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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. He WAS IS Bruce Willis - I'm sure he said yipee kai yay mothf**ker a few times (anybody who runs TOWARDS the terminator is either very good or stupid - I'd say stupidly good)
  2. I would like to apologise to any of my team I kept shooting by mistake one poor sod think I shot him twice or more - but you guys were all great sports Also if you shot my feathery ar$e or podgy fluffy belly I may not have felt it but think we all played great and fair Plus we got stuck in without any ego's or win at any cost crap - just pure peew peew peew enjoyment Marshal's were spot on, my FFR2 was too hot but hey ho their chronoing was bang on Relaxed and friendly but very experienced and just straight talking down to earth normal players themselves.... Some may say about the breaks between games but gave us a chance for smoke and catch up/pi$$ take etc.... The layout and games were pretty damn good and numbers just right too Trigger - jeez, I pity the sods playing today who are up against him (I managed to get him just once compared his slaughtering of me numerous times) And he said he was just messing about - yeah wise move me staying in today to wash my hair/feathers
  3. Aye cheers Trigger for sorting it all out & also to Proffrink too for pyro's It was a right laugh - good night out with some good players well worth the trip - many thanks to all who turned up to shoot me
  4. psssst - a lot of metal used in receivers and gearboxes is just $hit pot metal a number of really old airsoft boxes just crumble away but mine sleep in my bed though missus gets the hump it is a toy gun, it WILL break in time when it does THEN look at options all the time it is in bits is lost time playing peew peew peew but up to you
  5. 200% agree on this - if you take any pride in what you do you ensure you do it right or just don't bother even if customer is an idiot and 4 months ??? soz there was one with a cross eyed dude but couldn't find it & tbh can't be ar$ed OP - don't worry I'm crap at upgrading too - I know a lot why guns break though Oh yeah I'm the dogz nutz at that bit - coz I break nearly every gun I touch in fact the only guns that still work are ones that remain un-duck'd yeah quite a lot of my guns are well ducked you could say
  6. jeeez - at best the dsg pulls 60% max of spring's rating with spacers n crap..... tbh - your m8 would of been better off with 12:1 gears m130 and knock off say 3 or 4 teeth one thing I'd love to know - who the f*ck was the "tech" - surely he would of known it would be worse than a JBBG springer ok stop calling me Shirley So why would he have built it - ok customer spec but thought anybody who was worth owt would of shouted how $hit it would be and still I'd of thought - nah soz m8 it would be total $hit I wouldn't bother doing it - honest he used dual sector gears.... one the sector is dsg shs dsg's are designed to work with stock 18:1 or 16:1 gears if you kept stock gears - bevel + spur then due to some FH's having 8 teeth on bevel ratio is down to nearly 22:1 so on a dsg your actual gearing is just 11:1 being anal I know but really think dsg's are over rated - well for us in UK and if still on stock motor & tamiya no fet it is like a badly thought through build I'm afraid yes you could put in a m170 spring but watch out that is one mofo to get in there mine might have been only a m150-m160 but was using 10mm piston spacer & bearing spring guide to up the spring and that took about 10 attempts no lie to get in there that is one of a few reasons why I think dsg is not that great Short Stroking is a better option and less chance of spring flying out as you close up the box
  7. what is up with present receiver ??? is it not metal anyway ??? http://www.airsoftgi.com/product_info.php?products_id=3168 yes it should be possible to drop it into another m4 receiver or body it isn't the sr25 extended gearbox so should go into another another "normal" M4 receiver ok (there might be a small amount of filing but nothing really) It is a M4 toy gun - Tokyo Marui compatible blah blah blah.... truth is a lot of TM compatible stuff will need a smidge of work/file to fit in properly in other stuff (get used to it - very rare does everything in perfectly 101% everytime - though receivers usually aren't way out) Just wondering what's up with present receiver as you are thinking of re-shelling everything On some receivers the thread for the RIS can be different and/or some 416 receivers can have the upper receiver rail a bit higher/lower than a RIS you are installing So yeah it can be done but a bit of work and you might if unlucky run into a stumbling block if not 100% compatible if gun works - use it and leave stripping her down until she breaks if it ain't broke - don't try to fix it !!! wish I took that advice on occasions
