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  1. Yes saw that. The prices really was convincing when it normally retails for £50 on AliExpress. Today the price already went up £10 again. What is the name of the App? I’ve tried to search for Chronograph or WoSport on the Apple App Store but didn’t find anything that looked like that screenshot
  2. If social media is his only income then I doubt any mortgage lender is going to accept that as a stable income and lend him hundreds of thousands of pounds. Also if the figures posted earlier in this thread are accurate even then it wouldn't be enough to get anything bigger than a shield box in Essex
  3. You could very well be right, keeping track of all of these shenanigans causes one's brain the blend this and that into a hazy soup filled with indiscretions and the odd hit marker. If anything I think both scenarios are true, post-invasion allowing for bigging up the initial claims (because there probably was at least one Russian trooper who was unwittingly handed a KMCS, which by virtue of being "technically true" can now be used to justify all sorts of PR for the suit.) But if I'm wrong I'm sure @Airsoftn1njawill gladly put me right!
  4. I've come across posts (generally not on this forum mind) which indicate that you can get air trapped inside your GBB magazines, and to remedy they advocate purging them. Usually via a process of depressing the knocker valve for a few seconds as you fill them. Is this really a 'thing'? It seems surprising to me that air can become trapped in a magazine - and that it wouldn't as a matter of course vent out when you fire a few shots. Without knowing anything about how gases behave, I would also naturally assume that when you fill a mag, the liquid gas you are injecting falls to the lowest point, and any air that is trapped, rises to the highest point - in which case, with the mag inverted how would depressing the knocker valve release anything other than liquid gas? I'm not trying to start a debate for the sake of a debate - after the second fill of my hicapa magazines the other night, I only managed a few lacklustre shots out of each. Almost certainly because it was pretty cold + the gas can i was filling from was the same temperature as the mags; but I'm wondering if in parallel there could be other things that I could do to help.
  5. Glass is pretty flat, good enough for our purposes. There's no friction reduction to be had since friction is independent of area, the high points produce no more friction than if the load was spread over the whole shim. Our gearboxes are not precision machines, we can shim to 100 microns, were using plain bearings, with mediocre gears and unknown manufacturing tolerances for anything. Anything we do like this is because we like to fettle. Breaking in a gearbox is not something I've ever done, only the bevel gear could wear and offer a chance to correct the wear and that only between the motor pinion and bevel gear. Gearboxes have slack right from the outset, gear backlash, bearing to shaft gap, gear end float etc. It's not put together tight like an ICE for example and run in. Maybe that's something to try, build it tight and run it at low load until its not tight any more... Sure is fun to fettle tho.
  6. Just a shame about LCT's pricing if the RPD is anything to go by
  7. I'm confused by what exactly this is meant to achieve. I mean, what is going to happen differently because of it? And how does it apply to anything without a muzzle device? It feels like one of those "Because shut up, that's why" things.
  8. Hi fella and welcome to the fun palace that is afuk 🙂 Come on in,look around but don't break anything and leave it tidy when you leave.😉 Regards 👍
  9. The SMR rail isn’t designed for MLOK, the rails not off spec or anything 😅 https://thereptilehouseblog.com/2014/07/06/seraph-green-direct-mount/ This might be useful for you.
  10. Well, it's a tech thread. As above, first get a chrono so you know what energy - and variation - you currently have. Otherwise you'll have no idea whether anything you swap in is an upgrade, sidegrade, or downgrade.
  11. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    Wanting to swap my beloved GHK AKs74u with all original parts and box, steel hammer, steel full travel bolt and spring, Maple leaf hop up unit, bucking and rubber as well as crazy jet barrel. Will come with the putnik suppressor, slr handguard, rk1 grip and 2 green gas (leak free), 1 CO2 (slight leak but i think it's a dry oring where the bulb seals in) mags Looking for anything of equal value ( about ££650ish) looking for more ar's, dmr's, lmgs as i play exclusively out doors now. Has some small fitment issues with different brands of furniture but internally sound Collection Very much preferred from Halifax but can post if necessary.


