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Am I missing something ???

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Now I'm not a massive fan of Facebook, sure I post on there occasionally, surf the odd "specialist" page, but mostly I use to keep up to date on what family, friends & old work colleagues are up to without actually having to pick up the phone & talk to them, as most of the time I'm a miserable old Cnut ;) 

but today I briefly perused this forums FB page, & was astonished to see how many people are "indirectly" trying to sell rifs there, usually with a pic of a gun & the text "interested, pm me"......

now what I don't get is why so many people are prepared to break fb's rules by trying to sell guns there, which at the same time puts the FB page at risk of closure, when there's an excellent forum here that encourages rif sales.

sure I get that there's prob more peeps cruising FB, but a good many of them prob don't meet the requisites of the VCRA & therefore may screw it up for all of us.


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Peoples want for money outweighs the rules. They just want it gone. Weaponcrates is a scam, prefired may as well not exist and zeroin (which if found the most luck with) has been off for almost 4 months. This forum is okay, but for every simple, quick sale you get, you get 10 where people ask you 20 questions, want videos, emails all to either vanish or offer you £280 for a £500 RIF. Then there’s the people you sell to on here that don’t know how to work what you sold them and claim it’s broke... I’m actually angry now. Time for some tea..

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Facebook is to blame for the downfall of forums and people with common sense who actually searched for the answers rather than being spoon fed them.


Unfortunately, I blame my generation. To lazy to open another browser page to obey the rules.

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When you say 'this'I hope you don't mean AFUK? Our FB page has been dead for years and we're proud of it (I think?).


I suppose if you report those groups no ones gunna tell on you. FB banned airsoft gun sales a while ago and will close down groups because of it. Personally I don't as I feel like FB should be more open to this sort of thing, but ultimately the administrators of these pages usually let a lot of questionable interpretations of that VCRA amendment slip through. I know if I was under 18 trying to buy an RIF then my first stop would be Facebook, not a forum where people are usually more wary of checking defences (or at least your post history).


Our traffic on here does still seem to be trending up though. Perhaps that's just a reflection of growing interest in airsoft over time rather than forums taking back more of a share of discussions, however. When FB pages are so easy and free to set up, they typically close one down and two more pop up in its place.

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OMG - we are all in deep $hit now

JambWow is preparing a legal case against us

Only he is the official retailer of this Quality - real quality replica (of a replica of a replica)


This was not the pro image perhaps to update a long dead FB page but ahhh wtf....




Actually - I think we are pretty safe guys, don't think FB will be sending out warnings about RIF's or even IF's

Yeah, think Nerf has more range, so this pic is quite lame to post on FB


Lots of other sites on FB had to pull or redo their listings/posts coz FB got $hitty

But think the B500A1 if that got a moan/warning that would equal a five star review rating

(if FB give us a tug over all this then the price doubles coz it obviously is a real hardcore aeg then)

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presumably they're just spamming it to anywhere and everywhere they can to sell quick.


not my cup of tea, on the rare time i buy something secondhand it's from a forum, because for the most part people who bother to contribute to forums are less scammy.


only pair of airsoft guns i bought second hand were the m4 and 1911, surprise surprise they were both pretty unreliable despite knowing the guy who i'd bought them off (and for the 1911 at least knowing how little it'd been used) so i stick to buying new these days given i've enough guns now to take time in my choices.

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I have recently noticed a bunch of "where is the best place to sell guns? I want to sell my [insert generic gun here]" posts on numerous Facebook groups.

Seems to crop up every day. I thought the first few were genuine, but I now believe it is just people trying to "indirectly" advertise on Facebook.

I admit, some of my quickest sales were through Facebook when sales were allowed, so I can see the appeal. It is so much easier to list something and if posted in a popular group, then thousands will see it (as opposed to the very limited amount of people who bother with forums). A lot of the time, people just want to get rid of their RIF as they possibly no longer want to be affiliated with airsoft (this is common, "leaving airsoft" gear sales also happen basically every day) and so the group's rules are no longer of priority - once they have sold their RIF, they have no reason to care about the group.

