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Sitting Duck

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Status Replies posted by Sitting Duck

  1. Not sure about you, infact, not even sure myself. But if I'm right in saying so, a large majority of people in the UK don't actually know whether to vote for EU exit or not. I overheard my dad and his mate talking, and they had the same thoughts..

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Don't get me wrong I think a lot of EU stuff is a good idea in principle but lately it has gone nutz - bent/straight bananas carrots, exploiting the loopholes etc... I still think lets consider getting out, then EU gets a kick up its own ar$e, sorts out its crap or it goes under, then maybe after it gets straightened out for everybody then maybe we can consider rejoining a reformed EU at some stage - but atm its getting more & more bollox tbh

    2. (See 76 other replies to this status update)

  2. Not sure about you, infact, not even sure myself. But if I'm right in saying so, a large majority of people in the UK don't actually know whether to vote for EU exit or not. I overheard my dad and his mate talking, and they had the same thoughts..

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Agreed but when a case can take 5 to 10 years to bring before the HR court and await outcome & appeals it makes a mockery when trying to apply common sense to fairly straight forward matters. Criminals can't be deported, Prisoners demand their voting rights in prison - all bollox

    2. (See 76 other replies to this status update)

  3. Not sure about you, infact, not even sure myself. But if I'm right in saying so, a large majority of people in the UK don't actually know whether to vote for EU exit or not. I overheard my dad and his mate talking, and they had the same thoughts..

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      eh ??? think that is showing classic early signs of The Guardian overdose. We helped set the thing up (WWII) but it like most EU stuff has gone nutz now

    2. (See 76 other replies to this status update)

  4. Not sure about you, infact, not even sure myself. But if I'm right in saying so, a large majority of people in the UK don't actually know whether to vote for EU exit or not. I overheard my dad and his mate talking, and they had the same thoughts..

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      no fair - that is just FaceBook in general - not just EU stuff

    2. (See 76 other replies to this status update)

  5. Not sure about you, infact, not even sure myself. But if I'm right in saying so, a large majority of people in the UK don't actually know whether to vote for EU exit or not. I overheard my dad and his mate talking, and they had the same thoughts..

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Most people have already made up their minds ages ago based on their own personal experiences and beliefs. No bull$hit will sway them. It is the undecided that worries me as it is such a close call. If it was 60/40 then nowt anybody can do

    2. (See 76 other replies to this status update)

  6. Thinking the CYMA CM.016 M4 Polymer as a starting rifle...

  7. Awesome forum game at the mall, well done to all those that attended :)

  8. Well my AK turned up from Gunfire with no issues..happy man right here!

  9. Well my AK turned up from Gunfire with no issues..happy man right here!

  10. 10% off G&G @ Zero One until midnight today

  11. Loaded my Hi-cap for it's second outing tomorrow, hopefully I get off more than 20 shots before hating it; Hi-Cap Heroes Hazzah!

  12. 10% off G&G @ Zero One until midnight today

  13. 10% off G&G @ Zero One until midnight today

  14. Going well - upsetting others on the www. I'm a natural I guess :D

  15. Loaded my Hi-cap for it's second outing tomorrow, hopefully I get off more than 20 shots before hating it; Hi-Cap Heroes Hazzah!

  16. Just prepped my guns for tomorrow and notice that zero one .36s have expanded good thing i have some geoffs

  17. Loaded my Hi-cap for it's second outing tomorrow, hopefully I get off more than 20 shots before hating it; Hi-Cap Heroes Hazzah!

  18. Loaded my Hi-cap for it's second outing tomorrow, hopefully I get off more than 20 shots before hating it; Hi-Cap Heroes Hazzah!

  19. 4 AKs is enough for Sunday...right? Or should I pack one moire, just in case?

  20. 4 AKs is enough for Sunday...right? Or should I pack one moire, just in case?

  21. 4 AKs is enough for Sunday...right? Or should I pack one moire, just in case?

  22. Decent kit/gun bag that wont break my budget ideas?

  23. Decent kit/gun bag that wont break my budget ideas?

  24. Decent kit/gun bag that wont break my budget ideas?

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