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Worst Part of Airsoft?

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I was looking through the threads and couldn’t see anything about this so what’s everyone’s worst part about Airsoft?

Mine is either my legs after or the fact that I have to wrestle to fit my battery in my gun before every game. 😏

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Getting 5 minutes into a game and realising you're wearing too much/too little based on what the weather is doing. That, and unpacking and cleaning everything after a day or weekend of skirmishing... though the latter is purely down to laziness.


Honourable mention for RIFs in general, we all know they're both the best and worst part.

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The lottery of wether or not its gonna be a good day.


You get a good crowd its an absolutely amazing experience but it doesnt take many arseholes to ruin a day.

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1. Packing up after a really good days airsoft and got back to normality (if you can call if that at this moment in time).

2. Packing up after a bad day ruined by some chumps.

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Looking at me poor old bod in the shower after an especially intense cqb session and thinking"fuck I've just paid to look this bad."



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8 hours ago, alxndrhll said:

That, and unpacking and cleaning everything after a day or weekend of skirmishing... though the latter is purely down to laziness.


Honourable mention for RIFs in general, we all know they're both the best and worst part.

I always just dump them down and be like I get back to you when I have some time if I have a really exhausting day😂

6 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:

The lottery of wether or not its gonna be a good day.


You get a good crowd its an absolutely amazing experience but it doesnt take many arseholes to ruin a day.

Yea when u arrive and it’s warm and nice and then the minute u start it starts hammering it down 😂

Especially  the people who don’t call their hits all day 😣

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For me recently getting back into it, packing and getting gear ready, The night before and leaving, turn up at the site. Then find out by the time I get there, set up, I’ve forgotten items.... thankfully bring additional items to cover this issue! 🤔🤦‍♂️



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23 minutes ago, Leonine said:

I always just dump them down and be like I get back to you when I have some time if I have a really exhausting day😂

Yea when u arrive and it’s warm and nice and then the minute u start it starts hammering it down 😂

Especially  the people who don’t call their hits all day 😣


A rainy day can be fun with a good crowd, but much more easily ruined.


*Looks out car window at rain*


Fuck me i'm insane

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13 minutes ago, GAMBLE said:


For me recently getting back into it, packing and getting gear ready, The night before and leaving, turn up at the site. Then find out by the time I get there, set up, I’ve forgotten items.... thankfully bring additional items to cover this issue! 🤔🤦‍♂️

Always one the worst then you sometimes ask ya mates if they have certain items or have to splash out cash at the shop 😂

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19 minutes ago, Speedbird_666 said:

The inevitable 'take your fucking hits!!!' being screamed in the middle of a game.


Does my nut in. 



Then the person who doesn’t call their hits then shoots that person and then tells them to call their hits which then enters a verbal argument over where the BB flew 😂

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53 minutes ago, Leonine said:

Then the person who doesn’t call their hits then shoots that person and then tells them to call their hits which then enters a verbal argument over where the BB flew 😂


Airsoft confession time: I WAS that guy when I first started playing (15yrs ago) shouting 'take your fucking hits' in frustration.


Then a friendly marshal came up to me one day and kindly said in his soothing Dorset dulcet tones: 'You fucking muppet! - your BB's were dropping 20ft short the entire fucking time you were shouting at him!" - or something like that, y'know...paraphrasing.


Anyway I apologised to both the marshal and the player in question with my tail firmly tucked between my legs.


Since then I have been on the other end of guys screaming at me and it's just stupid when you are accused of cheating,  when in reality their Tupperware death cannon just isn't as good at slinging plastic death as they think it is.



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Not playing airsoft when I'm there to play airsoft.


Long delays to ensure that everyone has been chronoed, when it ensures nothing of the sort, tags or otherwise.


Late starts.


Agonisingly drawn out safety briefs with 'comedy' support, or shouting at folk to listen up for the tenth time.


Breaks between the brief and the first game.


Lunch hours that do run into hours.


Ten minute breaks that run into half an hour because players - or worse, marshals - or worst of all, site owners - would rather smoke or text or banter than play airsoft.


Standing at spawn waiting and waiting and waiting for the tail-end Charlies to get out of the safe zone, as they get told over and over that the game's starting with or without them - but it never does.


All just human nature, really, and it's not actually that bad at the sites I've played at.  But it does happen, and it might be ameliorated by using horns or klaxons to emphasise the constant shouting which just blends into the background after a while.