You will find that the possibility to make money will very often override care for rules which do not have serious repercussions for the individual - both in and out of airsoft. This is why people still try to sell on Facebook.

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I haven't had an active Facebook account since late 2016. Seriously, fuck Facebook. Fuck all Social media, it's complertely anti-social and is just a way to placate the masses, feed us bullshit and logging what we buy so they can tempt us into clicking articles that are there to purely generate ad revenue.



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The great thing about Facebook is that anybody can use it.


The bad thing about Facebook is that anybody can use it.

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14 hours ago, Prisce said:

Facebook is to blame for the downfall of civilisation



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24 minutes ago, proffrink said:

Dunno. I think this is a pretty accurate representation of airsoft classifieds. Wouldn't want to mislead them now would we.


I don't mind helping people with busted cheapo guns cyma/g&g etc.....

but if we now get flooded with my B500A1 or Krinkov is f*cked then you can answer them


Upgrading my JBBG / BBGuns4Less question.....


Yeah - I might be a little bit magic at times kid

but I ain't a f*cing MAGICIAN - bin it m8 ffs, it is really f*cked now

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i didnt realize fb didn't allow it lol, im a member of a couple of trade groups on there. Theres zero attempt to fly under the radar either, the groups are literally called "airsoft gear and gun trade" or something to that effect.


The reason I prefer it to forum trade is that those groups are specific to a given area so I can just advertise to people local to me - I only want to sell face to face (preferably on a airsoft site). - That way neither person has any worry about any scamming and if its on a airsoft site then even if the buyer decides its not for him its not a wasted trip.

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51 minutes ago, messy said:

i didnt realize fb didn't allow it lol, im a member of a couple of trade groups on there. Theres zero attempt to fly under the radar either, the groups are literally called "airsoft gear and gun trade" or something to that effect.


The reason I prefer it to forum trade is that those groups are specific to a given area so I can just advertise to people local to me - I only want to sell face to face (preferably on a airsoft site). - That way neither person has any worry about any scamming and if its on a airsoft site then even if the buyer decides its not for him its not a wasted trip.


A lot of groups did buy/sell stuff but most have dropped or rowed back on RIF's

FB went nutz the world over, clamping down on actual Firearm sales in US after recent shootings etc...

but then even getting crappy the world over with some going ultra nutz on peew peew stuff


Even in UK/Europe the EU was proposing ultra stricter gun control for legally owned firearms

After the tragic Bataclan terror attack they were proposing banning or heavily restricting legal gun ownership

But they failed to realise the weapons used in that and numerous other attacks/crimes were illegally smuggled


Here is a report of a bloke caught with AK's grenades and stuff stopped

with Paris address in SatNav 10 days before the attack....




yeah but let's try to ban legally owned stuff even though it has nowt to do with it

more recent nutter....


Gotta love them taking appropriate action directed at the wrong people, even after horse has bolted

BUT I agree YES more checks/security etc... is needed

and yup we don't all agree with everything the VCRA says about our peew peew etc.....
So we have to abide by the terms/regulations etc...

and put up with some liberals being perhaps a bit too ergh liberal

But FaceBook was/is just being ultra ar$ey most agree
(they worry more about poxy toy guns upsetting some
than your data security but that is a different story)

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18 hours ago, proffrink said:

When you say 'this'I hope you don't mean AFUK

Lol, probably, too many groups/pages with similar sounding names, I always mix up the Judean People's Front with the People's Front Of Judea (fuckin' splitters) ;) 


In response to my initial post, yep I knew greed was the primary motive for using FB to shift rifs, which kinda pisses me off, as its likely 99% of these twats have no commitment to the longevity of our "sport", their need to shift their guns quick without any research in to who's buying irrespective of VCRA requirements will ultimately bite all of us in the arse sometime soon.

thats not to say I like or agree with the parts of it that cover airsoft, I think it's a crock of shizen & recent events have shown our plastic toys have absolutely no threatening aspects towards the general population, truth is give me an hour in the areas of London that I grew up in & I could put my hands on a lethal firearm much quicker than an airsoft replica, prob be cheaper too lol.

i think I'm gonna start removing my self from most of the FB airsoft groups I'm in, got kicked out of one last year for speaking the truth, only a matter of time before I go postal in some of the others ;) 

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20 hours ago, Tackle said:

.... truth is give me an hour in the areas of London that I grew up in & I could put my hands on a lethal firearm much quicker than an airsoft replica..... 