  8. Wise reminder... I got a bit of drive home afterwards so it would be absolutely insane for me to even consider that Besides I shoot $hit when I'm sober so I'd probably be more of danger to myself let alone others if I'm pi$$ed
  9. I defend my $hit teching skills with a simple If you don't wan't ya gun to break on ya and last for years n years.... HANG IT ON THE F*CKING WALL (ok everybody chime in - or buy TM/Krytac - nope I'll break those - even if Tonka made aeg's I bet I can break them too) Sad fact I actually enjoy seeing what breaks and just how much - ahhh yeah maybe that was pushing it a bit too far it is always gonna break on its weakest part - wow no $hit sherlock but true - you can put in Siegtek gears etc.... but means jack if the rest is crap & not up to the stress ahh well jog on
  10. Must have been pure agony more like But even the ultra high precision of G&G - ppppaaaaaaaaaaah Even G&G's have their faults End of the day to all gun owners - it is your gun at end of the day and your money I'm sure any gun that was bad in past will improve I mean, c'mon if they was THAT BAD, they gotta improve - can't get much worse if something is that crap No I ain't saying Ares or SRC or other gun makes are that bad I pull apart - no really I rip apart any gun I get and if its good I praise it imho if it is crap I will slate it in a very brutal way no punches pulled I don't own an Ares so I can't comment, if I did have one I'm sure it would be a an epic review (probably have to turn into a movie & 12 part mini TV series spin-off to cover it) If you like your Honey Badger or you like you Badger Honey - stop calling me honey/Shirley Then fine - it is your gun, your money and tbh don't worry what others might say in the end
  11. The BULL$HIT aka Bulldog stuff from JBBG is just that.... The charger has a 1.0 & 2.0 setting - not got one though, try two of them to buy once or twice from JBBG is an easy mistake.... To buy often from JBBG & BBGuns4Less then the buyer is c@nt - ergh guess that was me Anyway if it is like mine, it has 2 settings - I kept it at 1.0 setting The problem is one battery sounds f*cked and perhaps the other is half f*cked The old skool nimah's just crap out eventually and usually they "seem" to charge.... But it is like a bucket with a hole in - as soon as you take it off charge or pick bucket up it starts emptying..... on duff nimah's you can charge them the day/night before and the next day they have lost a considerable amount or one of the 1.2v cell's is w@nked and the battery is nigh on dead when charged If you bought recently new from JBBG - f*cking send it back asap - nimah's are $hit - no really they are f*cking $hit !!!! Most Airsoft shops sell them - f*ck knows why coz they are fully aware of their short comings I mean - yeah they are batteries and they do work in stock guns but not great compared to modern day batteries But its like you still using a classic Nokia 6310i or heck move up a bit and use a Motorola Razor etc.... Whilst everybody else has iPhone or Android mofo's Actually sorry Nokia that is not fair - them Nokia's could last a week on battery being used 24/7 your nimah's at best are last 1 or 1.5mags If you bought new then you have spent 3 x £15 and got little to show for it - get onto them to$$ers if you bought s/hand - you got a dead & half dead pair of nimah's and know why previous owner upgraded to lipo doubt if charger is duff as nigh on them batteries just crap out & die I'm afraid their performance deteriorates - sometimes very quickly
  12. Oh please tell you didn't get your gun from JBBG as well ya charger/battery sounds duff try and return those 3x £15 items for refund and consider going lipo (think a few still use nimah's but only coz of 9.6v for people wanting a bit more than 7.4v and not wanting juicy 11.1v lipo's) hope you can return it to that fat chubby liar - their customer service isn't their strong point I'm afraid
  13. Well I congratulate you on your honesty Though if your was a sales rep for Ares, you may be down on your commission this month
  14. With ANY mag.... Empty the mag when ya finished !!!! Leave a mag wound up or midcap loaded for a fortnight/ month or so it will lose tension in spring do you will eventually be winding the mag to fire 6-10 shots Same goes for gun, ensure you fire it on semi a couple of times, if crazy speed mofo gun, try and park it with a used battery Leaving gun's spring pre-cocked will result in fps loss very quickly Kind of common sense but just letting ya know to help gun & last longer - hopefully
  15. Also they use certain bespoke bits like ECU or whatever bollox they call it with magnets n crap on sector gear Now the tehy guy did a quiet DSG with magnets in a SHS DDG gear so they can be tweaked Just the bespoke bits n possible fun if/when they bust Most people like the stuff that is more TM compatible, easy to source parts and stuff like that. We all bitch about stuff, all guns have their flaws Some more than others and any potential owner should take into consideration ALL aspects of a gun they are thinking of buying. Still, I have bought worse so just remember to listen to the cons as well as any pros of future guns
