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Sitting Duck

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Status Replies posted by Sitting Duck

  1. 20% of Gate Mosfets at their online store: prepare4battle

  2. I hate my Sig its a total bitch and I want to take it out back and beat it with a large mallet.

  3. I hate my Sig its a total bitch and I want to take it out back and beat it with a large mallet.

  4. I hate my Sig its a total bitch and I want to take it out back and beat it with a large mallet.

  5. I hate my Sig its a total bitch and I want to take it out back and beat it with a large mallet.

  6. I hate my Sig its a total bitch and I want to take it out back and beat it with a large mallet.

  7. I hate my Sig its a total bitch and I want to take it out back and beat it with a large mallet.

  8. I hate my Sig its a total bitch and I want to take it out back and beat it with a large mallet.

  9. Bought a battleaxe electric mag. Thus far incredibly unimpressed.

  10. Just come back from a cracking night at the mall. Was good to SD and Jedi again.

  11. Where's SD gone?

  12. Where's SD gone?

  13. Best wishes to all younger players getting their GCSE's today, Duck Jnr did very well - better than moi which now equates to kids thinking they know it all even more. Bless 'em they still have so much still to learn

  14. PC blew up tonight. Boo. :(

  15. Today was absolutely amazing, so much better than paintball. Didn't encounter any cheaters and everyone was happy to give us advice, let us play around with their rifles a bit and the sportsmanship on the field was great. Absolutely amazing day

  16. Wife just told me that there is a family barbecue at her mothers on Sunday and we are invited. So I emailed the mall to book a space soon as she left the room.

  17. Wife just told me that there is a family barbecue at her mothers on Sunday and we are invited. So I emailed the mall to book a space soon as she left the room.

  18. Finally got my UKARA sorted. Time for shopping....huehue

  19. f*cking ebay non payers!!!

  20. f*cking ebay non payers!!!

  21. f*cking ebay non payers!!!

  22. Of course, at chrono today Gun1 was firing at only 150fps. Gun2's motor then borked before lunch. Gun3 is an AM-016 with DSG set up for pre-cocking. Of course, battery was too powerful when fully charged which made it not shoot, then double shoot on semi. FINALLY, now I'm home, Gun1 is at 300fps again, Gun2's motor has been cleaned and lubed, and Gun3 is FIRING PERFECTLY. What is this madness?

  23. Of course, at chrono today Gun1 was firing at only 150fps. Gun2's motor then borked before lunch. Gun3 is an AM-016 with DSG set up for pre-cocking. Of course, battery was too powerful when fully charged which made it not shoot, then double shoot on semi. FINALLY, now I'm home, Gun1 is at 300fps again, Gun2's motor has been cleaned and lubed, and Gun3 is FIRING PERFECTLY. What is this madness?

  24. Nothing like a bomb threat and armed police to spice up your skirmish!

  25. Nothing like a bomb threat and armed police to spice up your skirmish!

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