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lazy players.


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I don't see why it matters at a normal skirmish gameday. If it's a huge problem and you don't like people not working hard at the game then try a milsim.

Some people just turn up for a laugh with friends and the social side, who are we to criticise that? They could just easily be thinking we are all just a bit keen and could do with lightening up.

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I think if people pay £30 to airsoft, they've paid to airsoft as they want...


In terms of 'motivating' people... I don't approve of anybody standing around shouting, yelling, or otherwise trying to bully(!) people into being as active as they feel, deem and demand they be.

My mother is allowed to shout at me, my girlfriend when Ive genuinely done something wrong, but other than that - f*ck off if you think you got some right to yell at me just because you're frustrated at a games progress. Learn to chill.


By all means, calmly explain the importance of pushing up, inform players who can't see the necessity in attacking, educate people why a high tempo is crucial for a win and so on, but if they opt not to heed your words - so be it - leave them to it... That's their prerogative.


There is a difference between trying to lead others, and just being a loud bossy bastard.


New players especially need encouragement, information and support. They are newbies in a sport - not green grunts in anybody's personal LZ.

A good site will know all of this. Their marshals will try and keep games moving themselves, will help players to get stuck in, and vitally - will protect them from the site gob who thinks he's General Patton.


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I am lazy in that I don't actively go for objectives unless I happen to stumble upon them e.g. collecting briefcases. Actually that just makes me a douchebag.


I much prefer going alone/ with a small team then joining gangbangs. This works best at The Mall I find.


As yea, douchebags gonna douche.

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Another of views on this and I must say I agree with them all. I accept a 13year old kid on his first game won't be confident. I my self strive to assist these and build their confidence. End of day were not in the military after all I hate all these people acting like Sgt major, even worse when it's a marshal acting it, I understand they have a job to do to keep us safe and the game fair.

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One thing that annoys me is talking through a briefing cause then you get players asking what we have to do


I right down all key points of the exercise and all info needed but even though it's irritating, I still tell people


And yes it's a mix of newbies, rentals & experienced players

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One thing that annoys me is talking through a briefing cause then you get players asking what we have to do

My local site is terrible for this, they do h&s briefing but then hand out game objectives on paper, which no one ever reads. 1. 2. 3. Go! ...... What we doing?


One thing I hate as well is randoms on my team giving me orders when I've already got my own thing going on with my friends.

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I play for fun - just as well as my site is hardly for the more hard core pro players......


but even though I go to have fun - I do get a bit pi$$ed if I am running my out of shape unfit ar$e off

back 30 paces off I go again trying to get that little nooby kiddy rental that keeps shooting my ar$e off

only to keep finding Betty, Mavis, Rene & Gene still jabbering away out of range back at the start


ffs lads - lets all get stuck in, spread out, charge at the bastids and try to take this position in a quicker time than they did


Nope - they are still rabbiting away wondering why some of their team are shaking their heads as we respawn 30 paces back coz we are a few old dear's short when we advance


Yes - peeps pay their money and can play how they like, I can put up with people appointing themselves generals.

Get told to push up even though we got no f*cking chance advancing straight ahead

Even being shot by my own colour blind team mates that think anybody in front of them MUST be enemy



but peeps having a good old chinwag whilst others run their ar$e off - jeez guys you can pick out curtains next game in the dead zone ffs

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I am lazy in that I don't actively go for objectives unless I happen to stumble upon them e.g. collecting briefcases. Actually that just makes me a douchebag.


I much prefer going alone/ with a small team then joining gangbangs. This works best at The Mall I find.


As yea, douchebags gonna douche.


Don't think you'd attain full douche-baggery until complaining if your teams looses by points. The Mall is a dark maze of chaos where no-one ever seems that bothered by the scores anyways (don't think i've ever found out the scores of the last game of the day).


Same for other CQB sites I've found, objectives etc seem to be more a woodland concern unless you've got a well co-ordinated team. 50-60 people each side at the Mall seems to mean no-one feels responsible enough to care about the results as mostly in small groups.


A definitive win in a game at the Mall seems to be all about who can push the other team back to just outside their spawn, and that's what sucks; When your teams too shy and you end up with 2 choke-points either side of your spawn filled with a queue of ditherers to pick from, and no other way out into the majority of the site. Gets very boring if your on the other side of that too, having nothing more than camping a corridor to do sucks.

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Don't think you'd attain full douche-baggery until complaining if your teams looses by points. The Mall is a dark maze of chaos where no-one ever seems that bothered by the scores anyways (don't think i've ever found out the scores of the last game of the day).


Same for other CQB sites I've found, objectives etc seem to be more a woodland concern unless you've got a well co-ordinated team. 50-60 people each side at the Mall seems to mean no-one feels responsible enough to care about the results as mostly in small groups.


A definitive win in a game at the Mall seems to be all about who can push the other team back to just outside their spawn, and that's what sucks; When your teams too shy and you end up with 2 choke-points either side of your spawn filled with a queue of ditherers to pick from, and no other way out into the majority of the site. Gets very boring if your on the other side of that too, having nothing more than camping a corridor to do sucks.

This is a big part of the argument. I think the people who are sticking up for the players who dont push tend to play woodland where it doesnt cause such a big issue. At a site like the mall where people camp on the concourse or at the end of a corridor it can make for a really frustrating day for those who actually want to move around a play. I always push and try to encourage people to join in but dont believe in getting all shouty. I know it would piss me off and ruin my day if some idiot yelled at me so I wouldn't do it to anyone else.