HOOOOT, that's your five minute warning. 


AROOOGO, that's one minute, which means 60 Earth seconds, not another five minutes. 


WHOOP WHOOP, that's the game on, you've missed it, don't say you weren't warned.

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A few years ago 'cheating' (everything from not taking/calling hits, to those yelling accusations) would have probably been toward the top of my list but not so much nowadays.

Unsurprisingly everything that falls in and around the subject of cheating is entirely unnecessary, but over the years I've found it bothers me less and less. Fortunately, for the most part I feel like folks realise they just need to take responsiblity for themselves and leave others to do the same, if they can't help themselves then talk to a marshall. I know right, fat chance.

One thing that does irk me more and more these days is when folks don't call a hit, they just get up and wander off. Not so much as a raised hand shown. There is a difference between taking a hit, and calling a hit... and I wish the calling part wasn't falling out of favour as much as it seems to be.

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22 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

Long delays to ensure that everyone has been chronoed, when it ensures nothing of the sort, tags or otherwise.


Agonisingly drawn out safety briefs with 'comedy' support, or shouting at folk to listen up for the tenth time.


Standing at spawn waiting and waiting and waiting for the tail-end Charlies to get out of the safe zone, as they get told over and over that the game's starting with or without them - but it never does.

1)That happened recently everyone got chronoed but because of the virus they didn’t give anyone any evidence of chrono like tags.

2) They always have the regulars which I swear Are just there for the comedy at the start and to drag out talking to the marshalls 😂

3) Then everyone gathers into a massive group and no one can move when the game does start because you have to wait for the first people which tend to be the slowest out the safe zone to lead 😂

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For me the worst part is not playing. I've been off the field for over two years for a variety of reasons, from money and health problems to, most recently, having a baby. So I'm sat here staring at these guns and gear that I can't use, buying bits for them when I can to get some kind of fix. I had been planning on going to some games this year but with the virus and a newborn I don't want to risk bringing anything back. 

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17 minutes ago, PopRocket123 said:

For me the worst part is not playing. I've been off the field for over two years for a variety of reasons, from money and health problems to, most recently, having a baby. So I'm sat here staring at these guns and gear that I can't use, buying bits for them when I can to get some kind of fix. I had been planning on going to some games this year but with the virus and a newborn I don't want to risk bringing anything back. 

Congrats on your kid! Hope to see you back in the game soon but of course your kid and health comes first.  🙂

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Guest DrAlexanderTobacco

Waking up.


I've recently started booking Airbnbs 5 minutes away from distant sites (~3-4hr drive) and it makes such a difference.

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1 hour ago, ImTriggerHappy said:





Good to see you back, I took a long hiatus as well.



7 hours ago, PopRocket123 said:

For me the worst part is not playing.


Mmm, that.  I'm not big into woodland, given the UK (and Scotch, and West Coast Scotch) weather, but I crumbled and went to book Section 8 last weekend - only find them booked solid then, and for next weekend too, with the first available day being September 13th.  No more walk-ons for the foreseeable future.


Hammer 2 Operations still hasn't re-opened after being punted off their 2nd site in 2 years.


Everything else is over an hour away, which just adds to the problem of pre-booking and pre-paying for outdoors and then getting foul weather.


Indoors hasn't restarted and (unless it gets kicked down the road again) won't restart until next Monday the 31st, so we lose another weekend.


Biohazard indoor are re-opening after that, but no news about booking, and it'll be a mad scrabble for places.


No news from the Depot and their Facebook page has disappeared.  Big gulps.


I'm beginning to feel like someone who used to play airsoft.

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Cheaters and speedsofters. In no particular order

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20 hours ago, Speedbird_666 said:

Airsoft confession time: I WAS that guy when I first started playing (15yrs ago) shouting 'take your fucking hits' in frustration.


i think it's a trap we've all fallen into, wether we like to admit it or not....


it's a sin i've committed for sure, although as a general rule i tend not to get annoyed unless i'm able to actually see the shots landing.


had to laugh yesterday, in a typical engagement i was called in by one of the team to take a crack at a supposed non-hit taker. first couple of rounds hop sent it flying over his head but close enough for him to twitch, team mate is exclaiming "see that was plainly a hit" and i'm like "nope i missed".


of course the curse of the long range player is straying into those legitimate no-feels, something that you do gotta accept happens although it does get trundled out by folk who think a bare-skin hit at close range can somehow not be felt.....

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