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Sitting Duck

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Status Replies posted by Sitting Duck

  1. Anyone know if combat machine colours are moulded into the plastic? Planning on stripping back to the original colour

  2. Anyone know if combat machine colours are moulded into the plastic? Planning on stripping back to the original colour

  3. that feel when car insurance is over 6000 euro a year for me so I can't commute to the nearest site that does weekly games (((((

  4. Merry Xmas everybody.

  5. Bought my first hi-cap.

  6. Trying to get Medal of honour allied assualt to work on my PC running windows 10 but everytime I launch all it does is go to the permission to make changes to your computer, I click yes and then nothing. Any ideas on what to do?

  7. While randomly searching BBs, found .69g bbs. Didn't know they existed. Kinda neat.

  8. Trying to get Medal of honour allied assualt to work on my PC running windows 10 but everytime I launch all it does is go to the permission to make changes to your computer, I click yes and then nothing. Any ideas on what to do?

  9. £24.70 tax/RM charge on a £38 order wtf

  10. £24.70 tax/RM charge on a £38 order wtf

  11. ZeroOne have G&G CM16s going for £90 at the moment - they're converted from GBB to AEG. Good price for anyone looking for a Backup/Loan Rifle?

  12. Just started a new Facebook page and blog, any support from you lovely lot would be appreciated!! :)https://www.facebook.com/SniperMechanic/

  13. Everyone needs to calm down about trump, in the UK we wont be affected and in the US there is still the senate and house to block any over the top laws from trump.

  14. Trump has made a speech thanking all the people who helped him become POTUS.... http://imgur.com/EW2T9rf

  15. Trump has made a speech thanking all the people who helped him become POTUS.... http://imgur.com/EW2T9rf

  16. How do adults treat 14 yo's? I spoke to several adults last skirmish, and pretty much all were chill and respected and spoke to me like I was of their age. But do some treat you much different

  17. Just purchased my first airsoft rifle, a G&G GC4 G26 30th Anniversary Limited Edition AEG Airsoft Rifle

  18. Just purchased my first airsoft rifle, a G&G GC4 G26 30th Anniversary Limited Edition AEG Airsoft Rifle

  19. Well, survived a Category 4 hurricane... Dock's gone, got half the river in our yard, we no longer have a road, and I had to work for 3 hours to save the Jag from drowning... But my guns so far have all survived the flooding :D

  20. I hate my Sig its a total bitch and I want to take it out back and beat it with a large mallet.

  21. I hate my Sig its a total bitch and I want to take it out back and beat it with a large mallet.

  22. Probably not a big deal to some, but last night I stripped my AEG and changed the spring. To a complete DIY idiot, this was a huge win for me! (Let's hope it still works on Sunday - Going to EAG Dorking again if anyone else is going?)

  23. Probably not a big deal to some, but last night I stripped my AEG and changed the spring. To a complete DIY idiot, this was a huge win for me! (Let's hope it still works on Sunday - Going to EAG Dorking again if anyone else is going?)

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