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  1. evike does two tone?? if they do I assume it's likely aimed at the UK market. personally I never ordered anything airsoft from the states.
  2. Wait wait hold it, they can buy you one YES but you cant give them any money or services or anything for it, it has to be purely a gift, just get one for birthday/Christmas of a parent or relative (what i do) as i am 16 too mate i know its frustrating but trust me. But if we want to keep this sport legal in the UK we need to stick to the rules! its not that bad if your dad/mum/relative/friend has ukara and you have a birthday/Christmas/reason for big gift coming up.
  3. That's good to know I guess, I've got a budget of about £200, should I continue to save up or just get a rifle around that price range? I don't want to get anything which is uber expensive and then find out that I've gone off airsoft.
  4. You are all experts on pistols and the various models of them presumably, which models do the OPs pictured pistols resemble to you? If the answer is anything but "nothing real" then its an imitation firearm, because it resembles a real firearm. To me the left pistol is a 1911 and the right pistol resembles a 357 revolver. They are clearly designed to imitate real weapons. The fact they are brightly coloured is the one of the major points of the VCRA, its what distinguishes a realistic imitation firearm from an imitation firearm. The fact its bright blue doesn't make an airsoft pistol resembling the same guns a toy, it makes it an imitation firearm. You could paint it 40% orange and 60% blue if you liked and that airsoft pistol would still be classed as an imitation firearm and look mighty similar to these water pistols. Otherwise we would have the 100% two tone gun that anyone of any age could buy. If we take a look on justbbguns (the one place I could think of that has air guns with such colours) we can clearly see guns that look very similar to these water pistols, an example - http://www.justbbguns.co.uk/product/518/2-TONE-BB-PISTOLS/344/GAS-PISTOLS/444/HG106-PISTOL. Notice on the right on that page where it requires you to confirm you are 18....they think it counts as an imitation firearm under the law and I agree with them. Morrisons is wrong, its selling IFs to minors (presumably since no one has confirmed if it has an age restriction on its sale) in breach of the VCRA. They have probably raked up 100's of accounts of breaches of the law if not thousands at this point, there is a lot of jail time that is going to be served when they get caught. I think the law is pretty clear cut on the point, if you want to make a pistol it must not resemble any realistic weapon in use today or that has been built in the last 160 years or so. Which is why Tesco is using futuristic clearly nonsense shapes for their water pistols. I am deadly serious, I think Morrisons is breaking the law, and if they aren't breaking the law then the whole two tone 18 year old requirement we have for airsoft guns is nonsense as well. I think reporting Morrisons is potentially good for Airsoft, having a company with deep pockets try and argue its way out of thousands of years of jail time and fines could ultimately get us another type of defence or set a useful precedent in law. Or it will confirm what we already know, that two tone guns like these can't be sold to minors.
  5. Well, just to be clear and not to be all moralising or a prick or anything, but as we are a responsible forum: you cannot purchase an airsoft gun yourself until you are 18 and, if I were you, I wouldn't imagine that you will be able to i. get Zero One to bend the rules or fail to ask you for ID, or ii. get some stranger at NAE to go in the shop and buy a gun with your money for you, since legally speaking to do so is the same as selling it to you (taking your money in exchange for an item, regardless of which way around the exchanges happen) and i think Zero One do take precautions against this kind of 'hanging around outside the off licence' stylee an ting... Also you will not be able to play unless your legal guardian signs an insurance waver on your behalf. It's something we all do before playing at a site which basically says that you understand there are risks involved and that you absolve the organisers of any responsibility should you get injured (although this does not actually absolve them of all duty of care, it means that you will not have a leg to stand on if you try to sue unless something happened to you only as a direct result of a failure of something for which the organisers have sole responsibility). I dunno how Zero One go about checking this, but the minimum age for players is 14, so they must have a policy. Maybe you have to download it and fill it in beforehand, maybe someone has to accompany you to at least book in, although from what they say on their webby I suspect you may have to be accompanied by an adult to get in (They say "Children and family members are welcome to join you camping whatever the age." ie people who are not players can attend as campers only for a few quid per night instead of the whole fee.) - you should contact them and ask via [email protected] I suspect that they will have some kind of common sense solution, because the event is far too big to have the kinds of nazi rules which invite people to break them - i'm sure that if one of your parents speaks to "H" (the boss) on the phone (01329 849818 or 07951 415188) they will be able to arrange it for you to attend with a relative or other adult and just bring the signed waver with you. Even if you've only skirmished a couple of times I'd say you should go; just so long as you know you like airsoft. It's such a laugh... plus you will not get the opportunity to be a part of a bigger battle than those which take place around The Village at the end of both days anywhere else in Europe. Don't let that intimidate you. You will not have 800+ people all shooting just at you at any one time... although, if you manage to get far forward enough, it may feel like it but you will have 400+ allies shooting back.
