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12 Year Old Brummy Spawn Decides to Show Off Imitation Pistol at Local Park


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West Midlands Police News


As far as I'm aware this hasn't hit the usual news rags but I'm sure it will sooner or later.


The police don't specify whether or not it's an airsoft pistol but I think it's a fair conclusion based on the information given by the police.

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Kids, eh? In a way airsoft guns are too realistic and bound to spark this kind of problem. The Yanks are required to have an orange tip welded to the muzzles of their airsoft guns to avert just this problem. How lucky are we?

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I think it's one of those instances where we simply lack a full picture. There's nothing to say that the kid didn't grab it from a family members kit without said family member knowing. There's also the all too common scenario of it being repainted or it could be the result of trading with someone for it. There's just no way of knowing.


As far as the 2-tone side is concerned if you inspect the photo's closely you can see the blue has been painted over, this is particularly visible towards the rear of the slide in the second photo.


I find it interesting that the police didn't opt to press any charges.

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Sounds like a relatively innocent mistake by a kid to impress his friends but obviously the Police can't take any chances.


I hope he learned his lesson without any resentment towards the Police.


And hopefully his friends also learned about the seriousness of imitation firearms...

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"The gun was actually found to be an imitation which had been painted black in a bid to make it appear more like a genuine pistol."


I don't understand. How is it even physically possible to do this without a UKARA licence?  Doesn't the paint just bounce off?


Well, hopefully some grifting local MP doesn't latch onto it and demand that we ban ALL the things.

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8 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:



Well, hopefully some grifting local MP doesn't latch onto it and demand that we ban ALL the things.

That's exactly my feelings. Like I said couple weeks ago when two guys were charged for faffing about on roof of southampton shop brandishing a rif.just another nail in the 'gun sports' coffin!

All these stats get collated and totted up until the day some vote grabbing politician promises to get rid of the evil things.



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3 hours ago, Old Guy said:

Kids, eh? In a way airsoft guns are too realistic and bound to spark this kind of problem. The Yanks are required to have an orange tip welded to the muzzles of their airsoft guns to avert just this problem. How lucky are we?


AFUK's resident Yank here - thats false. The orange tip is only required for a store to import airsoft guns, and in places like Commiefornia where the rules are alot more along the lines of two tone. 

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4 hours ago, FreeFrag.UK said:

West Midlands Police News


As far as I'm aware this hasn't hit the usual news rags but I'm sure it will sooner or later.


The police don't specify whether or not it's an airsoft pistol but I think it's a fair conclusion based on the information given by the police.

No the police don't say, they usually send the firearms response squad when its little kids with a cap gun!

This whole country is scared of guns thanks to the actions of the few!

Now the ones with real guns are the criminals who find no difficulty getting them and ammunition.

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4 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

"The gun was actually found to be an imitation which had been painted black in a bid to make it appear more like a genuine pistol."


I don't understand. How is it even physically possible to do this without a UKARA licence?  Doesn't the paint just bounce off?


Well, hopefully some grifting local MP doesn't latch onto it and demand that we ban ALL the things.

 Maybe they'll ban black paint instead 😆

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6 hours ago, EDcase said:


 Maybe they'll ban black paint instead 😆


Having closely followed how the legislative process worked for the "samurai swords ban", I wouldn't rule anything out.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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