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20,000 Sqft Indoor Built Urban Arena

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Calling all airsofters support!!

Whether you prefer hopper or mag fed, paintball or airsoft, the aim of this support page is establish whether there is enough support to justify building a gaming arena in Surrey and the surrounding area that will suit all levels of experience.


Please visit vo1t.cc for more details and offer your support to make this happen

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Calling all airsofters support!!

Whether you prefer hopper or mag fed, paintball or airsoft, the aim of this support page is establish whether there is enough support to justify building a gaming arena in Surrey and the surrounding area that will suit all levels of experience.


Please visit vo1t.cc for more details and offer your support to make this happen



Airsofters don't like to play on (read 'on', not 'at') paintball fields....


Are you planning to rent, buy, or build? How much do you plan to charge for your game days (£/h) and what player counts?



If you sign up to this support page, you will get:

  • Exclusive rights to trial the new arena before opening to provide feedback on how it could be improved;
  • A ticket to the exclusive launch party;
  • Free club membership for exclusive offers; and,
  • Discounts, which will not be available to people who have not shown their support through this page.


Can't really sign up to community division, sorry - especially with so little information nor evidence of research.

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would like more info before I sign up


it would need good links to M25 or train/public transport

you need to emulate stuff like the mall in reading for a start


sure there is support for any good site - even an average site if it is run well

doesn't have to ultra fancy or super duper - mainly organised properly

the good players will come on their own & leave on their own if its crap

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Airsofters don't like to play on (read 'on', not 'at') paintball fields....


Are you planning to rent, buy, or build? How much do you plan to charge for your game days (£/h) and what player counts?



Can't really sign up to community division, sorry - especially with so little information nor evidence of research.

I feel the same way as Sacarathe but I can't get behind anything that just a nice idea in someone's head right now. We need more info right now, that's all. But if you do find a site, I will absolutely be donating.

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  • Root Admin

Imo, it's usually worth blinding supporting these kinds of startup businesses as mere support in the form of online signatures or a mailing list are the sorts of things that can make their way into business plan/brief and sway the choice of a would be investor or bank that's looking to lay down some money.


Despite not living anywhere near I'm happy to put my name down on the off chance that we get one more airsoft site. Be it awful or not.

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On the one hand you're not asking for any money like a lame Kickstarter project but on the other I don't think asking to sign up for support will be the key decider in making this happen. Like any business it's a risk. I do however think that this country lacks indoor venues given the appalling weather we have. One thing though why the Coco's Island top level domain? You are in the UK I take it?

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Imo, it's usually worth blinding supporting these kinds of startup businesses as mere support in the form of online signatures or a mailing list are the sorts of things that can make their way into business plan/brief and sway the choice of a would be investor or bank that's looking to lay down some money.


Despite not living anywhere near I'm happy to put my name down on the off chance that we get one more airsoft site. Be it awful or not.


True, but if they want support they should be honest about what stage of the process they're at.

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I live nowhere near but I've signed up. I agree with what prof. said - might be helpful for investors and I'm all for getting more people into the sport so every little helps.

Although from a technical standpoint - there's nothing on that page that suggests you can't make 10,000 fake email accounts and sign them up? Not even a captcha.

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Sounds like a good idea, but isn't 20,000sqft a bit....small?

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Sounds like a good idea, but isn't 20,000sqft a bit....small?


yup, roughly 170x170m (assuming a square obviously) - fine for a speedball arena, bit lacking for airsoft imo. Depot in Glasgow is 210,000 sqft for example, more than 10x the size.

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yup, roughly 170x170m (assuming a square obviously) - fine for a speedball arena, bit lacking for airsoft imo. Depot in Glasgow is 210,000 sqft for example, more than 10x the size.


That's what I was thinking, pretty sure The Mall is around 250,000sqft.


I guess if it's like the US style indoor CQB "killhouse" things it might be ok?

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yup, roughly 170x170m (assuming a square obviously) - fine for a speedball arena, bit lacking for airsoft imo. Depot in Glasgow is 210,000 sqft for example, more than 10x the size.

About 45x45m. That's small indeed.

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  • Root Admin

One thing though why the Coco's Island top level domain? You are in the UK I take it?

Most resellers will recommend 'cc' after 'com', 'co.uk' 'co'. I guess because it has 'c's in it and they don't want to lose out on that sweet ~£1 profit?

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Not the first place in the UK to do this infact there were plans in the pipeline about 2 or 3 years ago to build something like this near Crawley I believe. I don't think it got off the ground.


I've seen a small warehouse converted to make a really good airsoft arena, with 4 rows of "buildings" a two level building at one end with strobe lighting, smoke machines and a killer sound system for sessions with a DJ every so often. They ran like 3 evening sessions a week and a Saturday game day. It was probably about 40m x 40m ish. Unfortunately they went bust pretty quick.


I pretty much hate playing at paintball sites regularly, once a year for a bit of a run around is fine but I like the sneaky game which is pretty hard I have found at most paintball fields I've ever been to. Plus..... urgh bright paint on my nice camo kit....... ;)

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Plus..... urgh bright paint on my nice camo kit....... ;)

Hate this to lol, had bright yellow all over my vest but thankfully it came off with abit of water lol

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would definitely NOT want to play where there's been paintballing. After spending a fair amount of time and money on our kit, the last thing we want is some bright yellow paint stain on our brand new camoed up M4.

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Calling all airsofters support!!

Whether you prefer hopper or mag fed, paintball or airsoft, the aim of this support page is establish whether there is enough support to justify building a gaming arena in Surrey and the surrounding area that will suit all levels of experience.


Please visit vo1t.cc for more details and offer your support to make this happen


To little info....

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I would definitely NOT want to play where there's been paintballing. After spending a fair amount of time and money on our kit, the last thing we want is some bright yellow paint stain on our brand new camoed up M4.

Site I play at Is a paintball site and there's always paintball on the Saturday before airsoft so you can imagine I've come home with quite alot of but in fairness it doesn't stain , it washes out of clothing and warm water or even a baby wipe gets rid of it from vests and kit etc

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