  6. lol? In all seriousness don't post that to the dailymail. Bringing their attention to UKARA and VCRA and our hobby will bring nothing good. Making them look silly with obvious bogus firearm names wont be something any of the general public will get, just imagine them taking that 100% seriously and them being outraged. We might laugh, they will lobby the government in mass with their morale panic and we'll loose our hobby. We'll still be laughing right up until the point RIFs and IFs are completely banned. While we might chuckle about how ridiculous the law is in many ways the general public does not understand our entirely safe and consensual use of imitation firearms and would just prefer the entire thing was banned. Those of us that attend rifle clubs and such know full well that when asked what is behind the gate to say anything but "A rifle club". Its a womens institute, its a gay man speed dating session, even its an abortion clinic! None of those will have protests outside of them in the way a rifle club would if it was found out. Below the radar, always.
  7. I posted a lot of comments on their guns and I know for a fact they all got taken down. They weren't being offensive or even saying JBBG was bad or anything but you mention one bad thing and it's deleted! I'm sad that video has 52k views.
  8. Haha Is there any large postal fees from Poland -> England? TaiwanGun does look very nice and the price is nothing to complain about, I'll probably use it to buy non-essential kit, such as pouches and face masks ( I know face masks are essential, But there is only a certain margin of error involved, It is just a mask at the end of the day) As for masks, I wouldn't want anything to fog, I was thinking of something like this: Ignore the silly writing etc, I just like the idea of mouth protection that allows for easy breathing and some clear goggles so I don't have to look through a mesh (I used to do fencing, Looking through a mesh for me is F*cking god bloody awful. (Sorry, I hated fencing, I shiver remembering it) EDIT: You can't forget this for the rest of my face, It will cover most of my face from BBs and hopefully others can get a good laugh out of it too
  9. As above, dont open anything unless something is broke or your ugprading. The only internal part to clean is the barrel.
  10. Usually any chest rig can be raised or lowered to quite an extent - I personally like having them further up as it feels more secure. Trick is to make sure the straps around your waist can be tightened to the point that you can still breath but the rig doesn't have too much movement around your chest - i.e. it doesn't twist too much and become an annoyance. Really I would recommend trying on rigs before you buy unless you know your correct measurements and how they compare to the one you're buying. Dump pouches can be attached to virtually anything. I usually have mine on a regular belt under my rig. As long as it serves it's purpose and easy to access it's personal preference how you have it located on you - mine are always on the left as it's just habit for me to have it there.
  11. Nice, I think I will roll with an M4, The overall availability of parts etc is definately a selling point, I feel awful for constantly bumping this thread but hey ho. Aight, So here is a rough round up of everything I should buy to make an entrance to the sport, If you can offer a link to a good website that has a nice, cheap version of what I want, Please do. AEG - G&G M4 CM16 A Dump Pouch A Belt Mounted Pistol Holster [For a future Glock-17 (TM?)] A Molle 'Battle Belt' One mag pouch will be used for carrying water (Good call Longshot) Light clothing, A thermal for winter (Don't need to buy anything . ) Once again I call out for your help, Except links for this kit, I plan to buy a reflex sight (The thin ones, Not like a tube) and a 'protector' so that if a stray bb comes, the glass won't crack, Be it a metal mesh or a second glass shield, I just really don't want to lose quality kit, I was thinking this?
