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Put yourself on THE MAP

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I started an Airsofters map on zeemaps.

Add your location so you can see who's local to you.


The map is private so you need the password to add or view markers.

Click top right 'Map Access' to log in.

Type password then click 'Unlock'

The password is: airuk


Please add YELLOW markers for players and RED for game sites.


You can add any info you want to your marker but NO personal information is required.

If you make a mistake then PM me or post below and I'll delete it.


Hope to see it get busy...


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Something similar has been done, signed up but never bothered doing anything else with it.



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I searched "map" and found this -


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31 minutes ago, EDcase said:

Its early days.

Hopefully it'll catch on... otherwise probably get buried


And that is why it is not pinned.

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Yeah, hopefully it'll start to fill up and we'll realise there are other players right next door :D



I've made the default colour yellow for players and started to add game sites in red.

Please add any game sites you know of.


If you make a mistake adding a marker PM me or post below and I'll fix it (change colour, delete etc)

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Good idea! Added myself and my local site in the Chester area. Sad to see there's nobody near me.

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