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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. ouch on G&G dis but agree with ya last bit.... lol - ya right it does right, I'm off to Asda to get some more accessories in their year end sale 3for2 etc...
  2. not got the SR or FFR new range of G&G's the SR and perhaps the FFR is metal keymod so presume it would be nice if a small single metal rail could/should be provided The GC16 30th edition comes with a few small mini rails to mount onto the front wired handguard so I would of thought what with the cheapo cm515 coming with cheapo rails pre-fitted I thought some makes including G&G SR Range would of just chucked one in but obviously I was wrong to assume that
  3. The holes/slots "seem" to be spaced about 20mm I think when I did a quick measure all the same - they "could" chuck in 1 rail as a sweetener - hey its xmas
  4. I just don't get this with some companies...... NB: I AM NOT SAYING GET THIS CHEAPO OVER A G&G !!!! (it is still a really cheap M4 starter way behind the SR range as said previously) But WTF don't companies put ONE rail in there FFS !!!! C'mon - a friggin rail to get ya going, drop the small pack of bb's or something ??? the £70 crappy cheapo brittle as f*ck cm515 comes with 3 plastic brittle as f*ck rails (2 x short & 1 slightly longer one underneath) so why can't others just put in one friggin' rail to get ya going plus you would have a keymod rail to measure/compare against clever marketing tactic - modify rail so that others need modding to fit Oh better buy the G&G mounts then as they fit perfectly..... pic of $hitty cm515 - any G&G peeps out there take note....
  5. Wow - PatrolBase got taken over by LWA bastids that sold my my first RIF - FireHawk ??? (blimey at least I didn't arrive there to do my nut but I was spewing down south) I'm a tart - I've forgiven them and shop there still now n then but don't think I have forgotten it (and in true woman style I was always keep throwing it up in ya face) None of them are flawless - that goes for retailers and women (but don't tell the wife I said that) some are usually better than others most of the time but now n then you realise somethings are not their strong point Mrs Duck's cooking is a very rare thing and housework ain't her strong point either..... but hey she puts up with me & the kids so she has very high tolerance levels Only really used z1 for G&G's as they usually are cheapest (especially with extra discounts) but postage is a little bit higher than most places woo hoo free skirmish voucher - that is not near me free 2-tone - hmm ok but got defense LWA & Airsoft World plus Pro Airsoft where my G&G's also came from FireSupport = ICS heaven heard JD Airsoft techy dept ain't that great either so instead I bodge n break n bodge my own stuff a number of times though we have seen Z1 descriptions or even prices being just a random lot of stuff pulled out of their ar$e ho hum - merry christmas n all that
  6. Gimme a sec & I'll post my findings............... BOOOOOMMMMMM anyone for very crispy aromatic duck ????
  7. Seems i'm learning more n more too Ion might be in a harder case so can in theory withstand a bit of abuse compared to softer lipo But ion may damage a bit more if overcharged than polymer.... As for dying if they lose charge, the device itself - mobile/laptop may shut down before the ion battery reaches dangerous levels... Ahh f*ck it, they the same 3.7v similar but maybe not quite the 101% same thing Plenty of horror stories about old mobiles exploding but nothing really to start $hitting bricks over Just keep an eye on any moody looking battery If ya that worried use a springer instead
  8. next up - fire extinguisher ??? seriously.... if a different battery type it will need a different charger
  9. phones use lithium-ion but some use the lithium polymer lithium polymer = li po - lipo but all batteries need to be shown respect ya mobile/laptop lithium-ion ain't quite as explosive but all the same I would rather go OTT with the safety issues rather than peeps just think yeah wtf - what's the worst that can happen...... edit - I was just typing that as you posted they are similar but not as dangerous exploding wise none the less - these batteries can become dangerous if they appear damaged the phone's "ion" do not take damage if the voltage drops lipo's or lithium polymer's can die if the voltage drops too low on each cell so you should never run a lipo battery dry there are lipo alarms that plug in but tbh I and probably most on here just use them carrying a spare and swap over lunchtime especially if the gun starts to perform slowly