  16. High torque 33% faster than lame ferrite aprox High speed 50% faster but gets warm quickly pulling over m100 springs Get torque - a good motor available from almost any tetailer
  17. Why is so bad to be in Sweden ??? soz just being very stupid and silly - like FaceBook
  18. Make the group secret instead of private - wow then that can make me a dodgy toy arms dealer then or I can make out I'm working for MI5 but now I've said that I will have to kill you Yet but trying to putting into perspective - it is just daft as f*ck ebay UK no aeg's - ebay USA still sold aeg's ok that is down to different regulations from each different country but all the same Call the EU about our human rights as a toy gun owner - oooops wrong thread I'm sure the US will threaten their rights to bear toy gun arms and such it is just daft, surely a group for sales is better than flogging stuff at a boot fair / gumtree / free ads at least they bang on about defense even for trades - well ones I've seen do
  19. So this begs the question..... Will Zero One, Gunfire, LWA etc..... have their FaceBook pages shut down ??? Jeeez - where can terrorists buy toy guns now ??? And Apple refuse to unlock a murder's fone ??? Yeah the world is one crazy place - getting crazier by the minute
  20. http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__44713__Turnigy_nano_tech_1500mAh_2S_20_40C_Lipo_AIRSOFT_Pack_EU_Warehouse_.html alas still a 20c but might offer a little more grunt.... or bit of a squeeze but might fit in: http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__44774__Turnigy_nano_tech_1200mAh_2S_25_50C_Lipo_AIRSOFT_Pack_EU_Warehouse_.html heck maybe even two of them to make a 2400mah 25c just a smidge over on length 116mm and 17mm by 13mm or some of mine but a bit fat..... http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__31977__ZIPPY_Compact_2200mAh_2S_25C_Lipo_Pack_UK_Warehouse_.html?strSearch=ZIPPY%20COMPACT
  21. TaiwanGun JG G36c @ £80 downgrade the spring free of charge As do Gunfire.pl decent china guns like Cyma JG etc.. - TWG or GF higher end stuff maybe a UK retailer
  22. it is the site's chrono and more so the make.... My xcortech 3200 does "seem" to match my own sites chrono They have had a few over time but think they gone back to xcortech 3200 they lost the funnel so had trouble chronoing some chubby suppressor guns so they tried some others like the madbull type with readings on the side But either they were $hite or busted too soon or they managed to get a funnel from somewhere love my 3200 - can be picky sometimes numerous TOUT but daylight and hold gun as straight as possible As for changing battery in chrono - think that answers the question 3200 just shuts down flashing low battery most popular is xcortech - must be for a reason often madbull can be 5% out I'm lead to think - that is a lot if ya close to site limit as you have found out
  23. Try £80 once you get ukara'd http://www.taiwangun.com/en/electric/608-jg?from=listing&campaign-id=19 Now - I'm 99% certain your Black Viper or Well D68 mag(s) won't fit "proper" G36c's Yes at a scrape the BV G36c you can get by with, choose you battles carefully though you are gonna be out ranged by many/most so you are at a disadvantage straight away In cqb you stand a better chance but don't bother trying to shoot anything over say 40m maybe 30m might be limit as rof/range/fps sucks a bit the 280fps might be on 0.12g's only say 240 on 0.20's - these JBBG or BBG4Less kinda quote leaner performance figures So adjust play style to suit you & your gun's limits and you will have a better time and not get your ar$e kicked too badly If anybody else is reading this considering a cheap starter G&G Raider 2-tone for free from Zero One or if you like clear guns ICS clear M4's from FireSupport - I got the 42-W but think commando would be great option seriously - if you could of run to say £120 you would of seen the big difference in a better starter gun Still The BV G36/Well D68 isn't complete $hit - tiny bit better than B500a1 still plastic gearbox and mags are not fully JG compatible.... But when you get ukara'd you won't be buying from sites with BB in their names selling to kids and noobs PS - I and many others bought similar stuff at first you have passed the AF-UK initiation test and though you might have made an easy mistake you will learn a valuable lesson and at least now you found this place much earlier than I did (I bought a few crappy guns starting out - so you have done better than me )
  24. GBB pistols look cool not tried hpa stuff or GBB rifles to me its just toy guns but to some they love a GBB rifle You just want a gun to work with quality and last well (and look the dogz nutz) Krytac is what I'd be looking at if you can run to it
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