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Photos from the field

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Black Death's team mate's missed a trick there, eh? You could get a fair sized squad in cover behind you, mate!

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I just assumed that's where they were :D

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Longmoor MOD training base.... Deffo one of the best airsoft experiences Iv ever had



Longmoor's brilliant, spent many a weekend there training. Great food too! ;)

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More Photos have come to light from Saturday:

IMG_2219.jpgThis is me literally surrounded by the fog of war!


Actually shooting with no contact with the ground :D

IMG_2300.jpgIf only I had brought the wire cutters...

IMG_2309.jpgIMG_2351.jpgAnd the allies capture of the Flak38, yay!



Full set of photo's here http://s1120.photobucket.com/user/veill_nox/library/Airsoft%20Event%2003%20May%202014?sort=9&page=3

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One if my PMC Loadout.




Gave the new toy a brief run. A few issues: had major feed issues using the pmags and the stock tube nut kept coming loose.

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I had though of some loctite. I will make sure oli brings it next fame day......if not I will send him home to get it or no lunch for him!

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I had though of some loctite. I will make sure oli brings it next fame day......if not I will send him home to get it or no lunch for him!

I'll get it off him on sunday, he's probably not gonna be playing for a month or so so wont need it.

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MCG - The Gaol - First opening day at the Jail


Great site which hopefully should only get better with some of the plans they have in mind and the recommendations from the players


Couple of me:





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Longmoor MOD training base.... Deffo one of the best airsoft experiences Iv ever had





Hail Hydra!

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May the fourth be with you, you'll need it you fat fuck!may_the_fourth.jpg


The nadir of posteriors...




Yeah mate, I piss BB's...


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Few from a game day at Black Ops Cribbs in Bristol back in Feb, all taken by a gentleman called Kris Roberts who was shooting for Airsoft Action at the time... sadly I wasn't cool enough for my photos to make it into the article!


Having far too much fun with the MP7



Facing away from the camera, my buddy Andy calling targets






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Couple of me from Alpha One on Sunday, there may be more to share in the next few days, these have come from "Part One" of the photo album.



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I'm thinking of spraying it tan/dark earth...


This is my inspiration, I think it looks amazing:

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No bueno. Black looks nicer in my opinion.

Unless you got a dark earth/light subdued green effect like MTP, then it's be decent...

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IMVHO - Black is seriously old school (in a bad way) and black guns for arid ops needs to die, yesterday, hell for any ops even a coyote sprayed gun works better just about everywhere vs black. The fact the MoD cottoned on to this at least a decade after we went in to afghan isn't surprising, but it's better late than never. Ed those very 2 pictures are a prime example if any more were needed.


next time he's shooting a game day I'm at I'll rock out a TMC RRV in DPM with an army of two mesh mask... guaranteed page filler!



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