One hour ???

Have you gotta top up your Oyster or using one of them fugly bicycles to get around on ???


London overtakes New York for homicides - who knew eh ???

Kitchen knives from Ikea & wonder how many of the gangster wannabees had UKARA for drive by


My condolences to the families

But in a world where police numbers are cut but what resources are left

there is more worry about people's feelings/safe spaces & f*ck knows what

Than clamping down on real criminals, that goes for the dumb ar$e courts too with daft punishment


Back on topic - Yes you don't want u18 non defense gangster wannabees just buying up a RIF M9 or Glock

So they can swagger around etc... 

Did ya see the bloke in US with a shower head walking around held like a gun pointing at people ???

On CCTV it like straight up like a real gun he was waving in people's faces

And the uproar when he points it at armed police and shot dead


FaceBook just being ar$ey, Social Media feeding addicted population subconsciously telling them what to think

FFS - bollox to likey crap, what somebody has for dinner, how they pout and what celebs politics bollox are saying


What is this world coming to, one minute we are $hit scared to speak openly & next we are being walked over

Chav nicks a car (no license), creates carnage injures or nearly kills half a dozen others, no insurance etc....

Gets nicked eventually and then gets banned for 3 months and £80 fine - WTF or more like W T MEGA F*ck !!!


Ahhhhh bollox - world hasn't just gone nutz, its on crack whilst freaking out & tearing itself apart sometimes

The human race is doomed, to be snuffed by it's own f*cking stupidity than any ice age or global warming


Classic Monty Python - Life of Brian, that is 1979, nearly 40 years old now WOW !!!!

At the time the "Loretta" sketch sounded completely insane

Alas today with gender neutral bollox and oppressing people's feelings it is becoming a reality....



I knew it was ahead of its time but never imagined it would contain such a prediction of the future ffs


Rant over - I think for now, mods delete if needed but had to let off some steam regarding London crime rate etc...

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Roll on the apocalypse so I can finally put my skull cracking skills to work.

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28 minutes ago, Duff said:

Roll on the apocalypse so I can finally put my skull cracking skills to work.

Lol glad its just not me then ;) .


is it bad that I watch the walking dead, all the time thinking "why are you doing it like that, why are you still there, why the feck are you so damn stupid ?".

its kinda weird to think at least if the zombie apocalypse came, it actually might benefit mankind & the planet.

im feeling a whole new thread coming, & I'm not even a crazy prepper :P

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34 minutes ago, Sitting Duck said:


The Ducks will become the next dominant species next so I'll be fine


lies, it is the hamster people who shall rise to replace humanity, do not beleive this blasphemy :angry:

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56 minutes ago, Sitting Duck said:

that goes for the dumb ar$e courts too with daft punishment


Back on topic - Yes you don't want u18 non defense gangster wannabees just buying up a RIF M9 or Glock

So they can swagger around etc... 

Did ya see the bloke in US with a shower head walking around held like a gun pointing at people ???

On CCTV it like straight up like a real gun he was waving in people's faces

And the uproar when he points it at armed police and shot dead

Good riddance to bad rubbish, whether its a firearm, a rif, or a duct taped banana, point it at the plod & your fair game, just another contender for the Darwin awards as far as I'm concerned.

regarding the courts, get a parking ticket you can expect a fine of up to 120 quid, but give a fellow pisshead a slap at chucking out time on a Saturday night & your likely to get a fixed penalty for £80.....where's the balance in that ? (Unless when your dishing out said slap you also happen to mention his race or sexuality, then your looking at crown court & the full weight of the judiciary system)

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