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Best out of the box AEG Rifle 2019-20?

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Hello everyone, from what I have found online so far is that the H&K 416A5 from VFC and the  Krytac Trident MK2 are both well known for being great AEG Airsoft rifles from the box. 

Which is best and what would you say is the best out of the box AEG for upto £550

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VFC and "great from the box" don't belong to the same sentence.

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My mate had the krytac and it was a decent rifle, felt solid and accuracy was good, cant really go wrong with one, quite easy to work on/strip as well when the time comes for you to

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TM Recoil Delta in BLACK... not TAN coz that colour just looks pi$$. All that TM goodness.... 


And yeah I know the OP said VFC or Krytac... I'm just a TM snob!

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5 minutes ago, Skara said:

VFC and "great from the box" don't belong to the same sentence.

Unfortunate for me I don't have much experience and this is why I am asking the question. 

What would you suggest Skara?


2 minutes ago, AlphaBear said:

TM Recoil Delta in BLACK... not TAN coz that colour just looks pi$$. All that TM goodness.... 


And yeah I know the OP said VFC or Krytac... I'm just a TM snob!

Thanks AlphaBear, I have been told to look at the Tokyo Marui rifle too. 

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I'd say the Wolverine MTW is the best airsoft gun you can get.

It's HPA powered, can fine tune the energy output to match every site limits in one package.


It's not an AEG though.


As far as AEGs go, a stock TM (so yeah, 280 fps) is as plug&play as it gets. No recoil because that's just a gimmick.

Krytac seem to be great too, apart from the older gen SPRs that were nicknamed KryKracks because the lowers had a tendency to snap in half for no apparent reason.


Other than those 2 brands, I can't really think of anything worth the "best OOTB AEG" :(

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Personally I don't think there is a " best out of the box AEG" but for a good base rifle that does not need a lot of work to make effective for the AK platform, I would personally say the E&L Gen 2 AKs.


The E&L gen 2 use standard V3 gearbox parts but come with QC spring gearbox and Prowin style hop unit and full steel and wood/polymer externals dependant on your choice but can be had for fairly decent prices especially if bought from Gunfire. 

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best bang for your buck CYMA M14 can be had for about £100 and is great out the box. this is a very wide ranging question what do you want the gun to do?

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The recoil on a TM is fun... It's not a massive amount of recoil and won't throw you off your feet... it's just plain and simple fun... Sure you can upgrade the recoil spring to pack more oomph.  It's like any AEG... you will want to make the stock gun even better. And believe me when I say this, don't be afraid to take things apart and learn and try yourself. It's not just about pew pew it's about learning and understanding your kit too.... You can pick up a new TM recoil for £400'ish. I know it's a lot of money but believe you me you won't be disappointed.


Check out the you tube videos... the HK's are flavour of the month. The traditional M4's are cheaper as are the SCARS...


If you can have a play with one at a skirmish then do so....


The important note to take away is this hobby caters for all tastes and all wallets.. be it £100 Cymas to mil sim Systema PTW's with real steel kit. And believe you me that's another ball game...

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12 hours ago, LeatherNeck said:

Which is best


That needs defined.


All these things do is sling 6mm plastic BBs, and the BBs really reeeeeeally don't care about magical thinking such as 0.72J of glorious Tokyo Marui master race kinetic energy being somehow more than 1.13J of dirty CYMA peasant kinetic energy.


Is recoil best?  Is microswitch best?  Is MOSFET best?  Is 11.1V ready best?  Is high ROF best?  Is robustness best?  Is metal body best?


Do you mean literally OOTB, or are you intending to clean the hop and barrel?


But really?  The best toy gun for you is


whichever one makes you feel the best about purchasing and owning it.


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@LeatherNeck, give us a bit of background info, is this just another "what am bestest gun" thread, or a genuine intended purchase ?.

If that's the case, first gun or to be part of an existing collection ?, & where do you play, what kinda site ? .

We can tell you what's rated bestest at a certain price point, but if your intention is to blow £550+ on your first gun, you'd be barmy, I'm with @rocketdogbert on this, they all fling bb's, admittedly some slightly better than others, but the differences are marginal, & as @BigStew & @E21A have pointed out, you get a lot of bang for your bucks with a £100ish CYMA, something I agree with, my cyma M14 socom is the dogs, outranging most kit.

What's the story ?

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this is one of those questions where you ask 10 people you'll get 9 guns.


for example if your priority is in-game performance then i'd say the evo:

-accuracy and range is pretty damn good out of the box

-the spring is so easy to change you can get it at the energy for your country/site's limits with zero technical knowledge

-externals are pretty decent

-it's small and lightweight enough to be practical without feeling like a super cheap toy.

-it's pretty damn reliable


as much as marui would get my vote that would only be if you're dealing with a flat 1j limit at your site, otherwise you'll always be facing the issue that energy is energy, and the other guy having more isn't good for your chances. and depending on the model switching out the spring is not going to be an easy prospect.


of course that's assuming we're negating the price, because frankly a £150 cyma will do 90% of the job for 50% of the price.


tbh i'd say @Rogerborg summed it up perfectly- the best gun is the gun you like the most. for example as much as i'm extolling the virtues of the evo and tm guns as reliable standards i'd rather take my lightly-tinkered jg ak on the field than either of them.

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Scoprion EVO is pretty good for the money.  Really like the stop on empty myself. 


They have a few issues i.e the gears seem to give out and need upgraded which is an absolute joke at that price range.  


Some niggles they have the grip angle is not very comfortable. The ambi fire selector is easy to knock on to safe by accident but this can be mitigated by installing a blank plate on one side. Once you get the right battery it's really easy to fit but they cost £20~ a pop but fully worth it to safe swearing at the thing trying to fit a non ideal one in. 


Given that every time I look at another AEG I just think but I would only use it if my Evo stopped working so I wouldn't give it up. 


3 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:

for example if your priority is in-game performance then i'd say the evo:

-accuracy and range is pretty damn good out of the box

-the spring is so easy to change you can get it at the energy for your country/site's limits with zero technical knowledge

-externals are pretty decent

-it's small and lightweight enough to be practical without feeling like a super cheap toy.

-it's pretty damn reliable


With the EPM1 coming out I'd be convinced to give up stop on empty for one of specans offerings in their edge range. 

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