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Sitting Duck

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Status Replies posted by Sitting Duck

  1. Well - said to myself & family I'd give up smoking if Brexit won. Damn it, now I'm a vaper but may see if they do a Vape Pipe or something, family know how ultra cranky I got last time I tried to give up smoking

  2. Well - said to myself & family I'd give up smoking if Brexit won. Damn it, now I'm a vaper but may see if they do a Vape Pipe or something, family know how ultra cranky I got last time I tried to give up smoking

  3. Well - said to myself & family I'd give up smoking if Brexit won. Damn it, now I'm a vaper but may see if they do a Vape Pipe or something, family know how ultra cranky I got last time I tried to give up smoking

  4. As far as interviews go I think that went alright.....

  5. First wholesale order recived, launching 30th June! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SismeyWilliamsonAirsoftSolutions/

  6. Well.....Got my 1st interview on Monday

  7. well... TA TA!!

  8. Nothing but dumb questions and classifieds, AF-UK has become just like a Facebook page.

  9. Nothing but dumb questions and classifieds, AF-UK has become just like a Facebook page.

  10. Applied for a new job/promotion, fingers crossed!!

  11. Off to the Test Centre for me HGV test :0

  12. Stupid question of the day.....Anyone know if there's UK stock of BTC spectres?

  13. Stupid question of the day.....Anyone know if there's UK stock of BTC spectres?

  14. Stupid question of the day.....Anyone know if there's UK stock of BTC spectres?

  15. Not sure about you, infact, not even sure myself. But if I'm right in saying so, a large majority of people in the UK don't actually know whether to vote for EU exit or not. I overheard my dad and his mate talking, and they had the same thoughts..

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      I've said I'm out on this matter, and that is that. You carry on but I'm not getting drawn into it any more

    2. (See 76 other replies to this status update)

  16. Not sure about you, infact, not even sure myself. But if I'm right in saying so, a large majority of people in the UK don't actually know whether to vote for EU exit or not. I overheard my dad and his mate talking, and they had the same thoughts..

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      I'm done - you carry on but I am out of this

    2. (See 76 other replies to this status update)

  17. Not sure about you, infact, not even sure myself. But if I'm right in saying so, a large majority of people in the UK don't actually know whether to vote for EU exit or not. I overheard my dad and his mate talking, and they had the same thoughts..

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      yes crimes are commited by people of all races we know but to cover it all up just provokes further outrage

    2. (See 76 other replies to this status update)

  18. Not sure about you, infact, not even sure myself. But if I'm right in saying so, a large majority of people in the UK don't actually know whether to vote for EU exit or not. I overheard my dad and his mate talking, and they had the same thoughts..

  19. Not sure about you, infact, not even sure myself. But if I'm right in saying so, a large majority of people in the UK don't actually know whether to vote for EU exit or not. I overheard my dad and his mate talking, and they had the same thoughts..

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      2nd part - yes some of the attackers held EU passports - freedom of movement etc...

    2. (See 76 other replies to this status update)

  20. Not sure about you, infact, not even sure myself. But if I'm right in saying so, a large majority of people in the UK don't actually know whether to vote for EU exit or not. I overheard my dad and his mate talking, and they had the same thoughts..

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      I could go on but I'd be accused of being racist or crap like that. Scots can fly their flag but moment an English person becomes even a slight bit patriotic they are made to feel racist - so much for free speech & the whole world is going f*cking nutz tbh. I'm done on this coz I don't wanna fall out over this with any of you so vote how feel

    2. (See 76 other replies to this status update)

  21. Not sure about you, infact, not even sure myself. But if I'm right in saying so, a large majority of people in the UK don't actually know whether to vote for EU exit or not. I overheard my dad and his mate talking, and they had the same thoughts..

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      YES the HR bill has gone too far if you can't deport or extradite 7 Algerians wanted for for terrorism or the wikileak bloke and who knows what else. Paris attackers could have walked straight over here and blown up London instead of Paris as a number Held EU passports - unchecked. Numerous rape cases are being with held from news.

    2. (See 76 other replies to this status update)

  22. Not sure about you, infact, not even sure myself. But if I'm right in saying so, a large majority of people in the UK don't actually know whether to vote for EU exit or not. I overheard my dad and his mate talking, and they had the same thoughts..

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Well we all are entitled to our opinions I guess. But feel some people are on stronger medication than others perhaps - almost as strong as some MP's

    2. (See 76 other replies to this status update)

  23. Not sure about you, infact, not even sure myself. But if I'm right in saying so, a large majority of people in the UK don't actually know whether to vote for EU exit or not. I overheard my dad and his mate talking, and they had the same thoughts..

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      I used the banana example of how it has gone nutz along with some cases where the Human Rights bill has perhaps gone too far.

    2. (See 76 other replies to this status update)

  24. Not sure about you, infact, not even sure myself. But if I'm right in saying so, a large majority of people in the UK don't actually know whether to vote for EU exit or not. I overheard my dad and his mate talking, and they had the same thoughts..

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      As said I'm out and always have been - lets see once n for all if the world collapses. sort out EU & UK then maybe see how it goes. But if we stay for more of the same we will have no chance to change anything and just have to keep going with same ol same ol' and moaning about it but not have the balls to try something else. Up to all how you vote but I know I want to give it a shot

    2. (See 76 other replies to this status update)

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