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UCAP Airsoft Ferry

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Guest DrAlexanderTobacco
49 minutes ago, Albiscuit said:

Anyone in the know aware of any news? The link on the UCAP website is no longer there :( 

IIRC Andy (UCAP's owner) said in their Facebook group that the ferry is delayed - waiting on paperwork, or something to do with Brexit, etc etc - currently it hasn't left its original port wherever it's located. Greece, I think?

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Despite the website saying it was on its way  :(  


shame me there was a lot of potential do that boat!

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1 hour ago, Albiscuit said:

Despite the website saying it was on its way  :(  


shame me there was a lot of potential do that boat!

To be fair to UCAP not sure they said that, just that they were working on it.


Seems the attempt to purchase it has hit a bit of a deadend. Check out sealink historic ferries on facebook they put up an update. Fingers crossed it works out but who knows

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1 hour ago, RMDavis said:

Andy's words to me were 'the deal has gone to shit' 😂


"Now that you're committed, here's the real price, including all the the service costs and permits."  ?




Basically I think it's a lot harder than you think to bring an old ferry to Blighty from Greece!


I think it's not harder than I'd think, but then I'm a complete cynic realist. ;)


Except it probably is harder.


Shame, that would have been ace.

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Pretty sure the website said it was on its way from Greece!


Doesnt matter now though, seems that idea has sunk :D 

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Trains, Planes, Ships - cool, yes, however, unless you're wanting to get your daily regen steps in, in practice its a bit of a shit cluster


I'm surprised hes not sticking to selling NODs...oh wait. 

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14 hours ago, RMDavis said:

Andy's words to me were 'the deal has gone to shit' 😂


Basically I think it's a lot harder than you think to bring an old ferry to Blighty from Greece!


Me and my mate were on about this. An old ferry is likely to be an absolute asbestos nightmare. 

You wouldn't be able to play airsoft in an old ferry without hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of abatement. 

That's quite possibly the reason it's been a no go. 

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11 hours ago, hitmanNo2 said:

I seem to recall reading that it was on it's way too.  Perhaps bad info from the seller.


So annoying this fell through.  It would have been incredible.



Maybe it was the wording in that pic, “coming all the way from Greece” probably gave me the impression it was already on its way..


Oh well, another good idea lost. Like people have mentioned probably not cost effective or too much of a ball ache to get permission/it ready for play over here. 

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3 minutes ago, jcheeseright said:

Airsoft on a ship would be crap, it'd be a series of tight bottlenecks and that's about it.  


I get what your saying but I suppose it would depend on how it was used and how many players there were. 

On a big ferry like that I think the car deck and public areas (from memory of ferry crossings) would be a suitable site. Plus you have the crew areas and windy back service corridors, outside areas and decks etc, that boat looks massive, I’m sure a suitable playing area could be organised on it!

If managed well and set up properly it could have potential!

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9 minutes ago, jcheeseright said:

Airsoft on a ship would be crap, it'd be a series of tight bottlenecks and that's about it.  


Might be. But at least you can say you did it once! 

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Am sure I read a review on AI or AA about an ex Woolwich ferry being used as a cqb arena, possibly by Zed Adventure's...

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1 hour ago, Dentonboy said:

Am sure I read a review on AI or AA about an ex Woolwich ferry being used as a cqb arena, possibly by Zed Adventure's...

The Woolwich ferry would be tiny in comparison to your average cross channel ferry, plus everythings above deck with only a small passenger "lounge".

If they start touting that as a site, I wouldn't bother playing it☹️

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1 hour ago, Dentonboy said:

Am sure I read a review on AI or AA about an ex Woolwich ferry being used as a cqb arena, possibly by Zed Adventure's...


9 minutes ago, Tackle said:

The Woolwich ferry would be tiny in comparison to your average cross channel ferry, plus everythings above deck with only a small passenger "lounge".

If they start touting that as a site, I wouldn't bother playing it☹️



It was an old ferry which was moored at Woolwich. I doubt it was the Woolwich ferry itself. Red 1 ran it for a very very short period of time back before I started playing. 


There was an article in an old issue of Airsoft AI and this video. 




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2 minutes ago, Asomodai said:




It was an old ferry which was moored at Woolwich. I doubt it was the Woolwich ferry itself. Red 1 ran it for a very very short period of time back before I started playing. 


There was an article in an old issue of Airsoft AI and this video. 




Aah, yeah I remember that one, it wasn't a ferry, just a smallish cruiser, bit like the restaurant boats moored up on Albert embankment.

I seem to remember initial reviews complaining of all the tight internal corridors & slip hazards from painted metal decking.

It was quite a long time ago & I don't think it was in use for very long.

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It sunk from all accounts. 


Last I heard they were trying to fix it up or find another, doubt much has happened to be honest. The amount of work needed to get it to a skirmishable standard would cost a bomb I would imagine, as mentioned above with the big Ferry too.. 

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Meanwhile in the US they manage to have a huge game on an actual aircraft carrier.



Numerous videos out there just jet's one came up first.


Obviously what is available in the US and the size of the market there means that you simply can't draw a comparison to airsoft here, but reading this thread and thinking of this was just funny to me regardless.

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