  12. You don't need to set anything, so I wouldn't sweat it. Burst mode is fun. Active-braking is handy if you experience overspin. Pre-cock gives you a snappier trigger response (but at the cost of keeping the spring partly tensioned, so remember to unset it at the end of the day). You almost certainly won't need rate-of-fire reduction unless you run 11.1V and an upgraded motor. Binary triggers are heretical.
  13. I have been selling Airsoft stuff more than anything these days. But I have been meaning to get myself a Green Tac Vest for sometime. So bought this for myself! Pentagon Aspis in RAL7003. I already had the black equivalent which I think is great.
  14. Before the boneyard opened up on the site, Paul had posted pics on Facebook... I'd spotted a TM HK416D NGRS and thought I might have a go for that. And then I found out the mags are proprietary, and that put me off. And when it showed up it was £350, just a bit too much to tempt me. So the G3 got the love on the rebound 😋😘😄 Still wish I'd got the Galil, but buying anything was silly really, I've packed everything into the loft except for the guns that need fixing / selling! It is a handsome gat though...
  15. Likely the final game of the year for us. Skirmish time has been a bit curtailed recently, but happily we made it out for a morning session at Spec Ops MK. The boy was most excited to try out his recently acquired Golden Eagle HiCapa. This is our first experience of anything gas powered, but I pre-warned him that with sub-zero temperatures and green gas he should set his expectations pretty low. That said, his pistol chrono'd at 280ish on 0.2s reasonably consistently. He got a couple of kills with it during the day so was pretty happy. Slight issue with the mag venting unexpectedly from time to time so I'll have to look into that (assuming it wasn't just the cold). My Double Eagle 906C continues to be ever reliable, though it's only doing about 0.77 joules on 0.28s so I think a spring change is due. My memory of the games is already fading, but highlights for me were getting my first 'knife-kill' whilst clearing the central compound and some optimistic but poorly executed attempts to rush objectives (until I was too knackered to run back from respawn anymore). Getting right in with close engagements and sweeping through villages and compounds has become my favourite way to play (on the rare occasions I can get that close and I'm not too knackered to move fast enough) so I'm very much looking forward to the new indoor CQB site. And also being sheltered from shit weather. Had my Apple watch on this game, so a picture probably tells a thousand words about my day in this case:
  16. asked a local they said they aint got nothing. Could you link me any recommendations? Is there anything I could work on? and something i can just open up? My main gun is a SA-H22 and I DO NOT want to open that up!
  17. Only played half the day today, since my friend's grandson wasn't up for playing and my other friend's GBBR AKM wasn't too happy with just how cold and wet it was. However, it was a very, very fun day and I really really enjoyed myself. First order of business was a switcheroo. My m14 DMR was sorted (not a "DMR" but that's what the stock is called!), so I needed to collect that and give the tech my faux wood m14 as that isn't feeding. I also needed to give him my nasty m14 gearbox for the short m14 that he already has, so that'll be fun when that's sorted! I was planning on running the m14 DMR, however... the scope I brought for it did not have good eye relief for the m14 DMR stock. Plus, the forecast today was cold and incredibly wet, so while it was an opportunity to see how it would work out with the flip up scope caps, using optics in the rain is never great. I didn't really want to zero the scope since I'd just be removing it afterwards and putting it on another gun anyway. However, I also had my new, totally stock A&K m249 that I bought as a black Friday deal. I wasn't expecting anything, since I've heard the hop units are wank, the box mags are unreliable and the gearboxes eventually die, but I wanted to see how it was shooting. Had my friend around and he has one, so he showed me how to adjust the hop, we set it up for .25s and... it was actually really good. Floated them out to about 50m and it was accurate enough; not too fussed about pinpoint accuracy as I just want to put a wall of fire up. The main issues were... it chronoed at 0.5J and the ROF was only about 15rps. However, with how it was shooting I decided to take that out instead of the m14 today and oh boy was it a good idea. First game we had to take a flag from one base to another, with the other team allowed to be anywhere above the ridgeline that runs along the site. We were down the hill a little and had to push through to a base on the other side. We were pinned on the corner, so a lot of people went on a flank, but a handful of us stayed to make a nuisance of ourselves. Give a sniper a support gun and shenanigans ensue, as I slow crawled over the ridgeline without anyone seeing and tucked into a barricade made of branches. This gave me a view on a pair of ghillies to the left of us who were stopping people crossing over the path, so up the m249 went and I sprayed them with full auto. Hit one of them, then saw his friend moving up to medic him and I sprayed him down as well. We were then able to push past the ridgeline, but