is very much 'entry level Chinese clone gear', servicable for sure but not what I'd call decent per se), plenty of good options out there so I'll leave you to do your own research. Main point of advice would be consider what padding it has. The Ferro Slingster is a very popular choice but I've found it's just too much padding for what I want, with the T-Rex Arms one landing on my 'ideal'. You've got plenty of options for attaching them, so don't limit yourself to thinking it's QD or nothing. As with my initial response... there is very little you can't do with some paracord.

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5 hours ago, concretesnail said:

As a point it should generally go over your dominant side shoulder and under the offside arm. I always feel the sling should be fairly snug especially when aiming, taking out as much slack as you can so it doesn't restrict movement as much and has less chance to groin slap. as others have mentioned its common that using this type of sling means it'll rub against other kit on your chest.


I'm of the other opinion. I think the sling should be fairly loose when aiming, as trying to shoulder transition with a tight two-point sling is a good way to choke yourself. That's why I love my Magpul sling, because I can easily loosen it when I'm playing, then tighten it back up if I'm standing around doing nothing.

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I hate one points. And those molle connecting ones are even worse because the weight on your rig becomes so lopsided.


Get a two point. I have a viper VX sling with some amazon bought QD mounts (or I did until one QD point on my gun fell out, and the other rusted over due to my own negligence). It's just straps on the end so you can attach whatever mounting system you want, or just wrap it around the gun. But I don't think magpuls or other "real" gun slings are much more expensive. 

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I used to use a three point sling back in the day, but when I came back to the sport I thought I’d be tacti-cool and go for the ol’ nutcrusher 3000 (aka the single point sling).  After jeopardising the possibilities of continuing the family line twice whilst trying to climb through a window I opted for an adjustable two-point.


I went for a Ferro Concepts Slingster because:


A - I’m a bit of a kit tart

B - It won’t fail and drop the gun


Adjustable two point slings are easily the best way to work.  Someone at your local site will probably have a Magpul, Blue Force Gear, or Ferro Concepts sling but if not the Viper version looks like a fairly decent version for not so much cash.  

A link to some wisdom:  


Edited by Duff Beer
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Thanks for the replies everyone, some great tips here thank you! I'll probably make do for now but definitely will look into some sort of two point setup down the line. I liked the look of the WarPoet one where he was able to adjust it on the fly, that looks super comfy and convenient!

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15 minutes ago, Beorn said:

Thanks for the replies everyone, some great tips here thank you! I'll probably make do for now but definitely will look into some sort of two point setup down the line. I liked the look of the WarPoet one where he was able to adjust it on the fly, that looks super comfy and convenient!

People will be sick of me saying this but try TacBelts on Instagram / eBay. I’ve ran loads of slings but always come back to his, super simple, can attach to literally anything, no metal QD’s clanking around etc.


And your supporting a small business for the UK too, so that’s a bonus.


Some good reviews:




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What RIF are you using? And what sort of game are you mainly using the sling for?


1) Single point slings are retention device and a little bit of support if adjusted right. Easy shoulder transition.
We don’t go hands on in airsoft so security shouldn’t be an issue. With a belt retainer they can keep the RIF out of the way when using sidearm etc.


Therefore they. Can be a viable CBQ option or cruising in your IFV. 😁




2) Two points are very much the current flavour so bear in mind even Flannel Daddies comment should have a pinch of salt with them! 😁

A simple one gives you method of carrying you RIF hands free easily. A “tacticool” model is a shooting support and you need to practice the manual of arms for it. 

Most convertible slings fall into this camp too.

A solid option if you need a sling for general skirmishing or a modern load out theme.




3) Three point. Somewhat derided theses days unfortunately. The they do require a bit more set up and practice.

They are typically a patrol carry device that allows quick transition to a supported shooting mode, sometimes by switching to being a two point.

The other way to use them in like the classic H&K MP5 CQB style as a tension support. Again this needs getting used too.


Perhaps a tool if you are mil or battle sim gaming and might be tabbing between fire fights.



You are doing door kicking with a compact RIF. May be a better option with full face masks as some are designed to accommodate wearing a respirator thus:







Edited by The Waco Kid
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3 hours ago, The Waco Kid said:

Three point. Somewhat derided theses days unfortunately.


Love me 3-points, simple as.  Very much depends on the gnu though, where the sling mounts are, and where it naturally sits and balanced at rest. I find they work very well on an MP5K or G36C, not so much on an AR.  But then, you can use it as a 2-point if that works better.  Plus, it's more stuff to fiddle around with, which is half the fun.


Bungies can get bent, simple two pointers work just fine.

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