  10. blimey..... soz lipo'd out & to save me saying same old same old..... http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/28401-moving-to-lipos-whadda-i-need-to-know/?hl=%2Blipo+%2Bbatteries yes they can explode if you are a tw*t - hence the warnings a little bit puffy is ok but if well "blown" then replace them do not think for a split second oh I'll let some air out - like some bell-end did - moi = BOOOOMMMM ANY battery should not be left unchecked no you do not go to bed or out when charging them you do not charge them on ya carpet/bed you charge them in say garage or in a utility room on a worktop (maybe not on ya mum/wife's brand new show home kitchen surface but you get the idea) get a lipo charging bag that will limit the risk of damage to surrounding areas - a little but won't stop all if she explodes (battery - if ya mum/wife blows her top then get a much bigger bag) sounds like they are unstable - nope but all batteries need to be checked and monitored whilst charging Lipo's really do pack a lot of punch/energy so if that becomes more unstable than a teenage drama queen it will wanna kick off (both damaged lipo and drama queen) As long as you charge them, store them, inspect them and treat them with care they will be fine buy trusted good makes Vapex, Turnigy, Zippy etc...... abuse them and continue to use suspect batteries/chargers and.... well I have demonstrated and witnessed first hand what can happen They are fine - just use common sense oh and btw - ya mobile/laptop is getting warm fizz fizz spark spark (they also use lithium polymer)
  11. More like 15yards, my in-laws are mega golf nuttersI mega suck at it, seriously $hit They tink whizzzz and it flies away All that I get airborne is lumps of fairway Diverts everywhere - blimey looks like that mole from caddy shack tee'd off
  12. Small or mini tamiya is what nearly all aeg's come with.... As upgrades go, small tamiya can/do hold you back a bit Most tweaked guns will have these changed to the T or deans connectors As they allow much better solid connection with much less resistance Vids on YouTube demonstrate deans vs tamiya often showing A 1 to 1.5 increase in rof over stock mini tamiya It is not a must do now tweak but a cheap optional upgrade to consider at some point
  13. patrolbase is an excellent place we have a number of good uk retailers and though you can save a few bob shopping around or importing it is nice to support UK places plus you can ring them for advice n stuff
  14. Geezers Only Ladies F*ck off (well something like that) who in their right mind whacks a ball 150yards (still further than a bb travels) then walks after it and hits it again.... repeat above last line all day I like the 19th hole idea though
  15. each of them 6 or 7 cells are 1.2v each cell is aprox 18mm in diameter and 30mm in length so in effect you have a stock battery of about 90mm x 18mm x 36mm (2x18mm) the connector is called small or mini tamiya (there is a large tamiya but mainly used for RC and jumbo airsoft guns) The size is an aprox guess of your battery dimensions, depends what might lay best up front usually the wires can just be tucked up on top of battery in handguard As I explained YOU and you alone have to check before ordering up anything it sounds daft but even with digital calipers nothing beats getting something similar size and doing a final check that it fits in there ok - with a little room to spare buy a battery that 1mm too big and you will be struggling or forcing it in which isn't wise so have a look around on various sites/ebay for a nice size lipo also consider getting 2 x batteries - one may do you ok especially if 2000mah but depending on trigger happy or not - its a pi$$er running out of juice 3/4 way through ya day (most just swap battery at lunchtime) besides if ya paying for postage of 1 battery then may as well see if you can run to a spare chargers - can get a B3 type charger for about £12 to £15 (little slower to charger but easy to use and just plug into mains - no psu required for most of them) or a B6 genuine for about £20 from hobbyking nearly all B6's on fleabay will be fakes - often they aren't too bad but clones can over charge - not good read up on lipo common safety sense - they are very powerful so ffs don't be a dumbass and go and puncture them like some ar$ehole did (moi btw) they are f*cking dangerous if they get damaged !!!! Arnie in Terminator 3 obviously ran on Lipo's have fun not wishing to $hit you up, but showing them warnings/precautions are all about