  12. I do not wish to know anything about your pink helmet!
  13. Not had much luck with this, I've heard that backup with Star/Ares is lamentable in the past and this seems to be the case. Firesupport said to try Action Hobbies, Wolf Armouries or failing that Hong Kong! Neither of the Uk retailers mentioned nor Redwolf have the gearbox shell in stock and I can only assume from their reply that Firesupport don't hold any hope of restocking them. I have just contacted Ares direct via their website so will see if anything comes of that . . . . .
  14. Resevoir Dogs "At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul"
  15. Pump action Saiga...Anything for looks I guess
  16. look at some videos filmed with them and decide. just because its 1080p does not mean its any good. I know side by side compromising with gopro hd2 to veho 1080p, the veho had slight better picture, an a ton better sound. it cost less and came with tons of accessories (built in screen, mounts, straps, remote control etc). Thou to be fair, I find mine fairly awkward to mount Last thing I heard, when gopro 3 was released, was that the white and silver is good competitors, but that black beats much anything else on the market. but I guess the others would have upped their game by now. oh and I have a cheap Chinese thing aswell.. it's pretty worthless.
  17. Pretty much any g&g will be a good choice out of the box, they tend not to need anything doing to them to be worth using.
  18. well with vfcs reputation for aegs, that makes this fairly exciting! I just hate the though of buying anything umarex or cybergun thou -.-'
  19. So impressed was I by the video that I got one of my own. I do have a problem, mine does not sound anything like this, its more pew pew than clickty click! How do I fix my hand gun ?!
  20. Doesn't look anything like a 6094 It's a cheap Chinese vest by the looks of the stitching on the molle
  21. Could you provide any links to guides or anything, I am quite interested.
  22. Now, before anything else, please don't just hate on me because of my gun, it isn't the best but I get kills with it at woodland skirmishes so just factual help please. So I own a, um, Double Eagle M85 G36C and It has served me well, but I feel it needs a power boost. I kept reading about how it isn't built to be upgraded, but I have opened it to replace the spring as I plan on a new gun soon anyway so why not? It is an m90 but it doesn't fit... It is so much longer I can't see it ever going in and thee diameter is too big to fit in the cylinder (I think that is what it is called anyway). I had not read about difference in the aeg springs so why is it so wrong. The seller never mentioned diameter or length and I thought the springs would be fairly universal. What springs will fit? Thanks. Oh and it was a pain to open so would rather have increased fps so if I can't get a new spring any other options?
  23. I didn't mean to diss or anything. However, pictures only show what it looks like. You can't judge until you actually hold one. I'm 13, weak and a pretty small year 8. My stock is not that bad. If you don't like it, ICS sell many different styles. Stubby Stock version (same with a smaller stock), folding stock (like a g36c stock but a different style) and a standard m4 (Just your average m4.) I've held an SRC Dragon and they're very light and they're cheap. The reason they're £70 - £80 is because the externals aren't metal. Everything is plastic, even the buffer tube. However, SRC do make very good things like their g36 range. I almost bought one.
  24. Hello, I am very new to Airsoft and love it so far have had 3 games with rental guns so went out and got my own, It was working fine shot a few rounds but when I was putting the battery back on I had the breach open (G&D DTW) and now anytime I connect it ether when the breach is open or close its goes crazy and the gear just keeps spinning anytime I connect it, I cant shoot or anything! If you have any idea on what it could be or help me or I could take anywhere please message me I am very keen to get a game with it! Thank you and hope to see some of you on the fields!
  25. Haven't looked it up myself but IIRC you only pay tax if 20% is over £9. Import duty is 5% but you don't have to worry about that unless you're ordering something expensive over £190 or so, say a gun for example. If you have to pay either import duty or tax I believe the shipping company / company (Parcelforce for example) charge you as well. Around £9-13. So yeah for inexpensive stuff like that you probably don't need to pay just watch out and remember there are other charges if you buy anything more costly! For example a KWA RM4 is only $380 from ehobby Asia but once you factor in shipping and other charges it's £330 or more, so the same price as buying it domestically anyway. On the other hand I could order a box of MAG MP5 magazines for £31 shipped or pay £60 including postage for the same thing from Airsoft Supply Drop. Hope this helped.
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