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Sitting Duck

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Status Replies posted by Sitting Duck

  1. Jumped out of a plane at 3k feet, well that was fun.

  2. Well... I just found out as a suprise bbirthday present my dad ordered an airsoft pistol. It was the galaxy G21 as he found it written down on lots of bits of paper so I gues he must have thought this is the one. I know its not extremely high quality or a CM16, but its a start. After 3 years, I can finally start.

  3. Great day at The Mall. Holding a single pillar in Peacocks, dual wielding pistols (and sometimes my double barreled S-Thunder launcher) with enemies coming at me from 3 of 4 sides... That recording needs to be turned into a video pronto :)

  4. Just accepted a very tasty new job offer! Woop Woop

  5. Did I just see a MET counter terrorist guy wearing an Airsoft mesh mask on his helmet....like we all do ??... BBC News at 10pm

  6. Just tried to access the Ukara website and it says it no longer exists... Is UKARA now defunct or something ???

  7. £300 for a new tooth, serves me right really...

  8. My wife said if she finds Bb's in the washing machine again she will leave me and move in with her sister.......airsoft really is the sport that keeps on giving!

  9. £300 for a new tooth, serves me right really...

  10. WTF is going on in Germany, stabbings, shooting, then another stabbing & now IED http://www.skynews.com.au/news/world/europe/2016/07/25/one-killed-in-german-explosion.html

  11. WTF is going on in Germany, stabbings, shooting, then another stabbing & now IED http://www.skynews.com.au/news/world/europe/2016/07/25/one-killed-in-german-explosion.html

  12. Any one know the best paint to make a two-tone with?

  13. Any one know the best paint to make a two-tone with?

  14. So having whinged like a stuck pig at The Mall for having no pyro last Sunday, I just found half a carrier bag full of MK5s. FML.

  15. We probably need a MIA post, just realised ian_gere hasn't been on in along time!

  16. Cya guys... Won't be here for a long while.. Gotta take a break, life is real sh*t atm and it don't feel like I should be on forums, but I should be doing more useful things in my life. Don't feel particularly thought upon here, but nevertheless it was fun. Just due to life I have no time for this. Thanks guys

  17. Cya guys... Won't be here for a long while.. Gotta take a break, life is real sh*t atm and it don't feel like I should be on forums, but I should be doing more useful things in my life. Don't feel particularly thought upon here, but nevertheless it was fun. Just due to life I have no time for this. Thanks guys

  18. Well my new gun arrived. It would have been nice if the courier didn't "deliver" it over the fence though.

  19. Well my new gun arrived. It would have been nice if the courier didn't "deliver" it over the fence though.

  20. To anyone who gets to read this, use the code: Launch10 for 10% off guns and ammo at my new retailer! (swasairsoft.co.uk)

  21. Well, no new toys for me for a while. Just been stiffed by a cyclist on the road, he caused £500 worth of damages (parts alone) to my motorcycle, plus won't be able to work for a while due to injuries in knee. Yay. /s

  22. Absolute shambles.............

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