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The 'What have you just broken' Thread

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My AK is neigh on f*cked. Picked it back up from my local store after taking it in to get a spring change, missing the gear cover from the gearbox, so gears can be seen through the trigger guard area.Cleaning rod from underside of barrel( just cosmetic), has been snapped off. Gun is firing fully auto on semi, hop up slider and screw are missing. Pissed is an understatement


Also my nose. An older gentlemen was warned in first 15 minutes about overkill and safe shooting (put 5 shots into my glasses/face mask from less than a meter away, and did this to three other people). Next game/round desires to do the same again, but full on pistol whip me in the face. Safe to say he was removed from the site pronto

Name and shame the shop.

As for being pistol whipped in the face I take it the site had him arrested?

If he physically assaulted a player and caused an actual injury such as the broken nose you mentioned then they should of called the police.

I take it this was Hockley arena?

I am just about to contact them regarding a private booking so will get their take on the event as if they acted improperly then I would refuse to use their site.

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Not arrested just removed from site and black listed. Asked me what I wanted to do about it and I said there was no point in pressing for anything. Just patch my nose, and get on with it. More hassle for them and chance the game gets called off as they really are a small team of guys. I just wanted to go out and have a pee pew. It's not like it hasn't happened (well fighting) in other sports and I just wanted to enjoy the rest of the day with the locals and people I haven't played with there before. It was all really heated, but IMO situation by them was handled really well.


I have been in touch with Hockley Arena today about a private booking for a stag do. I mentioned this event as it gave me some concerns about how it was handled.


You said you were pistol whipped in the face and received an injury but there was no police involvement. I am sure that any site if a player was assaulted with a weapon would involve the police whether the victim wanted it or not, they would do this to cover their own backs.

The person who emailed me back claims that this never occurred on their site. They haven't removed a player in the last six weeks nor have their marshalls treated anyone for the injuries you described.

They also have cctv covering the site and nothing was seen. They pretty much denied your whole post after they read it.


This causes me concern because either a site which seems to be over the top on health and safety (they dont even allow knife kills) is covering up a serious incident which is bad for airsoft and its reputation, or you are not telling the truth which could lead to that site getting a reputation which it doesn't deserve.


I don't wish to call anyone a liar as I was not there so have no first hand knowledge.

I suggest you get in touch with the site and either get them to own up or apologise for sullying their reputation.


Which ever you choose this is not a good thing for airsoft and I have never seen or heard of any player getting pistol whipped in the face before.

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If thats aimed at the above posts read everything properly. The forum user was queried if that was the site and I got a positive response.


Re-read, don't see it, but meh, I suck at reading between the lines anyway.


Found my council won't take the battery off my hands, but unsure what to do, it's not hazardous waste though it could catch fire. And I don't have any salt.

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I'm sure you can put your mind to it and figure out a way to buy some salt. Would you like a list of retailers?


Is that an exhaustive list, or just those you've bought salt from? I should have said, I don't have enough salt, but it occurs to me the site I was reading was in Gallons, I had no idea what they are in Metric.

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Re-read, don't see it, but meh, I suck at reading between the lines anyway.


Found my council won't take the battery off my hands, but unsure what to do, it's not hazardous waste though it could catch fire. And I don't have any salt.

Just blow the thing up. Once its finished burning its then harmless, problem solved.
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Mag catch in my sniper rifle. Being a well clone it doesn't quite use the same parts as the TM vsr so it's shelved until I can find a boneyard rifle stock or (more likely) buy a TM G-Spec.

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Haley strategic kydex inserts for D3CR

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FMA peq15

Wrong thread? Or were you involved in a terrible car accident or something.

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Ahhhh the joys of pushing stuff too far and full on taking the pi$$




I'm starting to learn 40rps+ is really for DSG's or really strong springs heavily Short Stroked 4 or 5 teeth now


Is what happens when you think high twenties on 7.4v - ooh lets try 11.1v 30c.....

These two items went at different times btw....


First the piston just split at its casting - and I epoxy'd the rack in nicely

suppose little else weak point on the gearbox so something just had to give out - wasn't very thick at back so just cracked the rear of piston


Refit new piston part plastic part metal rack - yup that sounds good

Forgetting what I did a couple of days previously - SMASH - ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz sound

ooh that don't sound good - whoa plastic rack held up but no doubt the cheapy stock bevel I was using on a 16:1 set with high speed motor was weakened a bit maybe but previous smash up.... and decided to shred all 10 teeth


Thankfully - the spur was ok coz I may use that for another "sensible" build at some point

(it was a slightly faster 16.5:1 gearset as opposed to usual 17.25:1 ratio 16:1 gearset - might use this for a DSG build one day)


Finally settled on a 13:1 with a less crazy cooler lower amp torque or balanced motor in the end


Yup - starting to sink in that about 30 to 35rps is about the real absolute max limit - even if SS 2 or even 3 teeth in my builds

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Somehow managed to jam my tracer unit onto the outer barrel of my gun, bit of brute force and ignorance to get it off and the whole end of the barrel unscrewed :(



Sadly getting the threaded part out of the tracer unit completely mullered it, 6061 aluminium is not very strong. Thankfully Tokyo Marui have used some kind of super strong pig metal for the base of the tracer unit and the threads were completely undamaged by the whole thing!

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Nah, CCW threaded insert. The swarf weld between the tracer and the aluminium threads was stronger than the loctite holding the insert in so I ended up just unscrewing the whole thing when trying to unscrew the tracer!


Needless to say the whole thing is a write-off, thankfully a replacement insert is only $10 shipped from the manufacturer.

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  • 4 weeks later...

G&P M7A1 predictably stripped it's bevel gear and snapped 2 teeth of the sector gear, whilst mutilating the piston.


G&G Wildhog, mosfet is kaput, nozzle cracked.


A&K Mk12 - trigger unit failed, pathetic stock motor burned out - gearbox shell is non-standard, so had to replace the pinion gear on a Lonex motor for it to fit.


KC-02 loading nozzle got cracked on a crap batch of bb's.


G&P WOC munched another loading nozzle, the third this year.


WE 416 i was given in a trade, bolt snapped. Literally no idea how that happened other than crap WE QC as usual.


Not been a great week for my stuff D:

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