I think it boils down to this if you want to sit around shooting at the enemy buy a dmr and go play woodland.

If you play cqb actually play cqb it makes for a more enjoyable day for you and everyone around you.

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Agreed I guess it all boils down to trying to cater the the ethos of the style of game being played. I failed in epic style at milsim (pretending to be a soldier simply not being my bag, seems a lot of the people who do like it aren't an archetype i get on with either), so I went back to CQB and my M4 has been gathering dust since.


You'll always get people dabbling in a different style to their usual, who end up not really succeeding in it very well (again like me in milsim). Sites like The Mall (anything seemingly novel/different to woodland) will be prone to people just having ago. Also perhaps why such sites often get conflicting reviews; good ones and then bad reviews of people complaining they had a sh*t time, was too different and they didn't like it. Although rarely find someone who'll say this rather than finding other reasons for why the site is at fault rather than their tastes not matching it, not sure if bitching about other players counts or not lol.


People always free to do what they like within the rules once paid, but is a team game, and as with any team game you have a certain amount of responsibility to not bring the side down. Up to the player to judge how much difference they can make and therefore how much responsibility they have.


Not giving a f*ck at all and doing your own thing can be bit douchebagish, but if you're at least trying to do something to aid the team effort then its all good in my mind.

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Milsim for example, is not for everyone.


The trouble comes when people dont take the time to research what they are buying or when they are coerced into things by friends but don't really buy into it.


Airsoft skirmishing to me is more like a team sport - milsim is more like roleplay - it doesn't have to be too serious but you do need to get into the mindset, which needs imagination. The two things are different and only joined by the use of airsoft weapons.


The important thing is to do whatever you do with 100% commitment. As you say you have a responsibility to yourself and for the enjoyment of others.


Agreed I guess it all boils down to trying to cater the the ethos of the style of game being played. I failed in epic style at milsim (pretending to be a soldier simply not being my bag, seems a lot of the people who do like it aren't an archetype i get on with either), so I went back to CQB and my M4 has been gathering dust since.


You'll always get people dabbling in a different style to their usual, who end up not really succeeding in it very well (again like me in milsim). Sites like The Mall (anything seemingly novel/different to woodland) will be prone to people just having ago. Also perhaps why such sites often get conflicting reviews; good ones and then bad reviews of people complaining they had a sh*t time, was too different and they didn't like it. Although rarely find someone who'll say this rather than finding other reasons for why the site is at fault rather than their tastes not matching it, not sure if bitching about other players counts or not lol.


People always free to do what they like within the rules once paid, but is a team game, and as with any team game you have a certain amount of responsibility to not bring the side down. Up to the player to judge how much difference they can make and therefore how much responsibility they have.


Not giving a f*ck at all and doing your own thing can be bit douchebagish, but if you're at least trying to do something to aid the team effort then its all good in my mind.

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Agreed I guess it all boils down to trying to cater the the ethos of the style of game being played. I failed in epic style at milsim (pretending to be a soldier simply not being my bag, seems a lot of the people who do like it aren't an archetype i get on with either), so I went back to CQB and my M4 has been gathering dust since.


Should take your TM high cycle with that weird body kit on it to a milsim.

Sure some walt would bitch about it.

If its your Transform 4 thats gathering dust sell it.

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I've read through a lot of these comments, and can shamefully say that I do get irate with the team when they sit 20-30 metres back when we play an assault game.


But here is why...


The game mode idea is a 'fall back' So as you take 10 meters, the other team falls back to their next line of defence. The way that skirmish play, is the spawn for the attackers is the last man back.


Imagine pushing 30 meters down a hill, then walking back up 50 just to respawn and run back down.


All because someone wanted to sit and chat, and not actually PTFO.


Sure i understand that you pay to play, but if you want to come and just talk in the middle of a game you're going to piss off more then the vocal players.



Yes i have shouted at guys who are fully kitted out to PTFO, most of them are site regulars and really grind my gears...

However at the same time i've also walked over to the newbies and suggested that they come with us and shown them ways to flank people or other ways to play the game, rather than sitting in a rabbit hole.



Yes everyone pays to play, and yes I am admittedly an arse with some of the *Vets*, but at the end of the day i sit and chat with my teammates in the safe zone whilst gearing up. Not in the middle of the game which can end up making a balanced 12v12 a 12v7.

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Should take your TM high cycle with that weird body kit on it to a milsim.

Sure some walt would bitch about it.

If its your Transform 4 thats gathering dust sell it.


Hehe exactly what I did, took the TransforM4 along too. Sure-enough the thundermall having a nato gun inside was not considered good enough, so i just used the ICS. A few also weren't too happy about my adherence to camo schemes only going as far as a t-shirt, but they let that slide as i said i couldn't be assed to spend £200 on full army gear before even seeing if this was something i'd enjoy. I didn't lol. My final comment on that day is that I think many of my team-mates needed to simulate the professionalism of being in the military (not bitching/arguing with themselves over tactics, or looking like they're about to pass out after shuffling/jogging 10 metres), not just the gear and vague idea.


Probably will flog the TransforM4 at some point, don't really need it as the TM HC M4 does good enough distance!

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I play woodland and enjoy it if its done right from the start with the right mix of people, I go up against the better players as there far more challenging and I always try & push forward, I hate sitting around waiting & leave the rentals alone


It's the same for cqb for me, I need to keep pushing forward or there's no point for me but like anything else, I know there's going to be moments of standing around


the emotions of wanting to get going always kicks in my old army days & how much I loved it

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