I went and held the flank. One of my other friends told me that there were some ghillies trying to flank us again, so I went and held over there. One sprayed his load (heh) too early and hit a bush, but gave me an idea where he was so I moved off to a tree when I heard he was distracted by my friend, got on his flank and sprayed him down again. Game ended without us managing to get the flag up, but now sides were flipping and I had an evil idea... So next game we flipped around and I set up in a spot I usually use for sniping. It looks down a long path, so while I definitely did not have the range for long shots, I could stop anyone trying to cross over the path at this end. Furthermore, the only way I could get flanked is if they managed to push through or went around the entire site, which entailed going past both our respawn and the base we had to stop them getting to, so I was confident. I managed to get a LOT of hits from this spot with the m249, spraying full auto at everything that moved while two other friends (one with a VSR, one with his AKM GBBR) had another angle and we had a really nasty crossfire. We held them at this corner for almost the entire game, but with AKM friend running out of ammo they eventually managed to rush those two and take them out. However, they forgot about me and I went to ground and waited. When I heard the call for 60 seconds remaining, I got out of my spot and started following the enemy players. One sniper on the other team waited the entire game to shoot me, but when it came to it he either missed or had run out of ammo as he shot, I heard where it came from and I took him out. He said that he waited the whole game, but ran out of ammo. However, the entire enemy team had their backs to me and I just rinsed everyone with the m249 from behind. With 5 seconds left I did eventually get taken out by a respawning player, but I had just wiped out a massive chunk of their team, hampering their push so they also didn't get the flag in either. The two who had the other angle watched the whole thing and were laughing their asses off watching it all happen. What made it sweeter is I was on the other team to some people who get irate over getting shot and it was very amusing hitting them multiple times I called it there though as the rain was picking up and the battery compartment on my m249 is super exposed. Plus I needed some deans connectors fitted so I didn't have to use my crappy tamiya to deans converter, so I got that sorted too. I learned a lot about it though, so I'll need to tape part of the box mag on because it just clips off way too easily and could let water/dirt into the mag which isn't good, plus I learned that I don't need to remove the barrel to put the battery in as the handguard clips in so I can remove that instead. Also, the barrel is absolutely filthy, so I'll give that a clean and it might actually push the power up. We'll see though, since next game day is the Christmas game, so I'll be santa hat, a tinsel scarf and an m249 also covered in tinsel. 'Tis the season, after all! I also tested a nuprol midcap and a PTS midcap to see if those m4 mags would feed, but they didn't. Might pick up a Classic Army one to try, as I would like some midcaps for absolute last-ditch ammo if my box mag runs out and I'm still in a firefight. Still, incredibly fun, but very wet and very cold and I'm glad we called it at lunch. Oh, my friends also showed me how my SMG shoulder holster worked and I love it. It's a bit cold for the mac11, but the mp5k will go incredibly nicely on it, so I'm going to try that next game day. Santa with an m249 and an mp5k is a lot of firepower... And I got caught on camera for once. Then again, I wasn't exactly being subtle with an LMG!
  18. You read all the same text as me, but I was able to deduce that it was highly likely he was a kid (no offence op), there's the first no-no. Regarding the legal text as to "use" & being satisfied of said use, the seller cannot knowingly guarantee the op has the best intentions, he doesn't reside within the same household & a court would likely argue that the word of a developing teenager wouldn't be enough to guarantee a rif would be kept appropriately. Let's be honest about it, even the gifting clause was never meant for anything more than a parent to buy their offspring the equipment to enable them to play together, who's ever gonna spend £150+ on a rif & freely give it to someone else's kid, that sounds more like grooming to me. The law on airsoft rifs isn't perfect, & can be difficult to navigate, especially when every month or two forums such as this get enquiries about how to circumnavigate the law, sometimes new players who genuinely want to get in to playing, & sometimes blatantly just want a rif, often with no wish to follow a lawful route to ownership & who I frankly wouldn't trust to not wave it around in public at the first opportunity. I personally feel that the genuine players amongst us have a moral obligation, just meeting the vcra requirement verbatim isn't necessarily enough, all too easy to sell to a legal but clearly irresponsible buyer, who's actions down the road might affect all of us & our ability to play (to that end, on the rare occasions I've sold a rif, even pre vcra, I look at post content etc, might sound a bit 1984 but that's my choice). The flip side is I've known plenty of mature teens who I would trust to behave properly.
