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Throat protection

Leader Bee
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12 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


Well, don't keep us in suspense: did you died?

Can't you tell, no reply he dead. 😭😱

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21 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


Well, don't keep us in suspense: did you died?

He did, but then he ‘manned up’ and walked it off ! 🤣

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Never been shot in the throat or neck.

I do wear a UBACs zipped all the way up and wear a small scrim scarf around my neck so probbaly have but never noticed.

I seem to get shot more in the hands than neck.

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On 11/11/2018 at 15:39, Leader Bee said:



I suppose there are the Paintball Dye throat protectors but they don't seem to come in any kind of camo.



They do exist in camouflage & others exist in tan etc

But I wouldn’t particularly recommend one.  I’ve never tried the larger full neck ones, but did once buy the old basic neoprene protector.

I put it on my neck and promptly dumped it in the back of the cupboard.


I would really recommend just something to put a layer over bare skin, even if it’s just a snood etc

But I just do without and haven’t suffered for it






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  • 2 months later...
On 12/11/2018 at 20:35, Tackle said:

Lol, I took one point blank in the Adams apple once, hurt like a mofo & made me gag/choke, but once in 17+ years isn't gonna make me rush out & buy some kinda protection that ultimately is gonna be restrictive & prob hold a lot of heat in when playing.

If we tried to (over) protect all the  sensitive bits we'd end up looking like a juggernaut in no time.

Same, adams apple and also made me do a sort of half gag too ha, which made me laugh straight after. But I did zip up the ubacs after. Then that was a bit uncomfortable so unzipped it again a while later. Also taken an unbelievable shot to a tiny gap on my forehead between my cap and googles which lumped up a bit and got some blood running down. To me it's part of the fun and I expect it so would rather be comfy than too hot. I do protect teeth though because dentists are a total rip off

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Apart from the obvious things that have been mentioned. As a light weight warm weather neck cover I got a large thin tiger stripe (could probably pick up other patterns) bandana and sewed it into a tube. Because it hangs loose it's less stuffy an helps absorb impacts unlike the thin stretchy snood option.

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my lower face protection, it's this neoprene shit, actually covers the neck too. 

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1 hour ago, heroshark said:

Apart from the obvious things that have been mentioned. As a light weight warm weather neck cover I got a large thin tiger stripe (could probably pick up other patterns) bandana and sewed it into a tube. Because it hangs loose it's less stuffy an helps absorb impacts unlike the thin stretchy snood option.

That's actually a nice idea :)

I still have some material left from my ghillie project, may have a go at it

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Tar Scara. I have one of the synthetic multi cam scarves I made in to a hood with a bit of neck coverage which works quite well too.

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53 minutes ago, clumpyedge said:

Neoprene is good  for a lot of things but I wouldn't have it as face protection as I don't find it breathable enough


I'm currently trying to dissuade Workmake Eddie from using it.  I found it stifling and sweaty for motorcycle use and quickly binned it.  He does seem determined to wear some sort of rubbery gimp mask though, and I don't want to judge his lifestyle choices.

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1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:


I'm currently trying to dissuade Workmake Eddie from using it.  I found it stifling and sweaty for motorcycle use and quickly binned it.  He does seem determined to wear some sort of rubbery gimp mask though, and I don't want to judge his lifestyle choices.


It certainly has its uses, but as face protection etc....there's far better options that wont be as "gimpish"

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Meh, I have an old neoprene mask, used once and then thrown in the bin.


Wouldn't use it for motorcycle use as well, I prefer snoods for that. Much more versatile and they keep me ugly face warm even in cold winter mornings :)

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2 hours ago, clumpyedge said:



Neoprene is good  for a lot of things but I wouldn't have it as face protection as I don't find it breathable enough

 It's got holes over the mouth, and the bottom of the nose is open with a slight overhang, I don't find it so bad. 

Personalty if you wanna be gimpy, wear a gasmask, personal I though the neo-mask made me look like a latter-day ninja, but maybe that's just my imagination. 

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18 minutes ago, Vulpiness said:

 It's got holes over the mouth, and the bottom of the nose is open with a slight overhang, I don't find it so bad. 

Personalty if you wanna be gimpy, wear a gasmask, personal I though the neo-mask made me look like a latter-day ninja, but maybe that's just my imagination. 


I know exactly the ones your on about. More like a winter soldier cosplay wearing those things :)

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