  16. first off you gotta measure ya battery space..... then armed with that you can order up a battery if you have a crane stock - battery in rear check the tubes so you can get a 2 stick nunchuk type battery if your gun is front wired check what can squeeze under handguard/barrel area some hanguards can squeeze in a thin but slightly longer 166mm battery rather than say a 140mm long battery type most "stick" batteries are about 18mm diameter by ooh ergh depends on gun often 135/140mm is about length available.... but other guns may take longer stick batteries - especially single stick ones eg: ak's & mp5k's though some can be a tight fit so like I say measure up, make some rough test shapes to see if stock/handguard closes ok then you can work out what your options are...... this should fit - note SHOULD but only 1200mah http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewItem.asp?idProduct=44772 charger: http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__31467__IMAX_B6_50W_5A_Charger_Discharger_1_6_Cells_GENUINE_EU_Warehouse_.html note this is a little more expensive from EU but if buying battery from EU you may as well save on shipping cost for a uk b6 charger you may need to get psu and some adapter if sticking on tamiya connectors other battery options: http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewitem.asp?idProduct=84544 but is a bit long at 168mm plus deans connector http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__31977__ZIPPY_Compact_2200mAh_2S_25C_Lipo_Pack_UK_Warehouse_.html?strSearch=ZIPPY%20COMPACT - xt60 connectors - cut & replace with deans but may only fit in some front wired handguards there are $hitload of options but first you gotta check where ya battery is and what space you got to play with..... or if going old skool: http://www.componentshop.co.uk/batteries/airsoft your gun ???? if this your gun - battery up front measure old block battery - might be able to get a slightly longer one in there but see how tight it is and what room ya got - as actress said to the bishop reason I asked/posted pic is coz sometimes people say I got a G&G CM16...... yeah what bloody one coz there's all sorts/variations out there plus they may have misquoted exact model
  17. batteries: Lipo - 7.4v or 11.1v (2 cells of 3.7v or 3 cells - max charge of 4.2v) so a fresh 7.4v comes off charge at 8.4v 11.1v can be 12.6v :0 LiFe - similar to lipo but cells are 3.3v people use 3 cell - 9.9v but tbh don't bother LiFe's are not all they are cracked up to be imho the range/size/capacity is limited compared to Lipo's The above 2 types have a burst or C rating what is a decent battery is say 7.4v 20 or 25c - no lower if it says 15-25c it is 15c really I have been told chargers for lipo's are cheapy B3 type charging through balance lead or B6 type that can charge all types of batteries - but buy a Genuine B6 original battery was probably a 1200-1500mah 8.4v nimah these are old skool and they don't hold charge over time often old nimah's lose charge very quickly so don't go nutz buying lots of s/hand ones and don't pay loads on new nimah's either lipo's kick ass - even 7.4v to obtain max modest performance from batterys a possible option is to replace tamiya with deans connector on gun+battery easy to do if you can solder - maybe 10 min mod if iron up to temp ffs do NOT cut both leads at same time - cut 1 lead - solder, cut other solder (remember shrink wrap before soldering) see youtube on fitting deans connectors this mod will improve response/rate of fire by aprox 10% or at least 1 rps aprox tamiya - especially small tamiya creates a bit of resistance and restricts the flow to motor component shop or hobby king for getting stuff cheap measure what space you got in gun subtract a few mm's to allow for leads buy genuine B6 charger about £20, can use old laptop psu or buy a psu cheapy lipo's start from about £7:50 in the block form or they do "airsoft" batteries too at hobbyking but think they come from Hong Kong or EU/Netherlands for airsoft be careful where in world you order from if using hobbyking - they do most stuff from UK if ya in a hurry or get from EU site don't get ripped off buying £20 nimah's from airsoft shops with a further £15/£20 for a w@nky smart charger have a look around and all that.... where is the guns battery compartment - up front or in rear "crane" type stock ??? measure the area - heck even roll up cardboard, pack of 10 cigarettes, mars bar or something to see if the mofo fits ok - measure dummy battery etc.... order up - save money BUT don't buy battery that won't fit - I've done that and I am supposed to know what I'm doing - lol
  18. 7.4v lipo comes off charge @ 8.4v and is fine lipo's are the way to go if buying new battery/charger 9.6v nimah old skool is the most I would go to mosfet requires soldering and in v2 boxes opening up of gearbox it is one of the upgrade options to consider at a later stage...... you don't really need a 11.1v lipo imho if you shove in 11.1v too much juice it will run faster but often a faster stock gun will break quickly if pushed too much (truth is many guns running faster n faster will be likely to break quicker - like thrashing ya motor you could say) use gun for 6 months, up to 9.6v see how she goes if/when the spring/fps drops see about some mild tweaks/service if she shoots crap - look at hop/bucking - 99% of accuracy/range is there not mega fps please do not think like many of us did: gotta upgrade this that and everything else I must have a MadBull Tight