  19. The legal position: You're 14. It's an offence for you to buy any imitation firearm, realistic or otherwise, or for anyone to sell one to you. The only way you can get one without an offence being committed is to be gifted it. At the point of transfer to you, it doesn't matter if it's realistic or not (because of your age), only that nothing changes hands from you to the person gifting it. The practical position: Once a realistic imitation firearm has been sold by a retailer, the State won't take any interest in where it's transferred later, as long as it's used sensibly. If it never gets taken outside to show off to your mates, no problem. If it's taken in a bag, in a private vehicle, to and from an airsoft site, nobody will ever care, and nobody at the site will ask how you got it. The dad position: Talk to your parents about owning and using an airsoft gun, and getting to and from sites. Whether you can get a gun, and whether you should get one, is really down to them. I'd repeat the advice to go and play airsoft as a rental at least once before thinking about buying anything. It's a great hobby, but it's not cheap, and YouTube videos can give a false impression of the reality. The classifieds are full of guns that were bought on a whim and then never actually used to play. Don't be that person.
  20. First thing any cat does upon waking is stretch liked hell! Don't forget to stretch down either, it eases anything that you may have pulled without noticing. Since muscle supports/surrounds joints, staying fit helps a great deal. Of course my preferred ways of getting fit are what led to the injuries in the first place; probably the same for most of us? If I hadn't a love for martial arts and bikes, I'd be less injured, but I wouldn't be fit for my age either. Written sitting supported by cushions whilst elevating leg/foot due to sciatica, planter fasciitis, arthritis, tarsal tunnel and (re)torn rib cartilage. Enjoying a very effective muscle relaxant isotonic sport scotch called Bell's.
  21. Harrison448

    TM MP7 GBB

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    • For sale
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    TM GBB, 2 bodies (1 standard and one with the ris rail fitted with no cracks) left fire selector broken (doesn't effect anything) sling included, brand new airtac hpa TM drum adapter has only had 1 mag through it. Sight and mount NOT included. £425 including UK 48hr parcelforce postage, buyer pays PayPal fees.


  22. Hi guys, I'm going down to Newcastle at the weekend to do some Xmas shopping in the town centre and the Metrocentre. Are there any Airsoft related shops still in or near the town centre? I know there was a shooting shop near the train station that did some Airsoft stuff before lockdown, but that seems to have gone. I know there's "Kommand Outdoors" that does some decent surplus stuff, but I'm wondering if there's anything else. Thanks.
  23. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • Swap only
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    TRADE ONLY NOT SELLING Looking for anything else russian that is gbbr or hpa (would only ever consider a pkm aeg). Would like something just a little longer honestly. I have a ghk ak74u with three leak free mags, full recoil kit, maple leaf hop up chamber, nub, hop rubber and crazy jet barrel, can chuck in an extra £50 if it's just a longer ghk ak.


  24. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • Wanted
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    TRADE ONLY NOT SELLING Looking for anything else russian that is gbbr or hpa. Would like something just a little longer honestly. I have a ghk ak74u with three leak free mags, full recoil kit, maple leaf hop up chamber, nub, hop rubber and crazy jet barrel


  25. As above, check power and consistency with a chrono. If you don't have access to one, purchasing one should be your first priority before any upgrading. Changing the hop rubber and barrel is a little more involved than with an M4, as you have to dismantle the upper receiver. The stock inner barrel is pretty decent, but brass, so can suffer from corrosion. Check the condition and if you're not happy, any the same length would be suitable, I have a prommy in mine but ORGA do one, so do PDI & Madbull. Same goes for the rubber and nub but if you haven't changed it in over ten years (not even sure they've even been out that long TBH), then it's worth doing while you're there. Anything like the prommy purple, lonex soft, maple leaf 50/60 degree will be fine.
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