Bore Barrel it has to have 12:1 gears or Dual Sector Gear and must all be replaced with Lonex Ultimate stuff inside with £50+ motor like a car - if you want a mofo gun/car - buy one ya suped up Ford Focus or G&G/Cyma will ergh still be a Ford Focus so don't get too carried away with upgrades straight away but you will coz you are a bloke - lol seriously - just get out there - use it have fun, see how you go don't go too nutz on upgrades too quickly a few tweaks cost very little and not many parts have to be all replaced plus if it breaks - and it could/will at some point like a car battered up ford escort you have a go at fixing/tweaking/bodging it it ain't rocket science but often not quite as easy as you might think if it is still shagged - cut ya losses buy another box/gun etc....... just get out there, meet other people and shoot 'em (in a friendly airsoft way of course) how long gun will last - impossible to answer might notice a little drop in performance say 6 months time from seals/spring/bucking but depends how much you use it and if you abuse or take a little common sense care like a pc - works fine before internet - go online then it will get shagged from virus/malware/crap over time aeg - hang it on ya wall, lasts ages (until the high quality pot metal gearbox crumbles over years) high end guns will/should last longer or their owners take more care of them in my book if anybody has a "starter gun" lasting years n years n years - you ain't using it much or giving it abuse but I like breaking things - always push stuff - always have to ignore the wet paint sign.... Yup - they are right - it is still wet that paint
  19. it is 101% true..... That guy with a PolarStar will get the right hump when that little 13yr old keeps taking him out with a JBBG gun it is a fact that does happen...... £1,000 doesn't buy fun - well maybe a load of hookers but in airsoft it doesn't guarantee you will own the field just on buying all the top $hit I've seen it myself and I'm sure many if not most of us have airsoft is like motoring Porsche might be the bollox on M1 but around town there will ALWAYS be that little bastid dominoes pizza twat on his moped right up your ar$e
  20. F*CK ME I've met my long lost twin brother Uhmm yeah what he said Wow did ya get a new keyboard for chrimbo and just breaking it in - kidding Great info post - mega likey Mags if they operate OK leave alone Make sure you empty them of bb's release tension as spring in mag if left wound will perform crap if left full & wound.
  21. just like to add...... tbh I dunno about locking it - just delete this whole post I see all sides but the slim 0.0001% relation to airsoft in the post the rest is envoking a reaction that the c*nt has set out to do from the start so this whole thread is giving him more attention plus squabbles perhaps the whole thread is nearly as $hit as most of my posts ffs yes the Nazi's/Germans were horrible c*nts too but the world has tried to move on and learn from it all The "joke" or just having a laugh..... yup even Prince Harry was snapped as a Nazi.... However - very often "jokes" are at somebody's expensive be it the one about the 3 irishmen, 2 black guys, a blonde woman etc.... But this "joke" is deemed by many to be in bad taste just to seek attention imho This is my last word on the matter - ffs just forget the post along with the w@nker just giving it more attention and fanning fires etc....... I really don't believe in deleting posts but this one I wouldn't mind not seeing again if I could edit a poll but I didn't start the post - this post should be removed if you wanna remember anything - buy a poppy but forget this crap
  22. Observation is best, an overwatch of enemies approaching or attempting a flank. From a modest safe distance perhaps still within sniping range but passing on numbers direction etc... Unsure how players would feel about this in normal reg/mil sim games.... But suppose it could be fun to incorporate into a terminator skynet type game. But shooting down some higher end drones can be costly with possible go-pro damage. Idea can be built upon but tbh I just go for pew peeew pew. Airsoft I'd just my escape from being Dumbass Daft Vader in real life I play airsoft when I man up this $hit got real well as real as it can be with a toy gun At home I play COD blops 2 when I feel like I want play silly far fetched crap May the farce be with us
  23. LWA 10% off Boxing Day only: JINGLEBALLS, in case you missed Z1's 15% discount on chrimbo day

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. djben9


      that's what we all say....just need will power!! :)

    3. Larry


      cheers for the heads up!

    4. TheFull9


      damn you SD, I saw this at 20 to midnight and crumpled immediately...

  24. perfectly normal - my motto yes dear - this is my last gun I'm buying
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